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1935 5¢ WDDO-001

Description:  A strong Class VI spread shows on LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Short, almost horizontal, die scratch in hair just above where the two feathers form an X.  Slanted die gouge in front of neck.  Reverse:  Numerous die scratches through STATES.  Numerous die scratches between front and rear legs just above ground.  Diagonal die gouge west of F of FIVE where the ground meets the rim.

Submitted By:  Jennifer Casazza

Cross References:  None known

1935 5¢ WDDR-001          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A strong Class IV spread to the NW shows on FIVE CENTS, USA, EPU, and most details on the buffalo.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  None noted.  Obverse Stage B:  Die clash marks can be found below the chin.  Abrasion scratches run from NE to SW.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs SE from the braid under the ribbon to the shoulder.  Reverse Stage A:  None noted.  Reverse Stage B:  Die clash marks can be found below EPU.  Abrasion scratches run from NE to SW.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from the 2nd S in STATES to the O in OF.

Submitted By:  Jim Lafferty, Sr.

Cross References:  CONECA: 1-R-IV, Breen: #2644, Cherrypickers: FS-05-1935-801 (018)

1935 5¢ WDDR-002         "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A strong Class VI spread shows on USA, the dots, and EPU.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches run through the IBE of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die scratches run through UNITED.

Submitted By:  Larry Briggs

Cross References:  CONECA: 2-R-VI, Cherrypickers: FS-05-1935-802

1935 5¢ WDDR-003         "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A nice Class V spread from a pivot at about 2:00 shows on FIVE CENTS, UNITED STATES, and the back of the front legs.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Circular die scratches run throughout the reverse.

Submitted By:  Ron Pope

Cross References:  CONECA: 3-R-V, Cherrypickers: FS-05-1935-803 (018.1)

1935 5¢ WDDR-004

Description:  A strong spread to the NW shows on the L in PLURIBUS and slightly on the back of the left rear leg.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  None noted.

Submitted By:  Leroy Van Allen

Cross References:  None known