Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die clash at the lower back of the cap. Obverse Stage B: Die clash is weaker. Die crack running ESE through the neck then turning NE running through the hair and exiting into the field. Reverse Stage A: WDDR-???, the lower tail feathers are doubled. NE/SW die scratch inside the center of the mintmark. Large die clash on the left side of the first right-hand leaf cluster of the wreath. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present.
Submitted By: Hartley Cole (Stage A) and John Bordner (Stage B)
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #8, VAM: #14
Stage A:
Stage B:
1884-O $1 WRPM-002
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse: Short die scratches SW from the eyelid. Short NE/SW die scratch below the eye. Reverse: Short die scratch NNE from the upper center of the E in STATES.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #1, VAM: #6
1884-O $1 WRPM-003
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: WRPD-001, repunching to the west on the 18. Heavily pitted die
most likely from rust, showing mostly on the profile. Strong pit mark at the lower center of Miss
Liberty’s cap. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die markers are still present. Obverse Stage C: Stage A die markers are still present. Die crack beginning at the lower right of the B in PLURIBUS and slightly
curving SW through the top of Miss Liberty’s cap into the field below the M in
Reverse Stage A: ENE/WSW die scratches at the eagle’s inside right side leg
feathers. Die clash to the left of the
upper right hand leaf cluster of the wreath. Reverse Stage B: Die crack running east from the top of the U in UNITED running through
the top of the NIT of UNITED and exiting on the right side of the T in UNITED
to the rim at 10 o’clock. A second die
crack from the right upper side of the N in UNITED runs NW to the rim at 8:45
o’clock. E/W die crack connecting the
top of the E and D in UNITED. E/W die
crack Connecting the bottom of the E and D in UNITED. Die crack running east from the upper right
side of the D in UNITED to the left side wing.
ENE die crack from right center of the D in UNITED to the left side
wing. Die crack from the rim at 11
o’clock running SSW into the eagle’s wing. Die crack north from the top of the upper left leaf cluster of the
wreath to the eagle’s wing. Light E/W
die crack running through the top of the STA in STATES. Light die crack beginning at the eagle’s left
side wing below the left side of the I of IN and running ENE through the center
of the N in N. Die crack from the lower
left side of the G in GOD running ENE through GOD then turning east and running
through the top of WE to the T of TRUST. SE die crack from the lower right star point. Die clash is weaker. Die scratches at the leg feathers are still
present. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die cracks are stronger. Die crack curving to the south at the center of the upper left leaf
cluster of the wreath to the top of the upper left leaf of the second leaf
cluster. Die chip inside he lower area
of the O in GOD. Die clash is weak. Die scratches at the leg feathers are still
Submitted By: John Bordner (Stage A) and David Mulberry (Stage B & C)
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #4, VAM: #9 and #11
Stage A:
Stage B:
Stage C:
1884-O $1 WRPM-004
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip centered on the bottom of the horizontal bar of the 4 in the date. Reverse: Die chip at the upper inside of the G in GOD.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #11, VAM: #21
1884-O $1 WRPM-005
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse: Tooling gouge on the top of the diagonal bar of the N in UNUM. Reverse: WDDR-???, doubling shows toward the rim on GOD WE TRUST, the bottom of TATES OF AMERICA, the outside of the right wreath, and the ribbon bow. Die chips inside the upper area of the D in DOLLAR. Double die clash at the left wing below the N of IN. Die chip at the upper inside of the G in GOD.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #2, VAM: #7
1884-O $1 WRPM-006
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse: Die clash at the lower back of the cap. Reverse:
Die clash at the upper right side of the wreath.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #5, VAM: #10
1884-O $1 WRPM-007
Description: O/O South
Die Markers: Obverse: E/W die crack through the bottom of the date, strong between the 8s. ENE die crack from the top of the S in PLURIBUS. Reverse: Die crack from right center of the mintmark running ENE to the last A in AMERICA. Die crack north from the top right of the wreath to the right side eagle's wing. Various die cracks running through USA and ONE. Die crack west from left center of the ribbon bow through the leaves.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #7, VAM: #13
1884-O $1 WRPM-008
Description: O/O West
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die
crack west from the top of the upper maple leaf on Miss Liberty’s cap. Light die crack on top and to the left of the
ball on Miss Liberty’s cap. Die crack
from the upper center of Miss Liberty’s cap that runs SE into the field. Die crack at the right side of the ball on
Miss Liberty’s cap that runs SE into the field. Obverse Stage B: Die
crack at the leaf is stronger running east through the leaf and further
west. Die crack at the top of Miss
Liberty’s cap extends ESE into the ball. NW/SE die crack at the top of the ball on Miss Liberty’s cap.Reverse Stage A: Weak N/S die crack on the left wing near the
wing tip. Double die clash between
the upper right side wreath and the right side wing. Reverse Stage B:
Die crack below the ribbon knot that runs WNW to
the last leaf cluster of the wreath and east on the bottom ribbon knot. WNW/ESE die crack through the center of the
fourth leaf cluster of the wreath on the left side. Leaves on the outside of left wreath are
heavily abraded. Die crack SE from the
last T in TRUST, running through the wing, to the left lower side of the M in
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #9, VAM: #15
Stage A:
Stage B:
1884-O $1 WRPM-009
Description: O/O/O Southwest and West
Die Markers:Obverse: Doubling, which appears on several dies, shows at the top of the 1 in the date. Die crack east from the right side of the bust to
the 1 in the date. Die crack west from
the left side of the bust. Short die
crack south from the point of the bust. Reverse: N/S die scratch inside the
lower area of the last S in STATES.