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1946-D 10¢ WRPM-001

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler and John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #1

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-002

Description: D/D/D West and Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: NNW/SSE die scratch from the lower lip to the nose. Short die scratches NW above the upper lip. Reverse: Die gouge centered at the bottom of the M in AMERICA. E/W die scratches through EPU. E/W die scratches between the upper right side of the torch holder and the left side of the upper oak leaves. ENE and an ESE die scratches from the right upper side of the M in UNUM.

Submitted by: Jeff Longeuay

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-003

Description: D/D Southwest

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-004

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: The submitter of this die is not noted in the Bordner files.

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #4

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-005

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: The submitter of this die is not noted in the Bordner files.

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #5, Cherrypickers: FS-10-1946D-501 (Erroneously pictured as FS-501 in 6th Edition)


1946-D 10¢ WRPM-006

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: The submitter of this die is not noted in the Bordner files.

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #6

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-007

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: N/S die scratches in front of the eye. Old die scratches extend S from the back of the head. Die gouge to the right of the D in GOD. Reverse: Remnants of old die gouges between the I and M in DIME. Concentric die scratches on the rim below DIME. N/S die scratch above the left olive leaf cluster stem. Die gouge between the E and S in STATES.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar (Upgraded photos from a coin submitted by Eric Axtell)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #7

Comments: Per John Bordner's notes, he knew of 3 die stages for this die. These stages were not photographed or described, and no other records of them can be found. They are replaced with the current die stage of the same die, If additional die stages are found in the future, they will be added to the listing.

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-008

Description: D/D/D South and West

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: Die crack at the top of the torch through the second S of STATES.

Submitted By: Bill Fivaz

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #27

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-009

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: VLDS example, none apparent. Reverse: Die chip (dot) above first outer left-hand leaf.

Submitted By: Doug Yost

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-010

Description: D/D/D West and South

Die Markers: Obverse: Old N/S die scratches in front of the eye. Die gouge in the lower opening of the B in LIBERTY. Long die gouge left of the 1 in the date. Reverse: E/W die scratches right of the top of the torch. E/W die scratch through the NU in UNUM. Weak NW/SE die scratches through DIME. Die gouge below the AM in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #24

Comments: This is a replacement listing, the original files were not present in the Bordner files.

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-011

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip (dot) between the L and I of LIBERTY nearer to the top. Die chip (dot) to the right of the I in LIBERTY, relatively positioned about center. Reverse: NE die scratch from the inside through the right vertical bar of the second U in PLURIBUS. Die chip (dot) below the second U of PLURIBUS.

Submitted By: Jim Brown

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #34

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-012

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: The obverse is also a DDO variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1946-D 10¢ WDDO-013. A Class II spread towards the center shows on IGWT and the designer’s initials. Die gouge about centered between IN GOD. Obverse Stage B: Gouge is still present but abraded. Die gouge on the bottom of the right leg of the R in TRUST. Reverse Stage A: Die chips above the right side of the B in PLURIBUS. Die gouge at the lower right side of the O in ONE. Die gouges at the lower left side of the N in ONE. Curly die scratch at the lower right side of the D in DIME. NE/SW die scratches through the M in DIME. Reverse Stage B: Chips above the B in PLURIBUS is weak. Die scratch below the D in DIME is weak. All other stage A markers abraded away.

Submitted By: David Mulberry (Stage A) and Eric Axtell (Stage B)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #14

Stage A

Stage B

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-013

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also a DDO variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1946-D 10¢ WDDO-016. A close CCW spread shows on IGWT and the date. Many circular and crisscrossing die scratches left of the ear. Short die scratches extend N from the forehead. Reverse: Large die gouges through STATES. Large die gouges through the bottom of the ME in DIME. Strong E/W die scratches right of the flame. Strong E/W die scratches through US UNUM. Die scratch extends W from the D in DIME.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #23

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-014

Description: D/D/D South and Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: NE/SW die scratch on the bridge of the nose. NE/SW die scratch SE of the ear. Die gouge above the left side of the G in GOD. Reverse: Die scratch runs from the mintmark, through the left side of the torch holder, and to the field just left of the base of the torch. E/W die scratches through the bottoms if the US U in PLURIBUS UNUM.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: None known

Comments: This is a replacement listing, the original files were not present in the Bordner files.

