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1951-D 1¢ WRPM-001

Description: D/D/D Southwest and East

Die Markers: Obverse: Short, mostly N-S oriented die scratches show around the Y in LIBERTY weaker. Concentric die scratches show behind Lincoln’s head. Short die scratches show in front of the upper forehead. Short, mostly E-W oriented die scratches show around the S and last T in TRUST. Reverse: A series of concentric die scratches show around the first S in STATES. A SW-NE oriented die gouge shows inside the O of OF. A NW-SE oriented die scratch shows to the SW of the O in OF.

Submitted By: Lloyd Hanson (Updated photos on a coin from John Bordner)

Cross References: CONECA RPM #1; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-001

Comments: Originally two die stages were noted by John Bordner, but both showed identical markers and have been condensed into one stage.











1951-D 1¢ WRPM-002

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A die clash shows in front of Lincoln’s neck. A series of NW-SW oriented die scratches show between the chin and the date. A series of die scratches run generally NE from the right edge of most of Lincoln’s profile.  A pair of mostly E-W oriented dies scratches show below GOD in the motto.  A pair of mostly parallel dies scratches run SSE from the lower S in TRUST.  A mostly N-S die scratch connects the Y in LIBERTY to the back of Lincoln’s vest. A distinctive die scratch pattern shows around the Y in LIBERTY. Stage B: The die clash in front of Lincoln’s neck is present, but weaker. The die scratches from the chin to the date are mostly worn away. The series of die scratches running NE from the right edge of Lincoln’s profile are present, but weaker. The E-W oriented die scratches under GOD are still visible. The N-S oriented die scratch connecting the Y in LIBERTY to the back of the vest is present, but weak. The parallel die scratches running SSE from the S in TRUST has been worn away. Stage C: The die clash in front of the neck has worn away. A fresh, SW-NE oriented die scratch shows below Lincoln’s chin. The die scratches running NE from the front of Lincoln’s profile are faded and weak. The E-W oriented die scratches under GOD are weak and incomplete. A strong, SW-NE oriented die scratch runs through the Y in LIBERTY. All other Stage A and B die markers have been worn away. Reverse: Stage A: A short, but strong die scratch runs NE from the right edge of the left wheat tip. A WSW-ENE oriented die scratch runs through the O in ONE and into the upper left edge of the N in ONE. A strong series of NW-SE oriented die scratches run through the C in CENT. These die scratches overlay a weaker series of mostly NNW-SSE oriented die scratches inside the opening of the C in CENT. A distinctive series of die scratches show to the right of the T in CENT. A die gouge shows along the lower left opening of the U in UNITED (Only marker visible in all known die stages). Two parallel, NW-SE oriented die scratches run through and below the UN in UNITED. Stage B: The die gouge along the lower left opening of the U in UNITED is visible. The parallel die scratches through and below the UN in UNITED are weakly visible. The die scratch emanating from the upper left wheat tip is weakly visible. All other Stage A die markers are worn away. A fresh series of mostly E-W oriented die scratches show inside the opening of the C in CENT. Stage C: The die gouge along the lower left opening of the U in UNITED is visible. All other Stage A and B die markers are worn away. Die chips show on the vertical and horizontal crossbars of the T in CENT.

Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA RPM #2; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-002

Stage A:
















Stage B:










Stage C:










