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1955-D 10¢ WRPM-001

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: John Bordner (Photo from Brian Ribar)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #2

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-002

Description: D/D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratches run NE to SW through the 55 in 1955. Numerous die scratches behind Roosevelt’s head, mostly north to south. Heavy die scratches running NNE to SSW throughout Roosevelt’s nose. Reverse: Die scratches run SW from the lower torch to NE in ONE. Die gouge right side of upper I in UNITED. Die gouge left of upper O in OF. Die scratches through upper M in AMERICA. Heavy die scratch through upper IN in AMERICA.

Submitted By: David Goff (Additional photos from a coin submitted by Eric Axtell)

Cross References: None known

Comments: This is a replacement listing, the original files were not present in the Bordner files.

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-003     Listing Missing, Will be Replaced

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-004     Listing Missing, Will be Replaced

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-005

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Two N/S die scratches, one above the other, centered between the TY of LIBERTY. Reverse: Die scratch SSE from the lower center of the R in AMERICA to the oak leaf. N/S die scratch between the ER of AMERICA.

Submitted By: David Mulberry

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #1

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-006

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Numerous light NE/SW die scratches between the profile and LIBERTY. Reverse: E/W die scratches through the US of PLURIBUS and UNUM. NE/SW die scratches through the first S in STATES. Die scratch south from the right side of the torch base to the D of DIME.

Submitted By: Jeff Longeuay

Cross References: None known

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-007

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Short N/S die scratch right of the lower area of the 1 in the date. Reverse: Die scratch SW from the top of the torch holder to the center of the right upper olive leaves.

Submitted By: Jeff Longeuay

Cross References: None known

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-008

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Short south by east die scratch from the bottom of the left leg of the R in LIBERTY. NNW/SSE die scratches on the nose. Reverse: North by west/south by east die scratches above E PLU of EPU and the lower olive. E/W die scratches centered at the lower opening of the N in UNITED. Die gouge at the upper left of the A in STATES. N/S die scratch through the entire right of the E in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Tony Russo

Cross References: None known

1955-D 10¢ WRPM-009

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip about center of the right side of the second 5 in the date. Heavily polished die clash behind the neck and at the front of the hair. Die scratches on the nose and in front of the eye. Reverse: E/W die scratches around the olive stem. Die clash at the lower left leaf and the lower olive. Die clash at the right upper oak leaf.

Submitted By: Thomas Kalantzis

Cross References: None known