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1959 1¢ WDDO-001         "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A Class II spread towards the rim shows on the date as separation lines on the 59 and as extra thickness to the 19.  Early die state specimens also show doubling on the letters of LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Numerous die scratches run WNW to ESE in front of and behind the bust.  A die scratch connects the lower T and Y of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  The die scratches are weaker.  Obverse Stage C:  Most die scratches are now very weak or missing.  Obverse Stage D:  Most die scratches are extremely weak or gone.  A short, strong, horizontal die scratch can be found above B of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found below the I of LIBERTY.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSE to NNW inside the upper N of ONE.  Numerous die scratches run NNW from the top right Memorial.  A die scratch runs SSW to NNE on the right end of the right Memorial base.  Numerous die scratches run NNW to SSE above the statue of Lincoln.  Reverse Stage B:  The reverse die has been heavily abraded.  The die scratches from the upper right Memorial and above the statue are no longer there.  The die scratches in the N of ONE and on the right Memorial base are still there, but they are weaker.  A small die gouge can be found below the E in AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found near the rim ENE of the designer’s initials.   Reverse Stage C:  The remaining die scratches are now very weak.  Reverse Stage D:  The die is now a very late die state.  A strong die gouge can be found on the left side of the bottom of the 12th Memorial column.  Strong die gouges can be found below the left end of the Memorial.  A die gouge can be found midway between the 12th column and the 2nd A in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: 1-O-II, Cherrypickers: FS-01-1959-101 (022.2), Crawford: CDDO-001, Coppercoins: 1959P-1DO-001

Values:  XF = $10,  AU = $15,  MS60 = $20,  MS63RD = $25,  MS65RD = $35

Comments:  We do not have any photos of Stage C or Stage D available at this time.

Stage A

Stage B

This die gouge below the E in AMERICA first appears on Stage B specimens.

This die gouge ENE of the designer's initials and near the rim also first appears on Stage B specimens.

1959 1¢ WDDO-002        "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A Class II spread towards the rim shows on the letters of LIBERTY.  Notched corners to the straight edged letters can also be seen on IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs ENE from the top of the Y in LIBERTY to the shoulder.  Several die scratches run WNW to ESE between the upper G and O of GOD.  A die crack runs across the left base of the bust above the designer’s initials.  Obverse Stage B:  A short die scratch runs NW from the top of the shoulder.  A die scratch curves SE from the bottom of the bowtie.  A die scratch runs NW to SE through the left side of the 2nd 9.  Obverse Stage C:  Stage B die scratches from the top of the shoulder and the bottom of the bowtie have been abraded away.  The die scratch through the 2nd 9 still remains.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found between the centers of the N and T of CENT.  A horizontal die scratch runs from the top of the O to the top of the N in ONE.  Several die scratches run SW from the bottom of the Memorial below the right post.  Reverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage C:  A strong die scratch runs SSE from the top of the right cornice.  Two strong die scratches run ENE from the lower right 2nd A of AMERICA.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: 2-O-II, Cherrypickers: FS-01-1959-102 (022.3), Crawford: CDDO-002, Coppercoins: 1959P-1DO-002

Comments:  This variety was once listed as 1959 1¢ 4-O-II by CONECA and was originally reported by Delma K. Romines.  It appeared as such in The CONECA U.S. Doubled Die Master Listing published in 1994.  Since that time CONECA has revamped their doubled die files and now list the variety as 1959 1¢ 2-O-II.  If you have a 1959 Lincoln cent doubled die identified as 4-O-II, examine it carefully as it is most likely a specimen of this doubled die variety.

Stage A

Stage B

Stage C

1959 1¢ WDDO-003

Description:  An extra eyelid can be found just below the normal eyelid.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Numerous die scratches running mostly SSW/NNE can be found to the left of and to the right of the bust.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDO-004

Description:  Slight doubling shows below the horizontal crossbar of the first T in TRUST.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the back of the neck.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  James C. Moreland

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDO-005

Description:  Strong extra thickness shows on the date and LIBERTY while light extra thickness shows on IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found south of the left side of the E in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower N in UNITED.  A die gouge can be found in the upper 5th Memorial bay.

Submitted By:  Delma K. Romines

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDO-006

Description:  Doubling shows at the top of the L in LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found above the second nine in the date.  A die gouge extends from the rim to the left of the first T in TRUST.  Reverse:  Parallel die scratches run south from the F in OF.  Parallel die scratches run SE from the M in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  James C. Moreland

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDO-007

Description:  An extra eyelid can be found just below the normal eyelid.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch arcs from west to east through the lower letters in GOD.  Reverse:  Numerous horizontal die scratches can be found above the statue of Lincoln.  A die scratch runs ENE from the right roof to the bottom left of the E in AMERICA.  Other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-001

Description:  Extra thickness shows on USA, EPU, ONE CENT, and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSW/NNE above the right side of the R in LIBERTY.  Four strong die gouges extend from the rim at about 3:00.  Obverse Stage B:  New obverse die.  A horizontal die scratch can be found below the 19 in the date.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found under the right side of the N in UNITED.  Die scratches running NW/SE pass through the ED in UNITED.  Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.  Reverse Stage B:  Most of the Stage A die scratches are no longer visible.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Frank Baumann, Stage B: Whaden Curtis

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-002

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows on ONE CENT, and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SW from the top left of the T in LIBERTY extending through the bottom right side of the R in LIBERTY.  Numerous other die scratches running mostly SSW/NNE can be found throughout the obverse.  Obverse Stage B:  Several die scratches run SE from the lips and chin.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSW/NNE in the upper half of the first Memorial bay.  A strong die scratch running SSW/NNE can be found on the lower left side of the right Memorial base.  This die scratch is visible on all known stages of this variety.  Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.  Reverse Stage B:  Most of the Stage A die scratches are weaker but still visible.