1951-D 1¢ WRPM-003

Description: D/D/D West and Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A light die scratch runs NW from the top of the mint-mark into the 9 in the date. A light die scratch runs NW from the top left edge of the 1 in the date. A NW-SE oriented die scratch shows above the bow tie. A light die scratch runs SE from Lincoln’s mouth. Concentric die scratches show in the field in front of Lincoln’s nose. A short die scratch runs west from the top left edge of the first T in TRUST. A wavy concentric die scratch runs from above the L in LIBERTY to above the last T in TRUST (Section from WE to TR in TRUST pictured). A long die scratch runs NW from the back of Lincoln’s neck. Stage B: A pair of parallel die scratches show in the field below the RT in LIBERTY. A light die scratch runs SW from the lower B in LIBERTY. A die crack runs thorough VDB. A die scratch runs dead north from the front edge of Lincoln’s eyebrow. The concentric die scratch at the rim from the L in LIBERTY to the last T in TRUST is visible, but weaker. Reverse: Stage A: A faded die gouge shows in the field behind the C in CENT. A strong die chip shows on the lower T in CENT. This chip also extends into the field below the T in CENT. Stage B: The die chip on the T in CENT and chip in the field have grown slightly, but remain relatively unchanged. The reverse die has now been heavily abraded with fresh NW-SE oriented die scratches showing along much of the left side of the reverse. A short die crack shows on the lower right wheat, ESE of the last S in STATES. All other Stage A die markers have worn away.

Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: John Shields

Cross References: CONECA RPM #3; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-003

Stage A:











Stage B:












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-004

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A perfectly N-S oriented die scratch runs from the field between the 1 and 9 in the date, south onto the front of Lincoln’s lapel.  There is no sign of a die crack above VDB. A strong N-S oriented die scratch shows under Lincoln’s chin. A series of N-S oriented die scratches show behind Lincoln’s head and neck. Stage B: The N-S oriented die scratch on the lapel is present. A light die crack shows above the VDB initials. The die scratches behind Lincoln’s head and neck are present, but weaker. Stage C: The N-S die scratch on the front of Lincoln’s lapel is worn away. A strong die crack runs above the VDB initials. A single strong die scratch remains behind Lincoln’s head. All other Stage A and B die markers are worn away. Stage D: Die chips show on the tail and inside the upper curve of the 9 in the date. The die crack over VDB is stronger. All other previous die stage markers are worn away. Stage E: The die chips on the 9 in the date have grown extensively. The die crack over VDB is stronger. All other previous die stage markers are worn away. Reverse: Stage A: A die scratch runs south from the lower A in STATES through the C in AMERICA. A N-S oriented die scratch shows inside the opening of the E in ONE. A series of N-S oriented die scratches run through OF. Stage B: The N-S oriented die scratches through OF are still present. All other Stage A markers are still visible. Stage C: Light die scratches show at either side and below of the junction of the vertical and horizontal crossbars of the T in CENT. All Stage A and B reverse markers are worn away. Stage D: Faded NW-SE oriented die scratches run through the UN of UNITED. A series of faded die scratches run through the lower C in AMERICA. All previous die stage markers are worn away. Stage E: A faded N-S die scratch shows inside the C in CENT.

Submitted By: Stage A, B, D, & E: John Shields, Stage C: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA RPM #4; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-004

Stage A:







Stage B:










Stage C:






Stage D:






Stage E:






1951-D 1¢ WRPM-005

Description: D/D West

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A long die crack shows over the VDB initials, but it does not run to the rim in this die stage. Short, N-S oriented die scratches show inside the shoulder fold. A series of faded die scratches run NNE from Lincoln’s nose, eyebrow and forehead. Stage B: The die crack over VDB now extends to the rim on its left-hand side and contains a small die chip. The die scratches inside Lincoln’s shoulder fold and in front of his profile are considerably weaker. Stage C: A die crack extends from the NW corner of the mint-mark into the tail of the 9 in the date. The die crack over VDB extends heavily to the rim and contains two chips. All other Stage A and B die markers are still weakly visible. Reverse: Stage A: A faded die clash shows to the right of the C in CENT. A small die chip shows at the middle of the vertical crossbar of the T in CENT. A die clash line extends SW from the lower C in AMERICA. Several short die scratches show around the C and A in AMERICA. Stage B: The die clash at the C in CENT is only weakly visible. The die chip on the T of CENT has gown larger. The die clash at the C of AMERICA is still visible, but the Stage A die scratches have worn away. Stage C: The die clash at the C in CENT is extremely weak. The die chip on the T in CENT continues to grow in size. A die clash remnant is visible between the N and T in CENT.

