Description: Extra thickness shows on LIBERTY and slightly on the date. Notches show on the top left of the T and Y in LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse: A short pre-die crack depression runs NW from the front of the eyebrow. Reverse: A strong die scratch runs through the top of the STA in STATES.
Submitted By: Joseph Koelling
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-002 “Best Of” Variety
Description: Very strong extra thickness and strong notching shows on LIBERTY and the date. Light extra thickness shows on WE TRUST.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs NW from the bridge of the nose into the forehead. Reverse: A die crack and two small die chips can be found on the top left edge of the shield.
Description: Very strong extra thickness shows on LIBERTY and the date. Light extra thickness shows on IGWT.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A die crack and die chip north of the LU in PLURIBUS can be found on the top left edge of the shield. A light die crack connects the lower E and N in CENT.
Submitted By: Louis Nett
Cross References: CONECA: 3-O-VIII
2014 1¢ WDDO-004
Description: Light extra thickness shows on LIBERTY. Notches show on the bottom left of the ERTY in LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs NNW from the front of the eyebrow through the front of the forehead. A die scratch runs west from the lower G in GOD. A die crack runs WSW/ENE through the upper hair and then turns north extending to the rim midway between WE and TRUST. A large die chip can be found on this die crack SSW of the W in WE. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. A small die chip can be found north of the L in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-005
Description: Light extra thickness shows on the date.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the top of the R in TRUST. A large die chip can be found on this die crack SSW of the W in WE. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. A die gouge can be found below the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-006
Description: Light extra thickness shows on LIBERTY. Notches show on the bottom left of the ERTY in LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs NNW from the front of the eyebrow through the front of the forehead. A die crack runs W/E through the upper hair. A large die chip can be found on this die crack below the W in WE. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found just above the top right corner of the shield. A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. A die crack runs N/S through the right side of the horizontal crossbar of the T in CENT. A large die chip can be found on this die crack to the right of the T in CENT.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-007
Description: Light extra thickness shows on the date.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found above the R in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. Die chips can be found north of the PL in PLURIBUS. A die gouge can be found near the rim above the R in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-008
Description: Light extra thickness shows on the date.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found south of the L in LIBERTY. A short die crack runs SSW from the bottom of the zero in the date. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. A die chip can be found north of the I in PLURIBUS. A small die gouge can be found below the I in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-009
Description: Moderate extra thickness shows on the LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse: A light die scratch runs from the top of the chin to the upper lip. A small die chip can be found on the bottom of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield with die chips north of the PLU in PLURIBUS. A die gouge runs through the bottom of the stripe north of the E in CENT.
Submitted By: Steve Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-010
Description: Strong extra thickness shows on LIBERTY and slightly on the date. Strong notches show on the lower left of the letters in LIBERTY as well as on the top left of the T in LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: A small die gouge (dot) can be found below the R in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: Same as Stage A. Reverse Stage A: None significant. Reverse Stage B: A die chip can be found on the top left of the shield north of the first U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Leonard Matyjasik
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDO-011
Description: Light extra thickness shows on LIBERTY. Notches show on the bottom left of the ERTY in LIBERTY.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die gouge can be found SW of the I of IN. A die chip can be found on a die crack in the upper hair between GOD and WE. A die chip can be found in the hair above the front of the forehead. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield. A small die chip can be found north of the first U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Stephen Young
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDR-001
Description: Extra thickness shows on the designer’s initials LB and JFM.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the throat. Reverse: A die crack runs across the top left of the shield with small die chips north of the LU in PLURIBUS. A die chip can be found south of the UR in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Chris Freda
Cross References: None known
2014 1¢ WDDR-002
Description: Doubling shows between the 6th and 7th vertical stripes of the shield above the banner.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the U in UNITED. Several die chips can be found on the top left side of the shield.