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1878 $1 WDDO-001

Description: A CW spread shows on all stars, the date, and the point of the bust. Slight doubling shows on some letters of EPU. LIBERTY is spread east and south. The eyelid is tripled and the inside of the nostril and lips are doubled.

Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die gouge just below wheat kernels above LI in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: Same as Stage A. Obverse Stage C: Same as Stage B. Reverse Stage A: Reverse is WDDR-004. VAM-19 die pairing. Die scratch from left wreath through left star to rim. Reverse Stage B: Reverse is WDDR-001. VAM-18 die pairing. Parallel die scratches through O of ONE and to left of O. Die scratches between leaves of olive branch and left side of wreath. Reverse Stage C: VAM-20 die pairing.

Submitted By: Gary Alender

Cross References: CONECA: 11-O-III, VAM 18 and 19 and 20

Stage B:

1878 $1 WDDO-002

Description: EPU and all stars show CCW spread from a pivot at about 2:00. All upper hair and bonnet details show some CCW spread. LIBERTY doubled very strongly with the stronger image spread to the right. The eyelid has 4 distinct images, one from the CCW pivot and the other two south of the main eyelid from much earlier hubbings. The nostril and lower lip show strong doubling. The front of the neck is doubled from the CCW spread. Digits of the date are also slightly doubled.

Die Markers: Obverse: Lower first U and lower left N of UNUM show hub breaks. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-002. Hub chip on bottom of D in DOLLAR. Eagle's right wing detached from leg due to over polishing. Die crack running through tops of letters in USA, right star, and bottom of LLAR in DOLLAR.

Submitted By: Gary Wagnon

Cross References: CONECA: 18-O-III, VAM 38

1878 $1 WDDO-003

Description: Close doubling shows on right side of the letters of LIBERTY. Eyelid slightly doubled on underside and eyebrow doubled. Letters of E PLURIBUS very slightly doubled on right side.

Die Markers: Obverse: Fourth star on right has broken point. Nostril over polished with bottom missing. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-003. Two die scratches from bottom right side of wreath SE through second L of DOLLAR. Diagonal die scratch above leaves to right of end of olive branch. Light die crack through upper TAT of STATES.

Submitted By: Joe Groff

Cross References: VAM 190

1878 $1 WDDO-004

Description: Extremely close spread towards the center of stars 3, 4, 5, and 6 on the left. Doubling also shows on the eye and the R of PLURIBUS. LIBERTY is spread slightly to the left. Some strands of hair above 78 and on lower back of head are doubled.

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge below curl of bonnet north of second cotton boll. Clash marks from back of head to right of bonnet ribbon. Curving die scratch on lower back of bonnet to right of second cotton boll. Clash mark SW from upper front of neck. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-007. Die clash marks between upper left wreath and wing feathers, between upper right wreath and wing feathers and from lower right N of IN south to wing. Two short die scratches just above intersection of branch and arrows between eagle's talons.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik

Cross References: VAM 14.1

1878 $1 WDDO-005

Description: E PL, R, S of E PLURIBUS, all stars on left and right, and LIBERTY spread slightly to left.

Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Thin die scratch SW through R of LIBERTY. Horizontal die scratch between hair curls above 78 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Die clash marks NW from upper chin, from lips, and from nose. Die clash marks SW from top of neck. Numerous NW/SE die polish lines through the hair details and around bonnet. Light NE/SW die polish lines on eye. Obverse Stage C: Same as Stage B. Reverse Stage A: VAM-81 die pairing. Reverse Stage B: Reverse is WDDR-005. VAM-33 die pairing. Patch of die polish lines into left side of eagle's throat. Die polishing on upper right leaves. Die polish lines through TRUST. Reverse Stage C: Reverse is WDDR-??? VAM-30 die pairing.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik (Additional photos of an example from John A. Wexler by Brian Allen)

Cross References: CONECA: 14-O-III, VAM 30 and 33 and 81

Stage B:

1878 $1 WDDO-006

Description: Most letters of EPU show evidence of doubling. LIBERTY shows close spread to right. All stars on left and right show traces of doubling with strongest being L7, R1, and R4. Date also shows doubling.

Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Lower left N and lower right M of UNUM are broken. Obverse Stage B: Same as Stage A. Obverse Stage C: Same as Stage B. Reverse Stage A: VAM-40 die pairing. Die cracks connect most letters of upper USA and lower letters of ONE DOLLAR. A V-shaped die scratch shows between ICA of AMERICA and leaves. The lower D of DOLLAR is broken. Reverse Stage B: VAM-31 die pairing. Reverse Stage C: VAM-110 die pairing.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik

Cross References: CONECA: 15-O-III, VAM 31 and 40 and 110

1878 $1 WDDO-007

Description: LIBERTY is doubled CCW. All stars on left and right are doubled, with the first four stars on the left being tripled. 1 in date is doubled on top right and on left side under crossbar to base. 7 in date shows doubling on top of crossbar and lightly on left side of crossbar.

Die Markers: Obverse: Small die crack top left side of E in LIBERTY NE to leaf. Die crack from bottom of crossbar of 1 WNW to base of neck. Die polish marks in low area of cap fold NE of cotton balls. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: Richard M. Prouty (Photos by Frank M. Zapushek)

Cross References: VAM 16

1878 $1 WDDO-008

Description: Doubling on LIBERTY CCW. Separation of serifs on letters P, U, R, and B of PLURIBUS. First and second star on right show minor doubling. First 8 of date shows minor doubling on top inside loop and the second 8 shows minor doubling at the bottom outside loop.

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge running ESE between the legs of R in LIBERTY. Part of nostril missing from over polishing of die. Die polish marks in low areas of fold from cap top also east of cotton balls on cap. Reverse: None noted.

Submitted By: Richard M. Prouty (Photos by Frank M. Zapushek)

Cross References: VAM 21

1878 $1 WDDO-009

Description: Doubling visible as strong serif notches on all letters of EPU with strongest separation on R of PLURIBUS and first N of UNUM. Dots of EPU are thick. All stars show separation of points. Date is moderately doubled on right side most visible on 1 and 7. Inside of ear, lower hair details, letters of LIBERTY, upper lip, and eye lash are lightly doubled.

Die Markers: Obverse: Short gouge on left inside lower loop of first 8 of date. Light die scratches behind Liberty's eye and light polish lines seen in lower hair details. Light polishing of nostril. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-010. 8 TF.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler (Photos by Brian Allen)

Cross References: VAM 4 and 17

1878 $1 WDDO-010

Description: Slight doubling on EPU, stars, and date.

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-011.

Submitted By: Tony Russo

Cross References: VAM 6

Comments: Pictured example has strong machine doubling on much of the obverse. The split serifs are the most noticeable evidence of hub doubling.

1878 $1 WDDR-001

Description: Doubling shows on USA, IGWT, eagle's beak, right wing feathers, the wreath, the left star, and slightly on ONE DOLLAR and the right star.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-001. Die gouge just below wheat kernels above LI in LIBERTY. Reverse: Parallel die scratches through O of ONE and to left of O. Die scratches between leaves of olive branch and left side of wreath.

Submitted By: Gary Alender

Cross References: CONECA: 9-R-III, VAM 18

1878 $1 WDDR-002

Description: Extra tail feathers under 2nd, 3rd, 4th, between 4th and 5th, and between 5th and 6th tail feathers. Doubled arrow feathers, olive branch, and some olive leaves. Some doubling of bottom of wreath. Some letters of IGWT doubled from a very early hubbing. Very slight doubling on USA and ONE DOLLAR.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-002. Lower first U and lower left N of UNUM show hub breaks. Reverse: Hub chip on bottom of D in DOLLAR. Eagle's right wing detached from leg due to over polishing. Die crack running through tops of letters in USA, right star, and bottom of LLAR in DOLLAR.

Submitted By: Gary Wagnon

Cross References: CONECA: 21-R-III, VAM 38

1878 $1 WDDR-003

Description: Doubling spread to west on IGWT, eagle's left wing feathers, and upper right side of right wing as well as feather details on eagle's head and neck. Feather ends on arrows show some doubling as do the leaves on the olive branch.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-003. Fourth star on right has broken point. Nostril over polished with bottom missing. Reverse: Two die scratches from bottom right side of wreath SE through second L of DOLLAR. Diagonal die scratch above leaves to right of end of olive branch. Light die crack through upper TAT of STATES.