Submitted By: Stage A, B, & C: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA RPM #5; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-005

Stage A:









Stage B:








Stage C:








1951-D 1¢ WRPM-006

Description: D/D North

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Light, SW-NE oriented die scratches run through and below the date. Similar, SW-NE oriented die scratches show on and in front of the neck. An E-W oriented die scratch shows at the rim between the D in GOD and the W in WE. A pair of die gouges show below the lower right edge of the E in LIBERTY. Numerous, SW-NE oriented die scratches show below the LIBER in LIBERTY. Stage B: The die gouges below the E in LIBERTY are well worn, but visible. All other Stage A die markers are worn away. A “V” shaped die scratch pattern shows in front of Lincoln’s eye. Worn die scratches run SW from the back of Lincoln’s neck. A light, mostly E-W oriented die crack runs through the lower jacket folds. Stage C: Die gouges below E in LIBERTY essentially gone.  Die scratches in front of Lincoln’s eye weaker. Die chip on upper right 9 in the date. Die clash behind Lincoln’s neck. Reverse: Stage A: A series of mostly E-W oriented die scratches show between the N and T in CENT. Numerous, NW-SE oriented die scratches run through and below OF. A series of NW-SE oriented die scratches run through the ED of UNITED and ST of STATES into the central letters of AMERICA. Stage B: Some of the NW-SE oriented die scratches below OF and the E-W die scratches between the N and T in CENT are weakly visible. All other Stage A die markers are worn away. A light die crack shows on the lower right wheat, SE of the last A in AMERICA. Faded, E-W die scratches show through the C in CENT. Stage C: The Stage B markers are still weakly visible. Die crack lower right T in CENT.

Submitted By: Stage A: Mike Coffy, Stage B & C: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA RPM #6; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-006

Stage A:









Stage B:












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-007

Description: D/D/D East and Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A:  No die crack on Lincoln’s shoulder. Light, parallel die scratches run west from the upper N in IN. A faded, but heavy, E-W oriented die scratch runs through the upper R in TRUST. A wavy die scratch shows at the rim above the UST in TRUST. A die scratch runs perfectly south from the lower L in LIBERTY.   Stage B: A die crack runs SSW-NNE on the back of Lincoln’s shoulder. The die scratches running west from the upper N in IN are extremely weak. The heavy die scratch through the R in TRUST is weak. The die scratch at the rim above UST in TRUST is worn away. The die scratch running south from the L in LIBERTY has been worn away. A N-S oriented die crack runs through the back of the eye. Stage C: The die crack on the shoulder now runs to the rim at approximately 7:00. The Stage A & B die scratch through the R in TRUST is extremely weak. The die crack at the back of the eye has grown considerably and extends NW on to the central forehead. All other previous die stage markers have been worn away. Reverse: Stage A: Numerous, NNW-SSE oriented die scratches show throughout most of the reverse. Multi-directional die scratches show inside the opening of the C in CENT. Stage B (Possible new reverse die): No recognizable Stage A die markers. Light, WSW-ENE oriented die scratches run through the ON in ONE. A series of WSW-ENE oriented die scratches run through the T in CENT and intersect with SSW-NNE oriented die scratches running through the N in CENT. A complex series of die scratches show above the UN in UNITED. Multiple, SSW-NNE oriented die scratches run through STATES and AMERICA. Stage C: Some of the Stage B die markers are visible, particularly the die scratches running SSE from the lower T in CENT and above the UN in UNITED.  

Submitted By: Stage A & C: John Bordner, Stage B: Ben Peters

Cross References: CONECA RPM #7; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-007

Stage A:











Stage B:











Stage C:










