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1985-D 1¢ WRPM-001

Description: D/D Southeast

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die gouge on the lapel crease about one-third up from the bottom. Stage B: Stage A marker still present. Reverse: Stage A: Die chip on the left side memorial base located above the O in ONE. Stage B: Stage A marker still present.  Die crack at the top of columns one, ten and twelve.  Die crack closer to the center on column two.

Submitted By: Stage A: Jay Oen, Stage B: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #1, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-001

Stage A:





Stage B:





1985-D 1¢ WRPM-002

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Small die gouge right of the front hair curl. Stage B: The die gouge in field, right of the front hair curl is weak, but visible.  A pair of faded, SW/NE oriented die scratches show to the left of the 1 in the date.  A die scratch runs west of the 1 in the date.  Die scratches SE from the beard and chin.  Die scratch runs WWN from the back of Lincoln’s jacket to above right side of Y in LIBERTY. Stage C: Stage B markers still present, but weaker. A series of mostly E-W oriented die scratches overlaid by a single SW-NE oriented die scratch show below the 1 in the date. Reverse: Stage A: Two die chips right of the lower curve of the first S in STATES.  Die gouge left of the upper area of the O in ONE.  Die gouge left of N in CENT.  Die gouge right of M in AMERICA. Stage B: Die gouges left of N in CENT and right of the upper M in AMERICA still present. A SE oriented die scratch emanates from the lower opening of the E in CENT. Die chip SE of the first S of STATES present.  Gouge at the O in ONE abraded away.  Distinctive die scratches show above the N and T of CENT.  Stage C: Stage B markers still present.

Submitted By: Stage A: Ben Peters, Stage B & C: John Shields

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-020

Stage A:






Stage B:










Stage C:









1985-D 1¢ WRPM-003

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A tiny die dot shows between the lower 1 and 9 in date. A short, NW-SE oriented die flow line extends from the tail of the 9 in the date.  A tiny die dot shows below the center of the chin. A vertical die gouge shows to the right of the upper E in WE. Stage B: Die dot under chin still visible. Vertical die gouge right of the upper E in WE still visible. A new die gouge shows between the lower area of the 1 and 9 in the date. The die flow line from the tail of the 9 is still visible. Reverse: Stage A: Weak lower D in UNITED, STA and second S in STATES, and OF in OF.  Stage B: Die cracks on columns nine and ten. A raised area shows just inside the rim above the A and M in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Stage A: John Shields, Stage B: Ben Peters

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #7, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-007

Stage A:








Stage B:









1985-D 1¢ WRPM-004

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die gouge under B in AMERICA.  A vertical die gouge shows in front of Lincoln’s hair.  Die gouges to the left and under the I in IN and left of the N in IN. A fine die scratch runs NE from the upper right edge of the mintmark. Stage B: Stage A die gouges weak.  Reverse: Stage A: Die crack from left cornice tip to I in UNITED.  Faded die gouge left of the lower first S in STATES.  Die gouges in lower bay 11.   NNW die scratch extending from the right lower side of the T in UNITED. Stage B: Stage A markers still present.  New die gouges inside upper bay 11. A strong die gouge shows in field below last A in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Stage A: Jay Oen, Stage B: John Shields

Cross References: None known

Comments: This is a replacement for the original WRPM-004 that was not an RPM.  Additionally, the new WRPM-004 die is noted to be a duplicate of the original WRPM-015, which has been added to this listing and has been replaced as well. The primary mint mark is noted to be further to the west than WRPM-003.

Stage A:











Stage B:









1985-D 1¢ WRPM-005

Description: D/D North

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #9, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-009

Photos needed



1985-D 1¢ WRPM-006

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die crack and chips in upper right 5 in the date.  Die gouge below TY in LIBERTY. A tiny die dot shows at the back of Lincoln’s jacket directly south of the Y in LIBERTY. Die gouge at SW corner of the E in WE. Stage B: Die crack and chips in upper right 5 in the date still visible. New die gouge in the field, SE of the O in GOD.  Die gouge below TY in LIBERTY still visible. Die dot on Lincoln’s jacket, south of the Y in LIBERTY, still visible. Die gouge at the SW corner of the E in WE still visible. Stage C: Most Stage B markers are still visible, except for the die gouge and dot below the TY in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Stage A: A light die crack runs from the left memorial roof into the D in UNITED. Die gouge on G in FG. No die crack from right memorial base to rim. Vertical die scratches in Memorial bays 3 and 6.  Die gouge in field well under the AM in AMERICA.  Die gouge in the field NE of the O in ONE. Stage B: Stage A markers still visible. Die crack from left memorial roof to D in UNITED is more prominent.  Light die crack from right memorial base to rim. Light die crack from left base to rim. Stage C: New reverse: Die gouge under left side of I in UNITED.  Light die scratch at the rim, NW of the O in OF.