Submitted By: Joe Groff

Cross References: CONECA: 27-R-III, VAM 190

1878 $1 WDDR-004

Description: The eagle has a strongly doubled beak. Close doubling shows on USA, both stars, ONE DOLLAR, the wreath, and olive leaves. The arrowheads and upper two shafts are strongly doubled.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-001. Die gouge just below wheat kernels above LI in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die scratch from left wreath through left star to rim.

Submitted By: Gary Alender

Cross References: CONECA: 10-R-III, VAM 19

1878 $1 WDDR-005

Description: Extra tail feathers show below the 3rd, between the 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th, 5th and 6th, and below the 6th tail feather. The eagle's legs are strongly doubled as are the talons. The branch held by the eagle is doubled on the bottom as are the leaves of that branch. Doubling shows on the feather details of the left wing, below the D of UNITED, and on the bottom of the E in STATES.

Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: VAM-33 die pairing. Thin die scratch SW through R of LIBERTY. Horizontal die scratch between hair curls above 78 in the date. Die clash marks NW from upper chin, from lips, and from nose. Die clash marks SW from top of neck. Numerous NW/SE die polish lines through the hair details and around bonnet. Light NE/SW die polish lines on eye. Obverse Stage B: VAM-44 die pairing. Reverse Stage A: Die clash marks between the upper left wreath leaves and wing. Two strong diagonal die scratches through feathers of eagle's upper right wing. Polishing debris between upper left ribbon and leaves. Reverse Stage B: Same as Stage A.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik

Cross References: CONECA: 17-R-III, VAM 33 and 44

Stage A:

1878 $1 WDDR-006

Description: Extra tail feathers show between the 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th, and below the 5th and 6th tail feathers. The bottom of the branch held by the eagle is doubled and traces of doubling can be found in the leaves. A very slight spread towards the center shows on UNITED and AMERICA. Doubling also shows inside the loop of the bow and to the left of the bottom of the bow loops.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-006. Lower left N and lower right M of UNUM are broken. Reverse: Die cracks connect most letters of upper USA and lower letters of ONE DOLLAR. A V-shaped die scratch shows between ICA of AMERICA and leaves. The lower D of DOLLAR is broken.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik

Cross References: CONECA: 23-R-III, VAM 40

1878 $1 WDDR-007

Description: A spread towards the center shows on UNITED STATES OF, IGWT, ONE DOLLAR, left half of wreath, ribbon, and first two clusters of leaves to right of ribbon.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-004. Die gouge below curl of bonnet north of second cotton boll. Clash marks from back of head to right of bonnet ribbon. Curving die scratch on lower back of bonnet to right of second cotton boll. Clash mark SW from upper front of neck. Reverse: Die clash marks between upper left wreath and wing feathers, between upper right wreath and wing feathers and from lower right N of IN south to wing. Two short die scratches just above intersection of branch and arrows between eagle's talons.

Submitted By: Istvan Henrik

Cross References: CONECA: 31-R-III, VAM 14.1

1878 $1 WDDR-008

1878 $1 WDDR-009

1878 $1 WDDR-010

Description: Strong Class II doubling toward the rim most visible on the letters of USA. Tips of eagle's wing feathers, lettering of IGWT, eagle's beak and tongue. Branches and leaves are doubled with the strongest doubling seen on leaves to left of knot on lower branch. The branch the eagle is holding has doubling on lower portion of leaves.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-009. Short gouge on left inside lower loop of first 8 of date. Light die scratches behind Liberty's eye and light polish lines seen in lower hair details. Light polishing of nostril. Reverse: 8 TF.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler (Photos by Brian Allen)

Cross References: VAM 17

1878 $1 WDDR-011

Description: Doubled tail feathers.

Die Markers: Obverse: Broken left point on fourth star. Die clash on lips. Nostril and lower portion of bottom lip polished. Strong die scratch through LIBERTY. Reverse: 7/8 TF. Light die polish lines through lower olive leaves and knot.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: VAM 41