1951-D 1¢ WRPM-008

Description: D/D/D Northeast and West

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Two parallel die scratches run WNW from the lower left tail of the 5 in the date. Numerous, mostly N-S die scratches show below the mint-mark and on the front of the bust. Concentric, E-W die scratches show on the lower bust WSW of the date. A die gouge shows on the nose, SE of the eye. A series of light die scratches run mostly north from the top of the eyebrow. A crisscrossing die scratch pattern shows below the ST in TRUST. Numerous, SSW-NNE oriented die scratches run through and above the LIBE in LIBERTY. Stage B: The die gouge at the eye is weakly visible. All other Stage A die markers are worn away. A die crack runs mostly E-W through the 195 in the date. A die gouge shows at the rim above the last T and at the upper right edge of the U in TRUST. A long die crack runs mostly E-W over the VDB initials. Reverse: Stage A: Numerous, mostly E-W die scratches run through the left wheat tip and the E in E PLURIBUS. A strong, E-W die scratch overlays numerous lighter die scratches below the C in CENT. Numerous die scratches run mostly E-W through the E in ONE. Letters in UNITED are markedly weak due to die abrasion. Several, E-W oriented die scratches run through the ED in UNITED. Stage B: The E-W die scratch below the C in CENT is weakly visible. An E-W oriented die scratch runs between the lower O and N in ONE. A vertical die chip shows on the lower T in CENT. Light, mostly E-W oriented die scratches show above the T in CENT. The letters of UNITED remain weak. All other Stage A die markers worn away.

Submitted By: Stage A & B: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA RPM #8; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-008

Stage A:











Stage B:













1951-D 1¢ WRPM-009

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse:  Stage A:  A faded die scratch runs from the back of the lower 9 in the date, SSE into the upper right edge of the mint mark. A series of short, SW-NE oriented die scratches show on the lower jacket, SW of the mint mark.  A die gouge is present on the right underside of 5 in the date.  A series of die scratches run SSE from the underside of the chin and in front of much of Lincoln’s upper profile. An E-W oriented die scratch shows near the rim between the E in WE and the first T in TRUST. A similar E-W die scratch shows between the upper D in GOD and the W in WE. A short, WNW-ESE oriented die scratch shows below the Y in LIBERTY.  Stage B:  All Stage A die markers are at least weakly visible. A die gouge is present to the right of the upper mid first 1 in the date. A fresh and slightly curved, E-W oriented die scratch now shows below the Stage A die scratch between the E in WE and the first T in TRUST.  Stage C:  A new die crack is present in the upper hair.  Stage D:  A light die clash is visible behind the neck.  A new die crack is present on the forehead.  A new die scratch running NNE/SSW under ER in LIBERTY is present.  Stage E:  The die scratch under ER is much weaker.  The die crack on the forehead is stronger.  The die clash behind the neck is still visible.  Stage F:  Die scratch under ER is no longer visible.  The die crack on the forehead is stronger.  The die clash behind the neck is still visible.  Reverse:  Stage A:  A die scratch runs NW from the lower left side of the N in CENT. Light, mostly E-W oriented die scratches show in the lower opening of the E in ONE. Concentric die scratches run through the last A in AMERICA and the TES in STATES. Light, NW-SE oriented die scratches run through the UNI in UNITED.  Stage B:  All Stage A die scratches are at least weakly visible. The NW-SE oriented die scratches left of the lower T in CENT are more pronounced.  Stage C:  No significant changes noted.  Stage D:  No significant changes noted.  Stage E:  Die chips are present on the lower T in CENT.  Strong ENE/WSW die scratch under NI in UNITED.  Stage F:  New reverse die.  Crisscrossing north to south and east to west die scratches are present throughout much of the reverse.

Submitted By: Stage A, C, D, E, & F: John Bordner (Updated Stage A photos on a coin from John Shields), Stage B: Ben Peters

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #9; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-009

Comments: The original Stage B and Stage C have been combined into one stage.