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-015

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: Many NE/SW die scratches in the fields mainly between the face and LIBERTY and above the date. Strong meandering NW/SE die scratches through GOD, TRUST, and the tip of the bust. Strong short die scratches connect the bottoms of the LI and BERT in LIBERTY. Many strong N/S die scratches through the eye and on the nose. Strong N/S die scratch behind the head. Die gouge below the J in the designers initials. Reverse: Many WNW/ESE die scratches throughout the fields. Strong WNW/ESE die scratch through the lower olive, the olive branch stem, and the B in PLURIBUS. Short NW/SE die scratch on the R in PLURIBUS. Strong WNW/ESE die scratches through the E in ONE and the DI in DIME. Strong E/W die scratch connects the tip of the oak branch stem to the E in DIME. Strong curved die scratch runs from the field below the RI in AMERICA, around the lower oak leaf cluster, and to the N in UNUM. Strong mostly E/W die scratches connect the RIC in AMERICA to upper leaf in the lower oak leaf cluster. Strong NE/SW die scratches through the rightmost olive leaves and the left side of the upper torch. Strong mostly E/W die scratches connect the right side of the upper torch to the oak leaves. Die gouge in the upper left corner of the torch base to the right of the mintmark.

Submitted By: John Bordner (Upgraded photos from a coin submitted by Brian Ribar)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #15, Cherrypickers: FS-10-1946D-502

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-016

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: Scott Rusch and John Bordner

Cross References: None known


1946-D 10¢ WRPM-017

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Type I. Heavy N/S die scratches west of the eye. Reverse: WDDR-003. NE/SW die scratches between the M and E of DIME.

Submitted By: Doug Yost

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #11 and #25, Cherrypickers: FS-10-1946D-501 and 503

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-018

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Type I, WWHO-001. Die scratch N/S between the lips. Curving die scratch on the upper chin. Two die scratches SW from the throat. Reverse: Slightly diagonal die scratches in the area of the upper olive.

Submitted By: Doug Riley

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-019

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Short N/S die scratch left of the ear. Die gouge in front of the nose. Die gouge near the rim left of the I in IN. Reverse: Strong NE/SW die scratches through UNITED and the olive branch. Crisscrossing die scratches above the upper olive and right of the flame. Old die scratch in the lower left opening of the M in DIME. Die gouge between the last S in STATES and the O in OF. Die gouge between the O and F in OF.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #17

Comments: This is a replacement listing, the original files were not present in the Bordner files.

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-020

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: Type I, WDDO-012. Die chip (dot) in the field below the left side of the N of IN. Reverse: Light die scratches in different directions at the right side of the handle of the torch.

Submitted By: Whaden Curtis

Cross References: None known

Comments: Photos were originally labeled as WRPM-019 but were found to go with the listing description for WRPM-020. They have been relabeled as such.

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-021

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #30

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-022

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratches south from the underside of the horizontal bar of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: Very weak N/S die scratches in the field at left center of the flame. N/S die gouge between the lower area of the second T and E of STATES.

Submitted By: Jeff Loneguay

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-023

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Doubling on the designer’s initials. N by E/S by W die scratch on the center of the nose. Short curving, NW/SE die gouge on the nostril. Short N/S die gouge right of the nostril. Reverse: Two die scratches south from the lower left of the torch holder.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-024

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: No apparent die markers. Reverse: No apparent die markers.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-025

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: No apparent die markers. Reverse: LDS reverse. Heavy polishing gouge above the left side of the first S in STATES.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-026

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: WWHO-001. Thin N/S die scratches in front of the mouth and eye. Long die gouge overlaps the 1 in the date. Smaller die gouge left of the 1. Die gouge below the left side of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: Long NE/SW die scratch below the ED in UNITED. Curving N/S die scratch right of the upper olive leaves. NW/SE and N/S die scratches through the olive branch stem and EPU. Die scratch runs from the bottom right corner of the last A in AMERICA to the E in DIME. X-shaped die scratches between the upper and upper right oak leaf clusters. Die gouge between the lower right olive leaf cluster and the branch.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar (Upgraded photos from a coin submitted by Eric Axtell)

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-027

Description: D/D/D West and North

Die Markers: Obverse: Type I, WWHO-001. Die scratches south by east from the bust positioned above the 9 and 4 in the date. Die scratch NW from the upper right inside of the N of IN. Doubling shows on the designer’s initials. Reverse: Die scratch north from the upper right of the M in DIME to the lower right of the N in UNUM.

