Description: A Class II spread towards the center shows on the 937 in the date and the letters of IGWT.
Die Markers:Obverse: Markers will vary with each working die. Reverse: Markers will vary with each working die.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
Values: Normal numismatic value and perhaps a very small premium.
Comments: Most of the 1937 Lincoln cent obverse doubled dies illustrated by CONECA in their e-book appear to be from this doubled working hub.
1937 1¢ WDDO-001
Extra thickness shows on the date and LIBERTY. Medium spread toward the center shows on IN
Die Markers: Obverse:
A die gouge (dot) is present above the 19 in the date. ESE/WNW die scratches run through the hair
under WE. A die chip is present in the
hair under E in WE. A die gouge (dot) is
present between I and N in IN. Reverse: A die chip
is present on the third inside wheat line near the top of the right wheat
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: CONECA: 4-O-II-C+VI
1937 1¢ WDDO-002
Description: Extra thickness shows on the date and LIBERTY
Die Markers: Obverse:
A die gouge is present on the upper area under the horizontal bar of the
second T in TRUST. Reverse: A NE/SW die
scratch runs through the lower area of the A in STATES.
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: CONECA: 3-O-II-C+VI
1937 1¢ WDDO-003 "Best Of" Variety
Description: A Class II spread towards the center shows on the letters of LIBERTY. Doubling on IGWT and the date is from the doubled working hub known for this date.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short, strong die scratch runs north from the back of the head just under the GO of GOD. A die scratch runs NNE from the beard ending in front of the lips. Several short die scratches run NE from the neck and the bowtie. A strong die scratch runs ESE from the arm just above the base of the bust. A strong die scratch runs SW from the back of the head behind the ear. Reverse: A curving die crack runs through the upper RIBU in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Jennifer Casazza
Cross References: CONECA: 16-O-II-C
1937 1¢ WDDO-004
A close CCW spread from a pivot at 12 o’clock shows on the 7 in the date
and LIBERTY. A spread toward the center
shows on IGWT and the date.
Die Markers: Obverse:
The horizontal bar of the second T in TRUST is broken on the left
side. Nearly east to west die scratch
runs from right center of U in TRUST. A
short horizontal die gouge runs from the center of the N in IN. A die scratch runs NNE from the top of the I
in LIBERTY. Three parallel die scratches
run SSW from the bottom of L in LIBERTY.
Long NNE/SSW die scratch is present right of Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die scratches are present over
US in PLURIBUS and the second dot. Die
scratch is present over the UN in UNUM.
Slightly curved die scratch is present connecting the upper and lower
area of the E in ONE. SSE die scratches
are present from the right side of the T in CENT.
Submitted By: Jennifer
Cross References: Coppercoins:
1937 1¢ WDDO-005
Description: A doubled eyelid shows north of the primary
Die Markers: Obverse:
A few die scratches run from the beard SSE toward the 1 in the
date. An east to west die scratch is
present in the hair below the E in WE. Reverse: A die scratch runs southwest form the bottom
of the right leg of the A in STATES.
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-006
Description: A strongly doubled eyelid is present north
and a lightly doubled eyelid is present east of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse:
Die scratches run NNE from the eye.
Swirling die scratches run throughout the face, ear, neck, hair, and
into the field behind the head. Reverse: A die chip (dot) is centered between the
second U in PLURIBUS and the rim.
Submitted By: Al Raddi
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-007
Description: A doubled eyelid shows wide south of the
primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse:
A die scratch runs NE/SW through the upper area of the 1 in the date
with some short die scratches running SW from inside the 9 in the date. Reverse: A series of short die scratches run south
from below the TED in UNITED. A short
die scratch runs NNW from the inside lower horizontal bar in the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
Comments: The secondary eyelid on this variety is a bit
further south than the extra eyelid seen on WDDO-014.
1937 1¢ WDDO-008
Description: A doubled eyelid shows south of the primary
Die Markers: Obverse:
A die gouge is present on the upper right-hand side of the 7 in the
date. A long die scratch runs south from
the beard to the vest, just left of the 1 in the date. Heavy die gouges are present in the hair
below WE. Reverse: A die scratch runs
through the left dot and connects the E and P in E PLURIBUS UNUM.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-009
Description: A very close clockwise spread from a pivot
point at about 3:00 shows as doubling below the LI in LIBERTY.
