1947-D 10¢ WRPM-001 Description: D/D North Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted. Submitted By: John Bordner Cross References: CONECA: RPM #5
1947-D 10¢ WRPM-002
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: NE die scratch from the upper right side of the 9 in the date. NE/SW die scratches inside the 4 of the date. Die scratches SE from the lower right side of the G of GOD. Reverse: E/W die scratches at the lower right of the C and the lower left of the second A in AMERICA. NE/SW die scratches at the ON of ONE.
Die Markers: Obverse: Small die chip (dot) on the center of the nose. Reverse: Die crack west from the torch holder (above the bands) to the upper right hand olive leaves.
Die Markers: Obverse: No prominent die markers visible. Reverse: Die scratch southwest from the left side of the upper oak leaves. Weak die clash in the same area located below the die scratch.
Submitted by: David Mulberry Cross References: None known