Stage A:












Stage B:












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-010

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: A NW-SE oriented die scratch runs between the 5 and 1 in the date. Faded, NW-SE oriented die scratches show in the field and on Lincoln’s lower jacket left of the mint mark. Numerous faded die scratches run SE from Lincoln’s mouth area. Short, NW-SE oriented die scratches show to the SE of Lincoln’s eye. Light, E-W oriented die scratches show inside the upper and central openings of Lincoln’s ear. Short, NW oriented die scratches run from the back of Lincoln’s jacket below the Y in LIBERTY. Stage B: All Stage A die markers are at least weakly visible. A fresh series of die scratches show in the field to the east of Lincoln’s mouth and north of the date. A strong series of die scratches show in the field to the right of Lincoln’s hair curl. Die scratches that form an “inverted V,” show to the right of the Y in LIBERTY. Stage C: Die crack from right inside of the 5 in the date to the mintmark.  Die scratches SSW from OD in GOD. Stage D: All previous die stage markers are worn away. A strong die crack runs from the tail of the 9 in the date into the upper left side of the mint mark. An extensive series of die cracks show between the 9 and 5 in the date with partial die fill inside the 5. Reverse: Stage A: Light, WNW-ESE oriented die scratches show through most of the central reverse. Of note are die scratches through the lower opening of the C in CENT, a long E-W die scratch through the upper letters in UNITED and parallel E-W die scratches through the lower last A in AMERICA. Stage B: All Stage A die markers are still visible. Remnants of a die clash now show on the upper right vertical bar of the N in CENT and through STATES and AMERICA. Stage C: Portions of the Stage B die clash are still visible through the lower C in AMERICA and on the N in CENT.  Die breaks on lower T in CENT.  Stage D: Most previous die stage markers are extremely weak or completely worn away. Portions of the Stage B die clash are still visible through the lower C in AMERICA and on the N in CENT. Die breaks on lower T in CENT more prominent. A light E-W oriented die scratch shows just below the upper crossbar of the E in UNITED.

Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner (Updated photos on a coin from John Shields), Stage B: Lloyd Hanson, Stage C: Tony Russo, Stage D: John Shields

Cross References: CONECA RPM #10; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-010

Stage A:








Stage B:






Stage C:





Stage D:








1951-D 1¢ WRPM-011

Description: D/D/D East and Tilted

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Die scratch at the rim above LIBERTY. Stage B: Die scratch at the rim above LIBERTY weaker. A faded die scratch runs north from the upper left edge of the 1 in the date. A short, SW-NE oriented die scratch shows in the field SE of the chin. A series of E-W and SW-NE oriented die scratches show in front of Lincoln’s forehead. A broken concentric die scratch runs near the rim below the date and lower bust and from approximately 9:00 above the L in LIBERTY to 1:00 between the E in WE and first T in TRUST. A die gouge (dot) shows to the right of the upper G in GOD. A series of die gouges (dots) show to the East, SW and SSE of the N in IN. A light, but long die crack runs NW then W from the eye onto the central forehead. Stage C: The die scratch running north from the upper left edge of the 1 in the date is worn away. The SW-NE oriented die scratch at the chin is visible. The die scratches in front of Lincoln’s forehead are weaker, but visible. The concentric die scratch at the rim is extremely weak. The die gouges around the N in IN are still visible, while the die gouge at the G in GOD is worn away. The die crack on the central forehead has grown. Stage D: Stronger die crack on the forehead. Stage E: The lower curve of the east punching is not visible in this and subsequent die stages. The SW-NE oriented die scratch at the chin is weakly visible. The die scratches in front of Lincoln’s forehead are weak, but visible. The die gouges around the N in IN are still visible. The die crack on the central forehead has grown. All other previous die markers are worn away. Stage F: The die scratch at the chin is visible, but extremely worn. The die scratches in front of Lincoln’s forehead are extremely weak. All other previous die markers, except for the die crack on the forehead, are worn away. The die crack on the forehead has grown and now contains a die chip.  Reverse: Stage A: None noted. Stage B: First reverse. A die clash line runs from the upper right corner of the N in CENT into and through the lower E in ONE. A mostly N-S die crack shows on the lower right wheat grains East of the last S in STATES. A fine die crack has formed on the lower T in CENT with a very small portion showing in the field to the right of the vertical crossbar. A faded die scratch runs NW from the upper right edge of the O in ONE into the N in UNITED. Stage C: New reverse die (second reverse): A short die scratch runs north from the lower curve of the C in CENT. Light, mostly N-S oriented die scratches run through the upper E in CENT into the lower O and N in ONE. A strong NW-SE oriented die scratch overlays a series of N-S oriented die scratches right of the T in CENT. N-S oriented die scratches run through the TES in STATES and the last A in AMERICA. Stage D: Small die chip on the T of CENT. Stage E: The die scratches to the right of the T in CENT are faded, but visible. A strong die chip shows on the lower T in CENT. N-S oriented die scratches run south from the lower T in CENT. The die scratch north from the lower C in CENT is still visible. All other previous die markers are worn away. Stage F: All Stage E die markers are still visible.

