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1972-S $1 40% WDDO-001

1972-S $1 40% WDDO-002

1972-S $1 Pr WDDO-003

1972-S $1 40% WDDO-004

1972-S $1 40% WDDO-005

Description:  Class II tripling spread towards the center can be found on the date, IGWT, and close on LIBERTY where the L and I show the strongest spread at the tops of the letters.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found to the right of the upper L in LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs SW from the rim to the left of the B in LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs from west to east to the right of the upper Y in LIBERTY and intersects another die scratch that runs from WNW to ESE.  Two small die gouges can be found SW of the S mint mark.  Reverse:  The reverse shows doubling as found on WMHR-001.  A die crack runs across the horizontal bar of the A in STATES and into the field to the right of the A.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the center of the 2nd T in STATES.

Submitted By:  Terry Zerr

Cross References:  None known

New paragraph

1972-S $1 Pr WDDO-006

Description:  A CCW spread shows on LIBERTY, the hair details on the upper head, and slightly on the date.  A spread towards the center shows on IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Peg Leg R.  No other significant die markers were detected.  Reverse:  No significant die markers detected.

Submitted By:  Brian Vaile

Cross References:  None known

1972-S $1 Pr WDDR-001

1972-S $1 Pr WDDR-002