Description: Doubling to the north on the last T in TRUST and the first 2 in the date. Slight doubling to the south inside the nostril.
Die Markers: Obverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected. Reverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
WMDO-001 is known on 2022-P Angelou, Ride, Mankiller, and Wong
quarters. It is expected, but unconfirmed, on Otero-Warren quarters.
Most, if not all, of Angelou and Ride quarters show this master die
doubling. It is less common on Mankiller and Wong.
2022-P 25¢ SR WMDR-001 Doubled Master Die
Description: Very weak doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder.
Die Markers: Obverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected. Reverse: Will vary among the different working dies that were affected.
Submitted By: Tanner Scott
Cross References: None known
Most, if not all, of Ride quarters show this master die
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-001
Description: Doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: Stephen Colman
Cross References: None known
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-002
Description: Doubling to the south of Ride's chin.
Die Markers:Obverse: WMDO-001. Die crack across the back of the mouth. Die gouge in the mouth. Many small die gouges around IGWT including ones between the N in IN and the G in GOD, in the lower opening of the E in WE, right of the R in TRUST, and right of the U in TRUST. Reverse: WMDR-001. Die gouge in the Q in QUARTER. Die gouge between the U and N in UNITED. Die gouge touches the top right side of the T in UNITED. Die gouge between the L and U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-003
Description: Doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder.
Die Markers:Obverse:
WMDO-001. Die chips on the back of the mouth. Die gouge in front of the eye. Die gouge below the first T in TRUST. Die gouge far N of the G in GOD. Small die gouge right of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: WMDR-001. Small die gouge below the left side of the first U in PLURIBUS. Die gouge touches the inner right side of the U in QUARTER. Small die gouge right of the R in AMERICA.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-004
Description: Doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder.
Die Markers:Obverse:
WMDO-001. Die crack on the back of the mouth. NE/SW die scratches behind the ear. Multiple die gouges above the 0 in the date. Small die gouge below the G in GOD. Small die gouge right of the E in WE. Die gouge right of the R in LIBERTY. Reverse:
WMDR-001. NE/SW feeder finger scrapes through Ride's shoulders. Large die gouge far NW of the E in EPU. Die gouge right of the S in PLURIBUS. Die gouge in the upper opening of the E in UNITED. Die gouge touches the lower inside part of the C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-005
Description: Slight doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder that almost perfectly overlaps the doubling of WMDR-001.
Die Markers:Obverse:
WMDO-001. Die chips on the back of the mouth. Die crack with two pre-die break depressions on the nose. NW/SE die crack on the eye. Two N/S die cracks on the base of the bust. Light NE/SW feeder finger scrapes behind the ear and between the neck and ponytail. Large die gouge at the center of the neck. Small die gouge in the lower opening of the first 2 in the date. Small die gouges above the right side of the R in TRUST. Die gouge left of the W in WE. Small die gouge right of the upright part of the L in LIBERTY. Die gouge right of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse:
WMDR-001. Die gouge at the rim above the left side of the T in UNITED. Die gouge right of the T in UNITED. Die gouge in the upper opening of the E in UNITED. Die gouge right of the last T in STATES. Die gouge in the lower opening of the first A in AMERICA. Die gouge below the N in UNUM. Die gouge above Ride's right shoulder. Die gouge right of the bottom of the E in QUARTER. Die gouge left of the R in RIDE. Die gouge left of the D in RIDE.
Submitted By: George W. Powell, Jr.
Cross References: None known
2022-P 25¢ SR WDDR-006
Description: Slight
doubling to the east of Ride's jacket collar above her left shoulder.
Die Markers:Obverse:
WMDO-001. Short die crack on the back of the mouth. Thin NW/SE die scratch below the D in GOD. Small die gouge right of the bottom of the T in LIBERTY. Small die gouge right of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse:
WMDR-001. Weak N/S die scratches throughout the left reverse. Strong N/S die scratch above Ride's right jacket collar. Many die scratches at the rim below SALLY RIDE. Small die gouge left of the M in AMERICA. Die gouge left of the last L in DOLLAR. Small die gouge above the right side of the Y in SALLY. Die gouge right of the E in RIDE.