Die Markers: Obverse:
A few east to west die scratches show inside the lower ear. East to west die scratches are present in the
hair behind the left upper area of the ear.
Reverse: A faded die scratch runs northeast from the
lower inside of the E in ONE.
Submitted By: Bill Wilson
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-010
Description: A lightly doubled eyelid shows south of the
primary eyelid. Working hub doubling
also shows on IN GOD WE TRUST.
Die Markers: Obverse:
A die scratch runs NNE from the upper center of the T in LIBERTY. Swirling die scratches are present on the
neck. Reverse: A die scratch runs
north from the upper left wheat ear and curves through the center of the E,
left dot, and P in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Bill Wilson
Cross References: CONECA: 6-O-II-C
1937 1¢ WDDO-011
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found south of the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Parallel die scratches run from SSW to NNE to
the left of the lower back of the head.
A die scratch runs SE from the intersection of the top of the forehead
and the front curl of hair. A die
scratch runs from SSW to NNE to the right of the lower chin. Reverse: A die gouge can be found above the E in
ONE. A long and nearly vertical die
gouge, probably from a feeder finger, can be found to the right of the upper E
in ONE.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-012
Description: An extra eyelid can be found south of the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A die scratch runs parallel to the rim above EPU.
Submitted By: Paul Kjellander
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1937P-1DO-002
1937 1¢ WDDO-013
Description: An extra eyelid can be seen just below the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: None noted.
Submitted By: Pete Apple
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDO-014
Description: An extra eyelid can be seen just below the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Horizontal die scratches run through the ear. Reverse: None noted.
Submitted By: Scott Feeley
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1937P-1DO-011
1937 1¢
Description: Two
extra eyelids can be seen below the normal eyelid.
Die Markers:Obverse:
A strong NE/SW die scratch is present below
the chin. An old, weak NE/SW die scratch
is present above the R in LIBERTY. A N/S
die scratch is present in the lower opening of the E in LIBERTY. A die gouge is present between the upper O and
D in GOD. Numerous NE/SW to NW/SE die
scratches are present through GOD WE. A
die gouge is present left of the bottom of the first T in TRUST. A die crack runs across the base of the bust
above the designer's initials. A few
weak die dents are present at the rim below the bust. Light concentric die scratches are present throughout
the bust. Reverse: LDS. A
NE/SW die scratch is present in the lower opening of the first S in STATES. A small die gouge touches the upper right
corner of the E in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Keith
1937 1¢ WDDR-001
Description: Medium extra thickness is seen on EPU, the
dots, and the wheat tips.
Die Markers: Obverse:
East to west die scratches run through the top of the ear opening. Light x-shaped die scratches are present on
the temple northwest from the eye. Reverse: Two short, parallel die scratches run WSW
from the left side of the P in PLURIBUS.
Die scratches run south from the E and the left dot in EPU. A short die scratch is present inside the
lower opening in B in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDR-002 "Best Of" Variety
Description: Strong Class VI extra thickness shows on both wheat ears and stems, EPU, and the dots. The strongest doubling is on the lower reverse.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: A die scratch runs south from the left underside of the L in LIBERTY. A die scratch runs NNE from the top of the T in LIBERTY. A short die scratch runs from SW to NE above the 1 in the date. A short die scratch runs SW from the left center of the 9 in the date. Obverse Stage B: The Stage A markers are now very weak, but still visible. Reverse Stage A: A long die clash mark curves through the bottom of the reverse from the F in OF through the tip of the right wheat stem. A short die scratch runs from SW to NE through the upper E in STATES. A short die scratch runs from SSW to NNE between the T in CENT and the 2nd T in STATES. Two parallel die scratches run WNW from the E in EPU. X-shaped die scratches can be found below the left dot. Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse. Reverse Stage B: The long die clash mark on the lower reverse is still visible. The Stage A die scratches are now very weak, but still visible.
