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1955-D 25¢ WRPM-001

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Very light, weak E/W die scratch connecting the two legs of the R in LIBERTY slightly below center of the legs.  Small die gouge (dot) about centered at the far left of the lower opening of the E in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Very light E/W die scratch connecting the M and E of AMERICA slightly above center.  Light WNW/ESE die scratch through the I and connecting the N in UNITED about one-fourth down from the top.

Submitted By:  Ben Peters

Cross References:  None known

1955-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: WSW/ENE die scratch connecting the bottom of the first T to the R in TRUST.  Light WSW die scratch from the tip of the nose.  WSW/ENE die gouges below the nose.  Obverse Stage B: Die scratch at TRUST is still present.  Die scratch from the nose is weaker.  Gouges below the nose are weaker.  Reverse Stage A: X-shaped die scratch between OF and AMERICA.  N/S die scratch at the lower right side of the left leg of the first R in QUARTER.  Reverse Stage B: Die scratch at AMERICA is abraded and is V-shaped.  Die scratch at QUARTER is abraded away.  Die crack along the outer side of the eagle’s right wing positioned below UNITED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Bill Fivaz, Stage B: Thomas Kalantzis

Cross References:  None known

1956-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/Inverted D

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: No prominent die markers.  Obverse Stage B: E/W die crack through the head.  Die crack at the front of the bust curving into the field.  Die crack at the back of the bust curving into the queue.  Reverse Stage A: Die gouge between the second T and the E of STATES.  Die gouge on the arrows at the right opening of the eagle’s left talon.  Die gouge on the leaves below the arrow feathers.  Die crack along the outer contour of the eagle’s right wing.  Reverse Stage B: All die gouges still present.  Die crack on the right wing is stronger and curves toward the Q in QUARTER.  Die crack on the upper contour of the left wing that extends into the BUS of PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jim Lafferty (Upgraded coin John Bordner), Stage B: Brett Parish

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1956D-501 (022.4)

1956-D 25¢ WRPM-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light E/W die crack in the head and hair.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

1956-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light NW/SE die scratch on the lower front of the neck.  Reverse:  Series of die cracks and chips beginning at the D of UNITED and running south along the outside contour of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1956-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light E/W die scratch inside the lower hole of the B in LBERTY.  Reverse:  Weak E/W die scratches inside the upper area of the second R in QUARTER.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-MD          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D & D Very Wide Northwest.  A totally separated D can be found above the upper part of the left olive branch stem.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die markers will vary on each affected working die.  Reverse: Die markers will vary on each affected working die.

Submitted By:  Ben Peters

Cross References:  Cherrypickers: FS-25-1957D-501

Comments:  This unusual variety can be found on several different working dies.  The leading theory is that a working die received a blundered punch and was set aside, perhaps to later polish down the errant mint mark punch.  At some point afterward it was used like a master die to make at least one working hub.  That working hub then produced several working dies all showing the incorrectly placed D mint mark.  It must be noted that not all die variety specialists believe that this is an errant mint mark punch.  CONECA is among those that does not list the variety.  You should study the variety and draw your own conclusions before making any purchases.

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-001

Description:  D/D/D Northeast & Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Very light, short die crack E/W in the top of the head.  Very weak die crack along the contour of the bust.  Reverse:  Heavy WNW/ESE die gouges in the mint mark area.  NW die scratches from the upper left of the O in DOLLAR to the right laurel stem.

Submitted By:  Gary Shaffstall

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die crack through upper forehead and hair. Reverse:  The extra D from WRPM-MD is present.  A die crack runs down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die crack through upper forehead and hair. Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the Q in QUARTER.  A die crack runs down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  E/W die crack through the top of the head.  Obverse Stage B: Heavily chipped die crack between the back of the bust and the queue.  Reverse Stage A: Die gouge (dot) near right center of the second R in QUARTER.  Light die crack on the outside contour of the eagle’s right wing below the ED of UNITED.  Reverse Stage B: Heavy chips on the lower inside of the right wing and on the branch above the O in DOLLAR probably caused by a pitted die.  Die crack is still light and shows below the NITED of UINTED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: David Mulberry (Upgraded coin William P. Waring), Stage B: David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-005          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  D/D Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light die scratches south from the lower jaw.  Short die scratch S from the bust positioned above the 1 and 9 in the date. Reverse:  The extra D from WRPM-MD is present.  Short ESE/WNW die scratches above the A and first R of QUARTER.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  None known

1957-D 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse: Die crack at the base of the bust above the designer’s initials then curving NE into the ribbon.  Reverse:  Die crack ESE from eagle’s beak through the eagle’s head.  Die crack down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.  Die crack down the outside of the eagle’s left wing.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1958-D 25¢ WRPM-001

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Chipped NNE/SSW die crack on the nose.  Light die crack NE on the forehead above the eye.  Light die scratches south from the chin and bust.  Obverse Stage B: Die cracks are slightly stronger.  Die scratches are abraded away.  Reverse Stage A: NE/SW die scratch on the upper curve of the first S in STATES.  Short N/S die scratch centered between the upper area of the ES of STATES.  Small die gouge at the left side of the apex of the first A in AMERICA.  Reverse Stage B: All Stage A die markers abraded away.  Light die crack on the outside of the upper area of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1958-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse: Light die scratches NE from the I in LIBERTY.  E/W die scratches through the bottom of the R in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Die scratches NE from the lower opening of the E in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1958-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Weak trace of a die crack along the bust.  Reverse: Series of short die cracks from the top of the contour of the eagle’s right wing running under UNITED; the highest die crack is chipped.  Die crack along the contour of the upper area of the eagle’s left wing running through the RIBUS of PLURIBUS.  Heavily chipped die crack at the back of the head.  WNW/ESE die scratches through the talons.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1958-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No prominent die markers.  Reverse:  Light E/W die scratches through UNITED STATES.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1959-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description: D/D/D Southeast and North

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Long die scratch from the right upper side of the B in LIBERTY running ESE to the left lower side of the R in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B: Stage A marker still present.  Reverse Stage A: Heavily chipped die crack along the left side of the eagle’s right wing running under and west of UNITED.  E/W die scratch centered at the lower opening of the A in STATES.  Reverse Stage B: Longer die crack along the eagle’s right wing.  Curving NW/SE die crack on the eagle’s right wing tip.

Submitted By:  Stage A: William P. Waring, Stage B: John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1949D-501

1959-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two parallel, horizontal die scratches can be found to the right of the second 9 in the date.  Reverse:  A nearly horizontal die scratch can be found above the right side of the T in QUARTER.  A nearly horizontal die scratch can be found inside the upper second R in QUARTER.

Submitted By:  Timothy Wissert

Cross References:  None known

1959-D 25¢ WRPM-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D/D East & Southeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack across the contour of the bust.  Die scratches in different directions through IGWT.  Abraded die clash at the lower right of the E in WE.  E/W die crack through the head and hair.  N/S die scratch to the lower left of the E in LIBERTY.  Abraded die clash in the field to the lower right of the hair.  Reverse:  Die crack under the A in STATES.  Die crack from the upper left of the E in PLURIBUS, running along the contour of the wing then turning inward toward the leaf.  Die crack from the upper right of the P in PLURIBUS running diagonally to the wing.  Die crack on the wing running under AME and left side of the R in AMERICA then turning at the right leg of the R and through the ICA of AMERICA.  Crack is heavily chipped at the I in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

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Washington 25¢ RPMs 1960 to 1964