Submitted By: Stage A, B, & C: John Shields

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #3, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-003

Stage A:










Stage B:












Stage C:











1985-D 1¢ WRPM-007

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge above left side of mint mark.  Die gouge along the lower right edge of the U in TRUST. A light die crack shows on the lower forehead, NE of the eye. Reverse: A vertical die crack shows on upper column 1. Die gouges show in the Memorial roof south and SE of the M in UNUM. A tiny die dot shows to the left of the first T in STATES. A short die scratch runs NE from the lower right edge of the A in STATES.

Submitted By: D. Lommler (Updated photos on a coin from John Shields)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #5, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-005










1985-D 1¢ WRPM-008

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A short, SW-NE oriented die gouge shows behind the truncation of the bust. Extremely fine die scratches and a die gouge show between the N of IN and the lower G in GOD. A tiny die scratch runs south from the underside of the N in IN. A small die gouge shows to the right of the N in IN.  Light die scratches run NNW above the date and in front of chin.  Stage B: Die scratches and die gouge left of G in GOD no longer present.  Die gouge right of N in IN still visible. The die scratches above the date are extremely faded. A die gouge shows under right side of 8 in the date.  A die gouge shows well above the LI in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Stage A: Curved die scratches show above Lincoln’s statue in Memorial bay 6.  Multiple die scratches run mostly east to west through ONE and CENT.  Stage B: Stage A markers still visible but weaker.  Die gouge under horizontal bar of A in STATES. 

Submitted By: Stage A & B: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #2, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-002 and 1985D-1MM-016

Stage A:










Stage B:












1985-D 1¢ WRPM-009

Description: D/D East

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #8, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-008

Photos needed



1985-D 1¢ WRPM-010

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: Weak die gouge in the field east from the bottom of the E in WE. Reverse: Short, weak N/S die gouge slightly below center of the diagonal bar of the N of ONE.

Submitted By: Lloyd Hanson

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #6, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-006







1985-D 1¢ WRPM-011

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: A die gouge shows left of the upper E in LIBERTY. A tiny die gouge shows to the right of the upper I in IN. Reverse: Heavy die scratches from left memorial roof and left cornice tip through TED in UNITED.  NNW die scratches in Memorial bay’s 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 and 11.  Vertical die cracks show on column 1 and 2.  A die gouge shows in the lower opening of the E in AMERICA.  East to west die scratches run through the C, E and N in CENT. 

Submitted By: John Bordner (Updated photos on a coin from John Shields)

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #4, Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-004













1985-D 1¢ WRPM-012

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Light die scratches running NNW to SSE above and left of TY in LIBERTY. Reverse: Light N/S die scratch below the lower right-hand area of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT.  Die gouge under right side of second A in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Lloyd Hanson

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-017









1985-D 1¢ WRPM-013

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: A die gouge shows in the jacket fold well northeast of the B in VDB. Die gouge between the central 8 and 5 in date. A vertical die gouge shows along the left edge of the opening in the 5 of the date. A tiny die gouge shows just below the front tip of Lincoln’s bust. Reverse: Numerous die scratches show throughout the reverse, including: under AMERICA, through the memorial bays and the memorial base.  A die gouge shows inside the upper left D in UNITED. 

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-019

Comments: The primary mint mark is further east than WRPM-002.











1985-D 1¢ WRPM-014

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Light die gouge above right side of mint mark.  A series of light die scratches run NW from behind the truncation of the bust. A die gouge shows in the field, well below the I in IN. A similar die gouge shows in the field, SE of the N in IN. Reverse: Numerous die scratches run through the motto, mostly in the ESE to WNW direction. Heavy ESE to WNW die scratches run though ONE CENT. Horizontal die scratches show the bays above Lincoln’s statue.  Die scratches run NNW to SSE through memorial bays 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-013













1985-D 1¢ WRPM-015

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Light die scratches run north to south in front of Lincoln’s face and in the field behind his head. A series of die scratches run north from the top of the hair into the D of GOD. Reverse: Die gouge under left memorial base tip.  Die gouge well above the N in ONE.  Two small die gouges show under the last A in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

Comments: This is a replacement die, after the original WRPM-015 was found to be a duplicate of WRPM-004.  Of note, though widely spaced, the doubling on this early die state coin is lightly struck, and the doubling may become difficult to see in worn or later die state coins.









Additional photo provided by Brian Ribar to show doubling.



1985-D 1¢ WRPM-016

Description: D/D Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: NNE/SSW die scratch between the chin and the front of the nose. Reverse: Short N/S die scratch centered at the lower inside of the C in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Jay Oen

Cross References: None known







1985-D 1¢ WRPM-017

Description: D/D Southeast

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge in front of the bust and level with the bottom of the 9.  Two light die scratches, oriented N-S, show in front of the mouth and tip of the nose. Light die gouge near hair between TR in TRUST.  Three parallel die gouges under T in LIBERTY.  Die gouge in the middle of Lincoln’s collar.  Reverse: A light die crack shows between the upper C and E in CENT. A light die gouge shows in lower right memorial bay 8. A light die crack runs east from the rim below the left Memorial base.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known













1985-D 1¢ WRPM-018

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die gouge inside upper 8 in date.  Gouge south of the I in IN. A die gouge shows behind the truncation of Lincoln’s bust. Stage B: Same as Stage A. Reverse: Stage A: A distinctive series of die gouges show through the RICA in AMERICA.  Stage B: New Reverse Die. Multiple die gouges on and above the left memorial base.

Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: John Shields

Cross References: None known

Stage A:







Stage B:








1985-D 1¢ WRPM-019

Description: D/D Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die gouge shows on the front of the vest, directly west of the lower mint mark. A die gouge shows below the last T in TRUST. Stage B: Die gouge under T in LIBERTY.  Die gouge left of mint mark. Reverse: Stage A: Two parallel die scratches run east from the right cornice to under I and into the C in AMERICA.  Stage B: Die break on lower column 8.

Submitted By: Stage A & B: Brian Ribar

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #10

Stage A:






Stage B:








1985-D 1¢ WRPM-020

Description: D/D Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A die gouge shows behind the lapel, SW of the buttonhole.  Three die gouges show around the lower U in TRUST. A die gouge shows in the field below the left arm of the R in LIBERTY. Stage B: Stage A markers still visible.  Reverse: Stage A: Light die gouge at rim right of memorial base.  Stage B: Die gouge at rim still present.  Die gouge above left roof tip. 

Submitted By: Stage A & B: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

Stage A:







Stage B:









1985-D 1¢ WRPM-021

Description: D/D Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: A series of NW-SE oriented die scratches show below the 8 in the date. Die gouge behind the truncation of the bust.  A small die dot (gouge), shows directly under first T in TRUST.  Die gouge shows on the jacket fold near center of bust, SW of the buttonhole. A concentric ring runs inside the rim from the first T in TRUST, clockwise to just above the date. Reverse: Weak lower ES of STATES. Light die scratches run WSW from the left memorial base and stairs.

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: None known

Comments: Though markedly similar to WRPM-019, the mint mark is slightly further southeast on WRPM-021.  It is also very similar in placement to WRPM-024, and markers are helpful for differentiating between the two. 










1985-D 1¢ WRPM-022

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Numerous die gouges show around the date and mint mark. Reverse: Die gouge under the E in UNITED.  Die gouge right of the lower second T in STATES.  Die gouge inside the lower S in PLURIBUS.  Die gouge above right roof.  Die gouge in lower bay 7.  Die gouges below left memorial base. 

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: None know












1985-D 1¢ WRPM-023

Description: D/D/D South and Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Mint mark close to 9.  Two small die gouges show above the left side of the 8 in date.  Die gouge on top of bow tie.  Die gouge on shoulder ESE of Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Die cracks and chips show on column’s 2, 4, and 7.  Die gouge on roof above column 8.  A small die gouge shows along the right side of first U in UNUM.  Heavily polished die right side of reverse above FG at the rim. 

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: None known













1985-D 1¢ WRPM-024

Description: D/D Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge above the D in VDB well into the jacket.  Die gouge touching under right side of B in LIBERTY Reverse: Die gouge below TE in STATES.  Die deterioration on ON in ONE.  Die gouges above the N in ONE and along the left edge of the E in ONE. 

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-010

Comments: Though markedly similar to WRPM-019, the mint mark is slightly further southeast on WRPM-024.  It is also very similar in placement to WRPM-021, and markers are helpful for differentiating between the two. 










1985-D 1¢ WRPM-025

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratches run NNE to SSW throughout most of the obverse fields.  Die gouge well south of right side of T in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Die scratches run WNW throughout most of the reverse.  Multiple die gouges around STA in STATES.  Die gouge right of S in PLURIBUS.  Die gouge right of lower C in AMERICA.  Several die gouges are present on the roof above columns 7 and 8. 

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: None known















1985-D 1¢ WRPM-026

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratch running along the rim left and above LIBERTY as well as a separate scratch along the rim under VDB. Two groups of mostly parallel die scratches show under the lower area of the bust.  A pair of die gouges show to the southwest and southeast of the lower 1 in the date.  Die gouge near hair under O in GOD.  Reverse: Die gouges show along the lower right edge of the first S in STATES.  A series of die gouges show around the N and T in CENT.  A pair of die gouges show to the left and inside the O in ONE. 

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: Coppercoins: 1985D-1MM-014













1985-D 1¢ WRPM-027

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: A tiny die scratch runs east from the top of the B in LIBERTY. A small die gouge (dot) shows above right side of B in LIBERTY.  A horizontal gouge shows above the I in LIBERTY. A faded die scratch runs south below the lower opening of the R in TRUST. Reverse: A small die gouge (dot) shows in the field, just left of the column 1 base.  Die gouge left of the lower R in AMERICA. A tiny die gouge (dot) shows in the field below the right arm of the last A in AMERICA.

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: None known