Submitted By: Stage A: Geoffrey Fults, Stage B: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1937P-1DR-003
Comments: If you believe that you have a Stage B specimen of this variety, I would appreciate the opportunity to photograph that stage for my files and for this listing.
Stage A
1937 1¢ WDDR-003
Description: A spread toward the center shows on the left
wheat stem and lower left of the left wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse:
Numerous concentric die scratches show on the lower front of the
bust. Reverse: Multiple die
scratches run southwest from around the lower E in STATES. Light die scratches run ESE from the lower
right side of the left wheat stem.
Submitted By: Peter Beane and Jennifer Casazza
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDR-004
Description: Light extra thickness shows best on EPL in
EPU, the left dot, and the left upper wheat.
Die Markers: Obverse:
A series of die gouges show below the lower bust, between the lapel and
the jacket fold. Reverse: A die scratch runs
northeast inside the L in PLURIBUS. A die
chip (dot) shows on the underside of the right wheat tip almost at the end.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDR-005 "Best Of" Variety
Description: A Class IV spread to the south shows on the letters of ONE CENT and USA.
Die Markers: Obverse: Several short die scratches can be found in the lower area of the ear. Reverse: A die scratch runs ESE from the rim above the E in EPU. A short die scratch runs south from the underside of the center horizontal bar of the E in CENT.
Description: Very strong Class VI extra thickness shows on both wheat ears and stems, OF AMERICA, EPU, and the dots.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die scratch runs from SW to NE through the upper 1 in the date. Numerous circular die scratches run in the field behind the neck, on the upper neck and shoulder, as well as to the right of the neck, chin, and lips. Reverse: A short die scratch runs NE from the bottom right of the E in STATES.
Description: An extremely close spread is present on the
left wheat ear and wheat grains.
Die Markers: Obverse:
A long east to west die scratch runs from the top of the E in WE to the
first T in TRUST. Reverse: A crisscrossing die
scratch pattern shows at the PLU in PLURIUBUS.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ Pr WDDR-008 "Best Of" Variety
Description: Extra thickness can be found on EPU, the dots, the right wheat ear, and ONE. A spread towards the center shows on the left wheat ear and stem.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short die gouge runs parallel to the rim to the left of the top of the G in GOD. A heavy die scratch runs nearly parallel to the rim below the designer’s initials. Reverse: A die scratch runs NE from the upper right 1st T in STATES to the top of the T in CENT. A short die scratch runs south from the bottom of the O in OF. A short die scratch runs north from the top of the right side of the U in UNITED. Two somewhat parallel die scratches curve below the US in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Robert Julian, Jr.
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1937P-1DR-001P
1937 1¢ WDDR-009
Description: A light spread shows toward the center on
UNUM, the right dot, and the right ear.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: A heavy die scratch shows at the rim above
WE. Obverse Stage B: Die scratch above WE is present but
weak. Reverse Stage A: A thick
NE/SW die scratch shows above the left dot.
A die scratch runs north from the upper left central area of the N in
UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Only remnants from the scratch north from N
in UNITED remain. Doubling shows less
strongly on the wheat ear.
Submitted By: Stage
A & B: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
Stage A:
1937 1¢ WDDR-010
Description: A spread toward
the center shows on EPU and the dots.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short NE/SW die scratch runs in the hair
below D in GOD. A short die scratch runs
NE/SW just south of D in GOD. Reverse: A short die scratch runs northeast from
slightly right of the center on the horizontal crossbar of the L in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
1937 1¢ WDDR-011
Description: Extra thickness shows on EPU and the dots.
Die Markers: Obverse:
None noted. Reverse: A worn die gouge is
present to the top-right side of B in PLURIBUS.
A worn die gouge touches the middle-left side of M in UNUM.
Die Markers: Obverse:
None noted. Reverse: A worn die gouge is
present to the top-right side of B in PLURIBUS.
A worn die gouge touches the middle-left side of M in UNUM.
Comments: The obverse of this die is listed as
WWHO-001, which is listed as CONECA: 9-O-VI and Coppercoins: 1937P-1DO-004. The markers can be more easily seen on the
example photographed for the Coppercoins listing.