Description: Doubling to the north on the last T in TRUST and the first 2 in the date. Slight doubling to the south inside the nostril.
Die Markers: Obverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected. Reverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
Comments: WMDO-001 is known on 2022-P Angelou, Ride, Mankiller, and Wong quarters. It is expected, but unconfirmed, on Otero-Warren quarters. Most, if not all, of Angelou and Ride quarters show this master die doubling. It is less common on Mankiller and Wong.
2022-P 25¢ MA WMDR-001 Doubled Master Die
Description: Very slight doubling to the east on Angelou's ear and the rightmost letters of MAYA ANGELOU.
Die Markers: Obverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected. Reverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
Most, if not all, of Angelou quarters show this master die
doubling. Due to how slight the doubling is, it is likely not visible on worn or over-polished dies.
2022-P 25¢ MA WDDR-001 Listing Needed
Comments: The original WDDR-001 was found to be machine doubling. This listing will be replaced.
2022-P 25¢ MA WDDR-002
Description: Doubling shows on the underside of Maya
Angelou’s earring.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.