Submitted By: Tony Russo

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #32

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-028

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Type I. No prominent die markers. Reverse: Thin NE/SW die scratches through the ME in DIME. Die scratches extends E and SE from the flame. Die gouge touches the upper right corner of the second T in STATES. Die gouge near the rim above the F in OF.

Submitted By: Tony Russo

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #13

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-029

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: No prominent die markers. Reverse: No prominent die markers.

Submitted By: Jeff Longeuay

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-030

Description: D/D/D South and West

Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also a DDO variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1946-D 10¢ WDDO-017. Strong Class VI extra thickness shows on the date, IGWT, LIBERTY, and the designer's initials. Strong N/S die scratches on the nose. Short N/S die scratches left of the ear. Die gouge to the right of the last T in TRUST. Two die gouges above the U in TRUST. Reverse: WWHR-001. Die scratch runs SE from the upper torch to the space between the upper most and left most oak leaf clusters. Short and weak die scratch extends SE from the torch below the last U in PLURIBUS. Many short die scratches extends SE from the olive leaf overlapping the torch.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #8 and #10

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-031

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: Old N/S die scratches on the nose. Die chip or die gouge on the chin. Reverse: Extremely weak die scratch between the ME in DIME. Strong E/W die scratches right of the top of the torch. Short E/W die scratches through the first U in PLURIBUS. Small die gouge above the right side of the B in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-032

Description: D/D Southeast

Die Markers: Obverse: LDS. Old NE/SW die scratches on the nose. Die gouge between the E and R in LIBERTY. Die gouge left of the 1 in the date. Reverse: LDS. NW/SE die scratch between the M and E in DIME. E/W die scratch through the US in PLURIBUS. Weak and short die scratches between the two rightmost olive leaf clusters. Short die scratch extends E from the upper right side of the torch. Strong short die scratch between the leftmost oak leaf and the torch. Two die gouges near the rim between the D in UNITED and the first S in STATES. Die gouge well below the mintmark.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #29

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-033

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Three NW/SE die scratches run from the nose to the corner of the mouth. NE/SW die scratch below the ear. NE/SW die scratch on the neck near the throat. Die gouge left og the I in IN. Reverse: Short E/W die scratches through the left side of the olive branch and the LU in PLURIBUS. Two E/W die scratches between the base of the torch and the ME in DIME. Many thin crisscrossing die scratches through DIME and US UNUM. Many E/W die scratches through the oak branch. WNW/ESE die scratch connects the mintmark to the base of the torch. Die gouge between the E in EPU and the U in UNITED. Die gouge above the dot between the E and P in EPU.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #31

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-034

Description: D/D/D/D North, North, South, and Southeast

Die Markers: Obverse: Two intersecting NW/SE die cracks in the hair on the back of the head. Weak die clash remnant on the nose in front of the eye. Long NE/SW die scratch on the forehead. Short die scratch extends SW from the eyebrow. Short N/S die scratches to the left of the ear. Reverse: Two thin NE/SW and NW/SE die scratches between the M and E in DIME. NE/SW and WNW/ESE die scratches on and extending from the olive leaf cluster opposite the upper olive. Die gouge left of the lower acorn.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #33

1946-D 10¢ WRPM-035

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Strong die scratches on the rim above LIBERTY. Very short and thin die scratches in front of the eye and the bridge of the nose. Short die scratches below the ear. Die gouge above the ST in TRUST. Multiple die gouges below the designers initials. Reverse: NW/SE die scratches through the US U in EPU. Many crisscrossing die scratches to the right of the upper torch and around the lower olive. NW/SE die scratches on the olive leaf cluster overlapping the torch. Die gouge above the E in STATES.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known