Submitted By:  Stage A: James C. Moreland, Stage B: Gene Nichols

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ Pr WDDR-003

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows on STATES OF AMERICA and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the right side of the second U in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Delma K. Romines

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-004

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on ONE CENT, USA, and the designer’s initials.  Extra thickness shows on EPU.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the upper second T in TRUST.  Obverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the upper right of the one in the date.  Reverse Stage A:  A short vertical die gouge can be seen between the lower E and D of UNITED.  A die crack runs across the upper C in CENT and into the field between the C and E of CENT.  A die crack runs SW from the lower left of the Memorial.  A die crack runs down the last column and up the edge of the right cornice.  Reverse Stage B:  A die gouge runs north from the upper right of the C in AMERICA.  A die chip can be seen on the outside of the lower left of the O in ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Delma K. Romines, Stage B: Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-005

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on ONE CENT, USA, the designer’s initials and slightly on EPU.  The strongest spread is on the lower half of the reverse.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NNW from the right side of the upper first 9.  Short die scratches run NE from the upper part of the nose.  Obverse Stage B:  A horizontal die scratch can be found below the nine in the date.  Die scratches run E/W to the left of the bust.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be seen inside the lower E in CENT.  Numerous E/W die scratches can be seen throughout the reverse.  Reverse Stage B:  A strong die scratch runs SW/NE above the left cornice.  Reverse Stage C:  A die gouge can be found inside the lower N of ONE.  A die gouge can be found at the rim to the left of the O in ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John A. Wexler, Stage B & C: Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-006

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows on CENT, AMERICA, the designer’s initials, and the right side of the Memorial.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the center of the five in the date.  A short die scratch runs SW from the lower left of the O in GOD.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be seen to the right of the lower part of the right cornice.  Die pitting can be seen below the right side of the Memorial.

Submitted By:  James C. Moreland

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-007

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows on the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs E/W across the upper forehead.  A die crack runs SW/NE through the hair at the top of the head.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge touches the upper right of the second A in AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the second A in AMERICA.  A die crack runs NW/SE through the lower right of the right Memorial base.  Reverse Stage B:  A strong die gouge can be found between the rim and the designer’s initials.  A die crack can be found at the top of the E in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Gene Nichols, Stage B: Whaden Curtis

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ Pr WDDR-008        "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A nice Class II spread towards the center shows on the letters of UNITED and ONE CENT while a Class V CCW spread from a pivot near the rim at approximately 10:00 shows on the letters of CENT, the designer’s initials, and the letters of AMERICA.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Numerous die scratches can be seen in the last Memorial bay.  A die gouge (dot) can be found near the rim above the N in UNITED.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper 2nd S of STATES.

Submitted By:  Mike Ellis

Cross References:  CONECA: 1-R-II+V

1959 1¢ Pr WDDR-009        "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Extra thickness and a nice spread towards the center can be seen on the letters of USA, EPU, ONE CENT, the designer’s initials, and both sides of the lower Memorial.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge (dot) can be found on the lower left E of AMERICA.  A die scratch runs SW from the center left of the R of AMERICA.  Die gouges extend from the rim above the 2nd A and upper left C of AMERICA.

Submitted By:  David Bigelow

Cross References:  CONECA: 2-R-II+VI

1959 1¢ WDDR-010

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows on ONE CENT and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs east from the vest to the bottom of the one in the date.  A vertical die scratch can be found in the field to the right of the bowtie.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the upper T in CENT.  A die scratch runs WSW/ENE above the left cornice.

Submitted By:  Gene Nichols

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-011

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on USA, EPU, ONE CENT, and the designer’s initials with the strongest spread being on the upper left of the reverse.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  LDS.  A die crack runs from the top of the ear NNE to the rim passing between the W and E of WE.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found on the roof above the 11th Memorial column.

Submitted By:  Gene Nichols

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-012

Description:  A close spread towards the center shows the designer’s initials.  Light extra thickness shows on USA, EPU, and ONE CENT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs SW/NE below the front of the chin.  A die crack runs down the back of the bust and out to the rim at about 7:00.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found NE of the designer’s initials.  Numerous die scratches run mostly SW/NE through EPU.  Other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.

Submitted By:  Gene Nichols

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-013

Description:  Very minor doubling shows on the bottom of the N and T in CENT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs SW/NE above the date.  Short die scratches run SW/NE to the right of the bowtie.  Reverse:  A horizontal die scratch runs through the lower ATES of STATES.

Submitted By:  Whaden Curtis

Cross References:  None known

1959 1¢ WDDR-014

Description:  An extra Memorial column can be found in the third Memorial bay.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs SE from the left side of the B in LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the top of the bowtie.  Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the obverse.  Reverse:  Parallel die scratches run SE from the bottom of the 2nd S in STATES.  Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.

Submitted By:  Gerald Weakland

Cross References:  None known