Description: Significant doubling spread to the south shows on LIBERTY, QUARTER DOLLAR, IGWT, the designer’s initials, and the P mint mark.
Die Markers:Obverse: A short vertical die gouge can be found below the left side of the E in STATES. A die chip can be found to the left of the designer’s initials. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Daniel Messano
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDO-002
Description: Moderate doubling shows on LIBERTY and QUARTER DOLLAR.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die chip can be found on the base of the bust north of the T in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Kenneth R. Simpson
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-001
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones at the top of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die chip can be found on the base of the bust north of the R in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
Comments: This variety is very similar to WDDR-026, compare doubling and die markers.
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-002
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the top left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: None significant. Obverse Stage B: A small die gouge can be found above the right side of the T in QUARTER. Reverse Stage A: None significant. Reverse Stage B: A die chip can be found between the branches directly below the S in RIVERWAYS. A pre-die break depression can be found above the center of the left roof.
Submitted By: Stage A: George W. Powell, Jr., Stage B: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-003
Description: Doubling shows as an extra stone on the top right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found above the T in QUARTER. Reverse: A die gouge can be found between the tree branch and the K in OZARK. Pre-die break depressions can be found above below some of the tree branches.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-004
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the top right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: James Wright
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-005
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the top left side of the cellar window and one extra stone on the top right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge touches the bottom right side of the I in UNITED. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: James Wright
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-006
Description: Doubling shows as an extra stone in the bottom left corner of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Marilyn Keeney
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-007
Description: Doubling shows on the left inside of the window panes north of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found inside the lower E of WE. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Daniel Messano
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-008
Description: Doubling shows as three extra stones on the left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die gouge (dot) can be found above the right side of the D in UNITED. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Daniel Messano
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-009
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: A short nearly horizontal die gouge can be found to the left of the chin. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die marker not visible due to circulation damage, may or may not be present in Stage B. Two die gouges inside the Q in QUARTER. Die gouge right of the T in QUARTER. Die gouge above the right side of the U in TRUST. Stage B die gouges may or may not be present in earlier stages. Reverse Stage A: None significant. Reverse Stage B: Large die chip on the right side of the right tree. Die gouge between the branches below the A in RIVERWAYS. Stage B die gouge may or may not be present in earlier stages.
Submitted By: Stage A: Daniel Messano, Stage B: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
Stage A:
Stage B:
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-010
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones in the lower part of the cellar window and one extra stone at the top of the window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A short die gouge can be found south of the right side of the R in TRUST. A die crack runs through the lower ribbon to the top of the second L in DOLLAR. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-011
Description: Doubling shows as extra stones at the top of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs across the base of the bust with a small die chip north of the E in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-012
Description: Doubling shows as an extra stone at the top right of the cellar window and another at the bottom left of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Aryana Caldwell
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-013
Description: Doubling shows as three extra stones on the right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Amy Antone
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-014
Description: Minor doubling can be seen on the right side of the tree to the left of the angling roof.
Die Markers:Obverse: Die chips can be found on the base of the bust north of the T and E in QUARTER. A small die gouge (dot) can be found just to the right of the center of the E in LIBERTY.. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Shane Daniel
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-015
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A large die chip can be found on the base of the bust north of the E in QUARTER and a small die chip can be found on the base of the bust north of the R in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-016
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the upper left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die chip can be found on the base of the bust north of the T in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-017
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones on the upper left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-018
Description: Doubling shows as one extra stone on the upper right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-019
Description: Doubling shows as three extra stones on the left side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-020
Description: Doubling shows in the branches above the building.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Steven Westfall
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-021
Description: Doubling shows as extra stones in the upper cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Aryana Coldwell
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-022
Description: Doubling shows as extra stones on the right side of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Aryana Coldwell
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-023
Description: Strong doubling can be seen on the right side of the tree to the left of the angling roof.
Die Markers:Obverse: NW/SE die scratch through the left side of the A in STATES. Die gouge below the M in AMERICA. Reverse: Die gouge between the branches above the building. Die gouge above the right side of the roof. Die gouge in the water just below the corner of the below.
Submitted By: James Cassin
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-024
Description: Two extra stones can be found on the upper left side of the cellar window on the right side of the house.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack can be found on the base of the bust to the left of the designer’s initials. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-025
Description: Strong doubling can be seen on the right side of the tree to the left of the angling roof. There is doubling further to the south on the tree compared to WDDR-023.
Die Markers:Obverse: Die chip on the base of the bust above the D in DOLLAR. Large die gouge left of the bottom of the T in QUARTER. Die gouge left of the A in QUARTER. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: James Cassin
Cross References: None known
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-026
Description: Doubling shows as two extra stones at the top of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: Die chip on the base of the bust above the R in QUARTER. Die gouge between the tops of the I and B in LIBERTY. Die gouge between the E and R in QUARTER. Die gouge above the last R in QUARTER. Die gouge between the bottoms of the L and A in DOLLAR. Reverse: Pre-die break depression between the branches below the ER in RIVERWAYS. Die crack along the curve of the branches below the S in RIVERWAYS. Die crack extends E and curves N from the trunk of the right tree above the first branch. Die gouge nearly touches the leaves above the right side of the house.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
Comments: This variety is very similar to WDDR-001, compare doubling and die markers.
2017-P 25¢ MO WDDR-027
Description: Doubling shows as an extra stone at the top left corner of the cellar window.
Die Markers:Obverse: Light feeder finger scrapes at the neck above the Y in LIBERTY. Die gouge between the Q and U in QUARTER. Die gouge inside the lower opening of the A in STATES. Die gouge left of the I in LIBERTY. Multiple long die gouges through the OL in DOLLAR. Reverse: Die gouge left of the center window on the right side of the mill. Small die gouge near the branch below the A in OZARK.