Submitted By: Stage A, B, D, & E: John Bordner, Stage C & F: Ben Peters

Cross References: CONECA RPM #11; Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-011

Stage A:




Stage B:













Stage C:










Stage D:



Stage E:









Stage F:










1951-D 1¢ WRPM-012

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: A faded series of NW-SE oriented die scratches run between the date and the chin. A single stronger die scratch runs NW from the upper left edge of the 5 in the date. A die clash shows in front of the neck. A series of light die scratches run SE from the TR in TRUST. A short series of SW-NE oriented die scratches shows between the D in GOD and the W in WE. A long and faded die scratch runs SE from the last T in TRUST. Numerous, NNE-SSW oriented die scratches run through LIBERTY. An E-W oriented die scratch almost connects the lower G and O in GOD.  Reverse: Light, WNW-ESE oriented die scratches run from the right wheat stalk through the ES in STATES and into the last A in AMERICA. A faded die scratch shows below the UM in UNUM. A die gouge, coupled with light SW oriented die scratches, shows to the right of the upper vertical crossbar in the T in CENT.

Submitted By: John Shields

Cross References: CONECA RPM #12, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-012

Comments: This is a potential replacement listing for the old WRPM-012 given that had no photos or coin are present in the files.  The same cross reference is noted so the status as a replacement is uncertain.














1951-D 1¢ WRPM-013

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: Light, NW-SE oriented die scratches run from the lower chin into the 1 and 9 of the date. Numerous, die scratches run SE from the RUS in TRUST and into the rim at approximately 3:00. A long die scratch runs SE from the lower tip of the nose into the upper left edge of the 1 in the date. Light, concentric die scratches run through the TY in LIBERTY. A distinctive die scratch pattern shows in the shoulder fold behind the lower lapel area. Stage B: All Stage A die markers have been worn away except for the die scratches in the shoulder fold behind the lower lapel. A short die gouge runs through the V in VDB. Stage C: The die scratches in the shoulder fold are weakly visible. The die gouge through the V in VDB is weakly visible. A curved die crack shows on the lower forehead NE of the top of the ear.           Reverse: Stage A: A strong, NW-SE oriented die scratch shows to the right of the O in ONE. A long die scratch runs SW from the lower right edge of the O in ONE into the upper left edge of the N in CENT. Strong concentric die scratches show to the left of the U in UNITED. A distinctive die scratch pattern shows above the A and last T in STATES. Stage B: All Stage A die markers are worn away. Light, mostly NW-SE oriented die scratches show along either side of the left arm of the N in ONE. Stage C: A die chip shows to the right of the lower right wheat stalk, ESE of the last A in AMERICA. A faded die clash line runs through the lower C in AMERICA. Light die cracks show on the lower left wheat kernels, SW of the U in UNITED.

Submitted By: Stage A & C: John Bordner, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson

Cross References: CONECA RPM #13, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-013

Stage A:











Stage B:






Stage C:










