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1931-S 5¢ WDDR-001

Description:  A strong Class VI spread shows on USA and EPU.  A slight spread shows on FIVE CENTS.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die crack runs from the head to the U in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Larry Briggs

Cross References:  CONECA: 1-R-VI

1931-S 5¢ WDDR-002

Description:  A Class IV spread to the west shows on the upper right side of the front left leg, the center of the back left leg, and below the neck.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Many die scratches can be found on the top of the head.  Reverse:  A die crack runs from the top of the head to the U in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Ron Pope

Cross References:  CONECA: 2-R-IV

1931-S 5¢ WDDR-003          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A Class IV spread to the SE shows as tripling to the PL of PLURIBUS, the first U in UNUM, and the fur on the top of the back.  Doubling shows on the UR of PLURIBUS, the fur on the shoulder, the front left leg, and the back left leg.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  None noted.

Submitted By:  Brian Raines

Cross References:  CONECA: 3-R-IV

1931-S 5¢ WDDR-004

Description:  Slight Class IV shows behind the rear left leg.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Series of N/S die scratches below the Indian’s chin just to the right of his neck.  Reverse:  Two very small die dots between the upper portion of E of FIVE and C of CENT.  Slanted die scratch from the center of A of STATES to the T of STATES.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known