1951-D 1¢ WRPM-014

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: Stage A: The obverse of this variety is also a tripled eyelid that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1951-D 1¢ WDDO-009. NNW-SSE oriented die scratches run in front of the eyebrow and through the nose with one particularly long die scratch extending into the 9 of the date. Numerous, NNW-SSE oriented die scratches run from the underside of the chin into and left of the 1 in the date. The previously mentioned die scratches are overlaid by a single SW-NE oriented die scratch left of the 1 in the date. A NW-SE oriented die scratch shows in the field right of the last T in TRUST. Numerous light die scratches run NW from Lincoln’s upper back, SE and left of the Y in LIBERTY. Stage B: Most of the Stage A die markers are extremely weak or worn away. Traces of the die scratches under the nose and through the 9 in the date are still visible. A long, curved die crack shows on the central bust, NE and above the VDB initials.  The extra eyelids are no longer clearly visible and are mushy in appearance. Reverse: Stage A: First reverse. A light die crack runs to the rim from the upper left wheat at approximately 9:30. A pattern of die damage shows inside the C in CENT. A die gouge shows along the central left edge of the right vertical bar of the N in CENT. Stage B: New reverse die (second reverse). Two, light die scratches run north from the left wheat tip. A short SW-NE oriented die scratch grazes the upper right edge of the C in CENT. Concentric die scratches run through the last A in AMERICA. A long die scratch runs SE from the central left arm of the last A in AMERICA.

Submitted By: Stage A: Ben Peters, Stage B: Frank Baumann

Cross References: CONECA RPM #14, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-014

Stage A:












Stage B:











1951-D 1¢ WRPM-015

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: A very close spread shows to the east inside the mint mark on this variety. A curved die crack connects the first 1 and 9 in the date. A die gouge (dot) shows to the east of the second 1 in the date. A long die scratch runs SE from the first 1 in the date. A short, mostly E-W oriented die scratch shows between the D in GOD and the W in WE. A light, E-W oriented die scratch overlays a series of NW-SE oriented die scratches above the 19 in the date. Reverse: A strong die gouge protrudes from the upper right tip of the right arm of the N in ONE. A lighter die scratch runs WNW from the upper left edge of the right arm of the N in ONE. A die gouge (dot) shows inside the lower opening of the E in ONE. A series of concentric die scratches show between and above the M and E in AMERICA. A series of N-S oriented die scratches run through and above the U and N in UNITED with some reaching as far north as the E in E PLURIBUS. A distinctive series of die scratches shows above TES in STATES.

Submitted By: Brian Ribar

Cross References: None known

Comments: This is a replacement for the original WRPM-015.












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-016

Description: D/D South

Die Markers: Obverse: A die crack runs NW from the central back of the eyebrow. A crescent shaped die crack shows in the hair NE of the top of the ear. A faded concentric die scratch runs east from the upper E in WE through the upper letters of TRUST. A short, mostly E-W oriented die scratch shows inside the upper opening of the ear. Reverse: Faded concentric die scratches run through the right side of the horizontal crossbar of the T in CENT. A well-hidden die gouge shows along the left margin of the right wheat stalk east of the central last A in AMERICA. A faded die scratch runs SE from the lower right edge of the U in UNITED.

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #16, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-016












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-017

Description: D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse: Stage A: A light die clash shows in front of the neck. A series of NE-SW oriented die scratches run between the bowtie and the underside of the chin. A long series of NNE-SSW oriented die scratches show to the right of the Y in LIBERTY and extend to the rim behind Lincoln’s bust. A portion of the central shoulder fold has been abraded leaving a flat area. The right side of the buttonhole has been similarly abraded leaving reduced detail in that area. Light die scratches run west from the G in GOD into and below IN. A die scratch runs mostly west from the upper I in IN. A broken concentric die scratch shows just inside the rim starting at the L in LIBERTY and running clockwise to above the last T in TRUST. Stage B: The die clash at the neck is still visible as are some of the NE-SW oriented die scratches between the bowtie and chin. The NNE-SSW oriented die scratches behind Lincoln’s profile are weak, but still visible. The abraded areas on Lincoln’s should fold and buttonhole are still visible. The die scratches around IN are extremely weak. The concentric die scratch at the rim from the L in LIBERTY to the last T in TRUST is only weakly visible in a few areas. Stage C: Most of the previous die stage markers are worn away except for the abraded areas on the shoulder fold and buttonhole. A long die crack runs NW from the back of the central eyebrow, eventually curving west through the back of the forehead. Reverse: Stage A: Extensive, mostly N-S oriented die scratches show throughout most of the reverse. A strong, N-S oriented die scratch runs along the right edge of the E in STATES. The die scratch at the E in STATES is crossed by and E-W oriented die scratch forming a “plus” sign just right of the lower opening of the E. A distinctive die scratch pattern runs through and below the N in UNITED. Stage B: Most Stage A markers are faded, but still clearly visible. Stage C: All previous die stage markers are worn away. A light die scratch runs NW from the upper left edge of the last A in AMERICA. A NW-SE oriented die scratch shows inside the O in OF. A die scratch runs ESE from the lower left arm of the first A in AMERICA. Strong die abrasion to remove a die clash shows on the upper right arm of the N in CENT.

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #17, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-017

Stage A:









Stage B:







Stage C:











1951-D 1¢ WRPM-018

Description: D/D/D North and South

Die Markers: Obverse: A die gouge shows to the left of the 1 in the date. A faded die clash shows in front of the neck. A short, N-S oriented die scratch overlaying faded SW-NE oriented die scratches shows in front of the eyebrow. A strong die gouge shows along the SE edge of the S in TRUST. A raised area shows to the right of the lower Y in LIBERTY. A well hidden, SW-NE oriented die scratch shows in the central hair directly below WE in the motto. Reverse: A faded NW-SE oriented die scratch runs through the lower last S in STATES. A similar die scratch runs NW from the top of the second T in STATES. Faded die scratch NW from the D in UNITED. Two strong die chips show on the lower vertical crossbar and right edge of the horizontal crossbar of the T in CENT. Die abrasion to remove a die clash shows on the upper right vertical bar of the N in CENT. Faded die gouge between the C and E in CENT.  A die gouge shows along the lower right edge of the right wheat stalk.

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #18 (Stage E only) and RPM #35, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-038

















1951-D 1¢ WRPM-019

Description: D/D East

Die Markers: Obverse: A faded die scratch runs SW from the tail of the 9 in the date. A band of concentric die scratches run from the D in GOD, through WE and into the TR in TRUST. A die scratch runs ESE from the front on the hair curl. A faded die scratch pattern shows in the lower shoulder fold of Lincoln’s jacket. Reverse: A strong, N-S oriented die scratch shows inside the opening of the C in CENT. A faded, mostly N-S oriented die scratch shows to the right of the previous mentioned die scratch. A curved die scratch overlays a series of N-S oriented die scratches between the N and T in CENT. Die scratches run south from the E in E PLURIBUS into and right of the left wheat tip.

Submitted By: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #27, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-027












1951-D 1¢ WRPM-020

Description: D/D Southeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Stage A: Light, NW-SE oriented die scratches run under the chin and through the date. Strong die clash remnants show in front of the neck and SE of the bowtie. A long, curving die scratch runs mostly south below the E in LIBERTY. Three die scratches run NNE from the tops of the E, R and T in LIBERTY. A short, but strong die scratch runs mostly E from the middle crossbar of the E in WE. Stage B: Most of the NW-SE oriented die scratches near the chin and date are worn away. The die clash in front of the neck and SE of the bowtie is faded, but visible. The die scratch below the E in LIBERTY is worn away. The die scratch from the middle crossbar of the E in WE is weak, but visible. Only the NNE die scratch from the top of the T in LIBERTY is still visible.  Reverse:  Stage A: Die chip on NW corner of the E in ONE.  Evidence of a strong die clash shows in front of the lower C in CENT. Additional die clash evidence shows through the lower A in STATES, the C in AMERICA and at the upper right arm of the N in CENT. A strong die chip shows on the lower T in CENT. Two parallel die scratches run SE from the lower opening of the M in AMERICA, overlaying numerous other die scratches. Stage B: The die clash remnants and most of the die scratches from Stage A have been worn away. The die chip on the NW corner of the E in ONE is still visible as is the die chip on the lower T in CENT.

Submitted By: Stage A & B: John Bordner

Cross References: CONECA: RPM #20, Coppercoins: 1951D-1MM-020

Stage A:












Stage B: