Description: A very strong Class I CW spread shows on the ERTY of LIBERTY, the 19 in the date, the bowtie, the upper fold of the vest below the left side of the bowtie, Lincoln’s ear, some upper hair details, and there is a strong extra eyelid above the normal eye.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: A die scratch runs ENE from the upper right N of IN. A short die scratch runs WSW from the center left of the W in WE. Numerous die scratches run somewhat parallel to the rim through the upper letters of IGWT. A die scratch runs from SSW to NNE between the 1 and 9 in the date. Obverse Stage B: A die crack runs from NNW to SSE on the upper forehead. Reverse Stage A: Several die scratches run from SW to NE below the E in EPU. A short die scratch runs ENE from the top of the E in ONE. Several short, parallel die scratches run from WSW to ENE through and below the A in STATES. Numerous die scratches run from north to south in the area around the T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: A die gouge can be found inside the upper right M in UNUM. A die chip can be found on the 4th wheat grain from the bottom on the right side of the lower right wheat ear.
Comments: This variety was first reported by Ed Raser. I believe that the first hubbing for this variety was halted after only a partial impression in the working die. This was most likely done to realign some kind of misalignment between the working hub and the working die. During the realignment a strong rotation occurred between the partial image on the working die and the image on the working hub yielding the strong rotational doubling seen on all of the central elements of the die.
1939 1¢ WDDO-002
Description: A strong
doubled eyelid southeast from the primary eyelid and doubling on the second 9
in the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratch ESE from the right upper side of
the U that connects to the S in TRUST. Reverse: E/W die scratches through PLURIBUS and
strongest inside the first U.
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-003
Description: A spread toward
the center shows on IGWE and lightly on the frontal hair. Extra thickness shows on LIBERTY and the
Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip inside the lower area of the O in
GOD. Short and weak die scratch west
from left center of the O in GOD. Reverse: Horizontal V shaped die scratches between the
O of ONE and PL of PLURIBUS.
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found south of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratches run through the eye,
eyebrow, temple, and in front of Lincoln’s nose. Die crack runs well above VDB. Reverse: None noted.
Submitted By: Unknown
Cross References: CONECA: 3-O-IV
and 7-O-IV, Coppercoins: 1939P-1DO-013
Comments: This photographed example shows the die
scratches on and around the eyelid seen on CONECA’s 3-O-IV and the die crack
over the VDB on the bust seen on CONECA’s 7-O-IV and Coppercoins’
1939P-1DO-013, linking these listings.
1939 1¢ WDDO-005
Description: A doubled
eyelid shows north of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Heavy ENE die scratch from right center of
the N in IN. Series of die scratches in
different direction throughout IGWT. Reverse: Listed as WDDR-006. WSW die scratch from the rim centered above
the S of PLURIBUS and the right dot.
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-006
Description: A nice doubled
eyelid shows south below the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Three short E/W die scratches at the upper
ear opening. Two die scratches SW just
below center on the back of the ear.
Series of NW/SE die scratches on the head, above the eye. Reverse: Die scratch SE from lower right of the center
bar of the E in ONE. NW/SE die scratch
on the lines of the right wheat ear, closer to the top.
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: Coppercoins:
1939 1¢ WDDO-007
Description: A nice tripled
eyelid shows north and north above the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip on the lower area of the bust just
above the last vest fold. Die scratch
east from the top of the N of IN, where it curves slightly downward and touches
the G of GOD. Die crack over the top of
the designer’s initials. Reverse: Die chip (dot at the lower right side of the
last S in STATES.
Description: A nice tripled
eyelid shows southeast and south of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratch from the rim above the O in GOD
and traveling ESE to the D of GOD. Curly
die gouge from the rim east from the top of the last T in TRUST, which is a
product of the master hub. Reverse: NNE/SSW die crack center in the right wheat
grains of the right wheat ear. This
crack is heavily chipped at the top. The
upper left wheat grain of the left ear is heavily chipped and followed by a
light crack to the north.
Submitted By: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-009
Description: A tripled
eyelid shows south and SE from the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge south from the rim positioned
center above the U in TRUST. Die scratch
ESE from the bust just below the V of the designer’s initials. Curly die gouge from the rim east from the
top of the last T in TRUST, which is a product of the master hub. Reverse: NNW/SSE die scratch between the U and N of
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-010
Description: A doubled
eyelid shows just north of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Long die scratch N by E from the top of the L
in LIBERTY. Die scratch from the top of
the head NE to the first T in TRUST. Reverse: Die scratch NNW/SSE that connects the F in OF
to the N in UNITED.
Submitted By: Bill Wilson
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-011
Description: A doubled eyelid shows south of the primary
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Short die scratch to the southeast of the right
leg of the R in LIBERTY. Two strong die
scratches run south from the back of Lincoln’s hair just behind the neck. Obverse Stage B: Die scratch under R in LIBERTY and behind
Lincoln’s neck still visible but weak.
Strong die crack over V.D.B.
Reverse Stage A: Curly WSW/ESE die scratch between the P and L
in PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage B: Die scratches on P and L in PLURIBUS
extremely weak.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Wexler, Stage B: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
Stage A:
Stage B:
1939 1¢ WDDO-012
Description: A light doubled
eyelid shows south of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Heavy E/W die scratch inside the upper area
of the ear with lighter E/W die scratches below. Reverse: Long NE/SW die scratch through the left
dot. Long die scratches south from the
center of the last A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-013
Description: Extra eyelid
shows north of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Light
die crack over V.D.B. Curving die
scratches through IGWT. Die scratch runs
SSE from T in LIBERTY.
Reverse: The reverse is a doubled die listed as
WDDR-020. Heavy die gouge south of M in
UNUM. Two die clashes are visible inside
C in CENT. Die scratch runs northwest
from left horizontal bar of T in CENT.
Die gouge right of T in UNITED.
Die gouge above F in OF. Die
crack lower right wheat.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1939P-1DO-006
1939 1¢ WDDO-014
Description: A second eyelid shows just south of the
primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Large die crack winding east from
the lower shoulder to the vest. Light
die cracks in hair under WE. Clash at
the neck. Heavy vertical die gouge under
L in LIBERTY. Three small die gouges
above 939 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Die cracks and clash at neck largely unchanged with crack on bust
extending further west. Gouges
weaker. Obverse Stage C: Die cracks unchanged. Die clash at neck very faint. Die gouges above date much weaker with only die gouge above first 9 still visible. Die gouge under L much
weaker. Reverse: The
reverse is a doubled die listed as WDDR-002. Reverse Stage A:
Strong NNW/SSE die scratches through left side of the reverse, including
through CE in CENT and UNITED. Small die
gouges (dots) above second T and right of second S in STATES. Die clash top right N in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die gouges around STATES lightly
visible. Clash of N in CENT still
visible. All die scratches abraded away
and replaced by new die scratches. Faint
die clash through C in CENT. Die scratch
south from E in EPU. Crisscrossing die
scratches through UNUM. Light die
scratches curving NE from the T in CENT to the wheat ear. Curving die scratch through lower STATE in
STATES. Reverse Stage C: Only die clash of N still visible. Die gouge right of E in STATES.
Submitted By: Stage
A & C: Daniel Griffin, Stage B: Frank Baumann
Cross References: None known
Comments: The obverse doubled die is a replacement for
the original WDDO-014, which was found to not be a doubled die.
Stage A:
Stage B:
Stage C:
1939 1¢ WDDO-015
Description: A second eyelid shows just east of the
primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die crack on bust running above
V.D.B. Light circular die scratches on
face, neck, and jacket.
Reverse: The
reverse is a doubled die listed as WDDR-021.
Die gouge right of M in UNUM.Strong
die clash in C and very faintly on N in CENT.
Die scratches run mostly NNW through ED STATE and AMERIC in USA. Small die gouge (dot) right of the right
wheat at the level of the bottom of S in STATES.
Submitted By: John
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-016
Description: Doubling shows as an extra eyelid south.
Die Markers: Obverse: A series of heavy die scratches
run through IGWT, well south of the second T in TRUST, on Lincoln’s jacket and
into the field under the date.
Innumerable crisscrossing die scratches are present in both fields.
Reverse: The
reverse is a doubled die listed as WDDR-022.
Innumerable die scratches are present throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: Brian
Cross References: None known
Comments: The original listing for WDDO-019 was found
to be a duplicate WDDO-016 and has been added to this listing.
Original photos from former WDDO-019 listing to show same doubling and markers.
1939 1¢ WDDO-017
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found just SE of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short, horizontal die gouge can be
found inside the top of the ear. A die
crack runs along the base of the bust NW into the field behind the bust and NE
to the 2nd 9 in the date. Reverse:
Light remnants of die clash marks can be found inside the C of CENT
and between the C of CENT and the I of UNITED.
Submitted By: Andrew
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-018
Description: Two extra eyelids can be found below the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die scratch runs ENE from the front of the throat above the bowtie. Reverse: Nearly horizontal die scratches run through the UN in UNITED.
Submitted By: Mike Antenucci
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-019
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found below the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Several long die scratches run SSE from
the nose and forehead. Die crack on bust
running above the designer’s initials.
Light die crack in upper hair running under D in GOD to W in WE. Reverse: Crisscrossing die scratches run
vertically and horizontally throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: Coppercoins:
Comments: This is a replacement listing for the
original coin listed as WDDO-019, which was found to be a duplicate
WDDO-016. The coin examined is in later die state than the coppercoins example, and the doubling is less easily seen.
1939 1¢ WDDO-020
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found below the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Two
parallel die scratches run NW/SE to the northeast of the eyelid. A die scratch runs ESE from the upper 1 in
the date. Light die scratches run
NNW/SSE under Y in LIBERTY. Concentric
die scratches run near the rim of nearly the entire obverse.
Reverse: Die scratches run about vertically through
Submitted By: Keith
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-021
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found northeast of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: Light
vertical die scratches run in front of Lincoln’s lips, chin, and neck. Light die scratches run NNW/SSE under RTY in
Reverse: Die scratches run NNE/SSW through the lower
half of the reverse. Die scratches run
ESE/WNW to the right of and above E in ONE.
Submitted By: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-022
Description: An extra eyelid
can be found southeast of the primary eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die
gouge is present in the vest directly south of 1 in the date. A small die gouge (dot) is present to the
lower left of U in TRUST.
Reverse: Several vertical die scratches run through
the lower C in CENT. Several vertical
die scratches run through the lower E in ONE through the upper T in CENT.
Submitted By: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-023
Description: Doubling shows
as an extra eyelid to the south.
Die Markers: Obverse: Crisscrossing die scratches are present under
the chin and through the left side of the date.
A very long and wavy die crack runs from the Y in LIBERTY up through the
back of the head, above the ear, through the forehead and eyebrow, out into the
field in front of the nose, ending at the level of the lips. A distinctive, curved die scratch shows in
the field to the right of Lincoln’s nose. A series of N-S oriented die scratches run
below Lincoln’s chin. A squiggly, N-S
oriented die scratch shows in the field above the TY in LIBERTY. A series of E-W oriented die scratches run
through the letters G and O in GOD. A
wavy die scratch runs east from E in WE.
Reverse: A series of mostly E-W oriented die scratches
show in the field to the left of the upper right wheat tip. A series of N-S oriented die scratches run
between the second T in STATES and the lower T in CENT. Numerous die scratches show in the field
between the U in UNITED and O in OF. Numerous,
N-S oriented die scratches run through the C in AMERICA. NNW-SSE oriented die scratches show between
the U in UNITED and left wheat stalk. A
hash marked pattern of die scratches show above the left wheat stem.
Submitted By: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDO-024
Description: Doubling shows
as an extra eyelid to the south.
Die Markers: Obverse: A
series of die scratches run SE below Lincoln’s chin. A series of die scratches show around
Lincoln’s nose. A N-S oriented die
scratch shows to the left of the I in IN.
Numerous, SW-NE oriented die scratches show behind Lincoln’s upper
hair. A faded die gouge shows at the rim
above the first T in TRUST. A faded die
scratch runs NW from the upper left edge of the R in TRUST.Reverse: Light die scratches show between the letters
O and N in ONE. A die clash line shows
to the right of the lower C in CENT.
Numerous, mostly E-W oriented die scratches show in the field south of
Submitted By: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-001
Description: Light extra
thickness shows on EPU, the dots, and the tops of the wheat ears. An additional hubbing shows a spread toward
the center on some of the letters of EPU.
Die Markers: Obverse: Short
horizontal die crack in the hair below D in GOD. Die crack over the designer’s initials.
Die gouge south of E in EPU. Short SSW die scratch from the left side of
the D in UNITED about a third of the way down from the top. Die scratch running from N in UNITED NNE to
the lower C in CENT. Very light NNE/SSW
die crack in the lower righthand wheat grains of the right wheat ear.
Submitted By: John Wexler
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-002
Description: Light extra
thickness shows on EPU, the dots, and the tips of the wheat ears.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is a doubled die
listed as WDDO-014. Obverse Stage A: Large die crack winding east from
the lower shoulder to the vest. Light
die cracks in hair under WE. Clash at
the neck. Heavy vertical die gouge under
L in LIBERTY. Three small die gouges
above 939 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Die cracks and clash at neck largely unchanged with crack on bust
extending further west. Gouges
weaker. Obverse Stage C: Die cracks unchanged. Die clash at neck very faint. Die gouges above date and under L much
Reverse Stage A:
Strong NNW/SSE die scratches through left side of the reverse, including
through CE in CENT and UNITED. Small die
gouges (dots) above second T and right of second S in STATES. Die clash top right N in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die gouges around STATES lightly
visible. Clash of N in CENT still
visible. All die scratches abraded away
and replaced by new die scratches. Faint
die clash through C in CENT. Die scratch
south from E in EPU. Crisscrossing die
scratches through UNUM. Light die
scratches curving NE from the T in CENT to the wheat ear. Curving die scratch through lower STATE in
STATES. Reverse Stage C: Only die clash of N still visible. Die gouge right of E in STATES.
Submitted By: Stage
A & C: Daniel Griffin, Stage B: Frank Baumann
Description: A very close
class II spread is present on the E in EPU and the left wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: WSW/ENE
die scratches are present on the lower area of the ear opening. Die scratches run N/S through the 3 in the
Reverse: Die scratches run
roughly NNW to SSE through the left wheat tip and E in EPU and fields and
lettering on the left side of the reverse.
Die clash at the C in CENT through N of UNITED and then lightly to the O
in OF.
Submitted By: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-004
Description: Extra thickness
shows on EPU, the dots, and the tips of the wheat ears. Light separation shows on both U’s in UNUM,
the top of E in ONE, and the top of the right wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
crack over the designer’s initials.
Reverse: Long, light east by
north die scratch from the top of the left wheat ending under the R in
PLURIBUS. Very light NNE/SSW die crack
in the lower right hand grains of the right wheat ear. Short, hooking die gouge from the upper right
side of U in UNITED.
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-005 "Best Of" Variety
Description: Very strong Class VI extra thickness shows on EPU, the dots, both wheat ears and stems, the O and E of ONE, the C and T of CENT, the outer most letters of UNITED STATES, and the letters in OF AMERICA.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die gouge can be found below and between the T and R in TRUST. A die scratch runs SSE from the bottom of the B in LIBERTY. A die scratch curves east from the bottom left of the S in TRUST. Several die scratches run east from the lower 2nd T in TRUST. Numerous other light die scratches can be found throughout the obverse. Reverse: A die scratch runs SW from the center left of the E in EPU. Parallel die scratches run SSW from the IB in PLURIBUS. Parallel die scratches run SSE from the right side of the 1st U in UNUM. Numerous other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.
Description: A very light
separation on UNUM and the right wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: Listed as WDDO-005. Heavy ENE die scratch from right center of
the N in IN. Series of die scratches in
different direction throughout IGWT. Reverse: WSW die scratch from the rim centered above
the S of PLURIBUS and the right dot.
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-007
Description: Strong extra
thickness shows on EPU, both dots, the wheat ears, and the wheat stems, and the
last A in AMERICA.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Numerous
die scratches mostly vertically throughout the coin. Heavy die scratches and gouges under the
bust. Obverse Stage B: Die
gouges under the bust still visible but much weaker. Die crack beginning below the V and running
ENE through the D in the designer’s initials.
Obverse Stage C: Die
crack now turns east and runs nearly to the jacket fold.
Reverse Stage A: Faint die clash through C in CENT. Light mostly ENE/WSW die scratches run
through ONE. Die scratch runs NNW from
lower left side of vertical bar to horizontal bar in T in CENT.
Reverse Stage B: No Stage A
markers still visible (worn coin examined).
Die chip, followed by a crack south from the upper left wheat grain of
the left wheat ear. Short die scratches
north from the left upper side of T in CENT.
Reverse Stage C: Stage B markers are still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Daniel Griffin, Stage B: J. C.
Moreland, Stage C: Brian Ribar
Cross References: CONECA: 9-R-VI
Stage A:
Stage C:
1939 1¢ WDDR-008
Description: Extra thickness
shows on EPU and the dots.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage
A: Light ESE die scratches from the upper right of the first T in
TRUST. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers are abraded away. N/S die scratches run between the upper R and
Reverse Stage A: N/S die scratches run between the upper right
side of the first U in PLURIBUS and the rim.
E/W die scratch runs inside the upper area of the second U in UNUM. Light clash in C in CENT. Die scratches run NNE/SSW inside C in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die clash and scratches in C
faintly visible. Remaining Stage A
markers are abraded away. N/S die
scratches between the M in UNUM and the rim.
Submitted By: Stage A & B: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: CONECA: 6-R-VI
(Stage A only)
Stage A:
Stage B:
1939 1¢ WDDR-009
Description: Light extra
thickness shows on EPU, the dots, both wheat ears, and the right wheat stem.
Die Markers: Obverse: NW/SE
die scratch above the top of the lapel.
Reverse: Light die scratches
through upper I and through BUS in PLURIBUS.
Die scratch from the bottom of the wheat ear running adjacent with the
contour of the right wheat stem and then breaking sharply south at mid point.
Description: Extra thickness
shows on E PLURUIBUS and the left dot.
A close spread toward the center shows on UNUM, the right dot, and both
wheat ears.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
scratches run SSW/NNE through the left side of the field, most strongly from
the bottom of R and T in LIBERTY. Die
crack over the top of the designer’s initials that goes through the top of the
Reverse: Heavy die chipping
on the right upper wheat lines of the right wheat ear. Upside-down V-shaped die scratch between the
C in CENT and the left wheat ear. Heavy
scratches SE from the bottom of UNUM.
Submitted By: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-011
Description: A class II
spread shows toward the center on the right wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: NE/SW
die scratch on the back of the head that curves downward into the field. Two heavy E/W die scratches through the vest,
one above and one below center.
Reverse: Die scratch ESE
from right center of the second U in PLURIBUS to the S. Light die crack from the left wheat ear north
to the E in EPU. Die scratches run
mostly vertically through N in UNITED.
Curved die scratches run mostly vertically through upper C in CENT.
Submitted By: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-012
Description: A spread toward
the center shows best on the left wheat ear, the left dot, and EPLU in EPU.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
chip below the bust at the lapel fold.
East to west die cracks through the lapel near the bust.
Reverse: Die gouge left of
lower mid E in EPU. Short NNE/SSW die
scratches between the upper area of the second T and E in STATES. Die gouge (dot) above E in STATES. Two NE/SW die scratches at the upper left inside
of E in CENT. Short E/W die scratch
above C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Al Raddi
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-013
Description: Light extra
thickness shows on EPU and the dots. A
spread toward the center shows best on the right wheat ear, the E in ONE, and
lightly on UNUM.
Die Markers: Obverse: Very
short NW die scratch from the top of the head below the O in GOD.
Reverse: Short heavy die
scratch connecting the inside of the left vertical bar to the upper underside
of the diagonal bar just before they meet on the N in ONE. Short heavy die scratches right lower O in
Submitted By: John Wexler
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-014
Description: Light extra thickness shows on E PLU in EPU,
the left dot, and the left wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
gouge right center of the O in GOD. Reverse: A die scratch that
runs NE from the second inner wheat line.
Very light die crack connects the lower areas of C and C in CENT. Die chip above the left upper area of the N
Comments: All dies
(WDDR-014, 1-R-VI, and 1DR-002) are linked by a die scratch that runs NE from
the second inner wheat line.
1939 1¢ WDDR-015
Description: Light doubling
shows on the right wheat ear.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
crack from the lower shoulder winding ESE to the lapel. Die crack over the designer’s initials.
Reverse: Heavy vertical die
scratches right of the last S in STATES.
Die chips on the left side of the upper left wheat grains. Long ESE/WNW die scratch through the RIBUS in
Submitted By: J. C. Moreland
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-016 "Best Of" Variety
Description: Strong Class VI extra thickness shows on EPU, the dots, and both wheat stems. A Class II spread towards the center shows on both upper wheat ears and some of the letters in EPU.
Die Markers: Obverse: Several die scratches run from NW to SE to the right of the neck and bowtie. A die crack runs from rim to rim arcing above the designer’s initials. Reverse: A die scratch runs SW from the bottom left of the E in EPU to the top right of the left wheat ear. A short die scratch runs south from the bottom of the C in CENT. A die crack runs through the right wheat grains in the lower right wheat ear.
Description: A class V
counterclockwise spread from a pivot at 7:00 shows best on US in PLURIBUS and
Die Markers: Obverse: Die
chip on vest below the center of the bowtie.
Reverse: NNE/SSW die scratch
connects the upper and center bar of the E in CENT toward the right side.
Submitted By: Mike Bruggemann
Cross References: CONECA: 5-R-V-CCW
1939 1¢ WDDR-018
Description: Moderate extra thickness shows on EPU, both
wheat ears and stems, and on ONE.
Die Markers: Obverse: Multiple die cracks are present
on the bust, shoulder, and lapel. Long
die crack on Lincoln’s head running from below D in GOD to the first T in
Reverse: Numerous die gouges are present including
above the left wheat tip, left of E and touching the left side of L in EPU,
well left of, above, and on the left side of O in ONE, left of the upper N in
ONE, on the right upright N in CENT, left of the center upright of T, and WNW
of the right wheat stem. Mostly
horizontal die scratches through lower MER in AMERICA and between the two wheat
stems. Die chip on the lowest wheat
kernel on the left wheat.
Submitted By: Daniel
Cross References: None known
Comments: This
is a replacement listing. The original
WDDR-018 was found to be a duplicate of WDDR-025 and has been added to that
1939 1¢ WDDR-019
Description: Medium extra
thickness shows on EPU and the dots.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Very
light die crack at the lower back. Obverse Stage B: Die crack extends well west into the fields. Die scratch south from the bottom of the
Reverse Stage A: Series of short die scratches with one long die
scratch SSW inside the C in CENT near the top.
Reverse Stage B: Stage A markers still visible.
Submitted By: Whaden Curtis
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-020
Description: Extra thickness
shows on EPU, the dots, and the wheats.
Die Markers: Obverse: The
obverse is a doubled die listed as WDDO-013.
Light die crack over V.D.B.
Curving die scratches through IGWT.
Die scratch runs SSE from T in LIBERTY.
Reverse: Heavy die gouge south of M in UNUM. Two die clashes are visible inside C in
CENT. Die scratch runs northwest from
left horizontal bar of T in CENT. Die
gouge right of T in UNITED. Die gouge
above F in OF. Die crack lower right
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: CONECA: 6-R-VI
(Stage B only), Coppercoins: 1939P-1DR-006
1939 1¢ WDDR-021
Description: Doubling shows on EPU, the dots, and upper
left wheat.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: The obverse is a doubled die
listed as WDDO-015. Die crack on bust
running above V.D.B. Light circular die
scratches on face, neck, and jacket. Obverse Stage B: Obverse die changed. Light die crack above V.D.B. Die scratch running from middle of T to lower
R in LIBERTY. Die gouge under N in IN.
Reverse Stage A: Die
gouge right of M in UNUM.Strong
die clash in C and very faintly on N in CENT.
Die scratches run mostly NNW through ED STATE and AMERIC in USA. Small die gouge (dot) right of the right
wheat at the level of the bottom of S in STATES. Light die crack on right side of upright bar
of T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Stage A markers weaker but still
visible. Die crack on right side of
upright bar of T in CENT stronger.
Submitted By: Stage
A: John Wexler, Stage B: Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
Stage A:
Stage B:
1939 1¢ WDDR-022
Description: Extremely close doubling shows on the left and right wheat
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is a doubled die
listed as WDDO-016. A series of heavy die
scratches run through IGWT, well south of the second T in TRUST, on Lincoln’s
jacket and into the field under the date.
Innumerable crisscrossing die scratches are present in both fields.
Reverse: Innumerable
die scratches are present throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: Brian
Cross References: None known
Comments: The original listing for WDDO-019 was found
to be a duplicate of the obverse die for this listing, and has been added to
1939 1¢ WDDR-023
Description: Extremely light doubling shows on the right wheat.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die cracks are present in the
upper hair and across the bust. Light
die crack south from E and gouge south of R in LIBERTY. Crisscrossing die scratches are present in
front of Lincoln’s forehead.
Reverse: Die
scratches from left wheat to the E in EPU.
Die gouge on top of B in PLURIBUS.
Long die scratch south from T in CENT to A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian
Cross References: None known
1939 1¢ WDDR-024
Description: Strong extra thickness shows on EPU, the dots, and both wheat stems.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die clash marks can be found to the right
of the front of the throat. Obverse Stage B: Die
clash weaker. Die gouge upper left of
bow tie. Reverse Stage A: Strong die clash marks can be found
between the lower C and E in CENT.
Parallel die scratches run SW/NE through the ES in STATES. Reverse Stage B: Die clash and scratches inside C in CENT
much weaker. Die scratches through ES in
STATES no longer visible.
Submitted By: Stage A: Marvin L. Young, Stage B:
Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
Stage A:
Stage B:
1939 1¢ WDDR-025 “Best of” Variety
Description: Strong extra thickness shows on EPU, the dots, both wheat ears and wheat stems, ONE, and OF AMERICA.
Die Markers: Light die scratch through the second T in
TRUST. Die scratches in front of the
hairline. Die scratches run mostly north
to south through LIBERTY. Reverse:
Two intersecting die scratches NNE from upper right second S and die
scratch NE from lower right second T in STATES.
Die scratch west from P, die gouge east from lower L, and die gouge east
from center right of the second U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Brian Allen (Updated photos on a coin from Cliff
Cross References: CONECA: 7-R-VI, Coppercoins: 1939P-1DR-005 Comments: The original WDDR-018 was found to be a
duplicate of WDDR-025 and has been added to this listing.
1939 1¢ WDDR-026
Description: Close extra
thickness shows on UNUM and the right wheat.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die crack runs across the shoulder and
west into the lower field. Light die scratches run through TY in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die
crack runs SSE from bottom of A in AMERICA to the rim. Die clash in C in CENT. Light die crack runs from left wheat tip to
lower E in EPU. Die scratches run from
left wheat tip to P in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
Extra photo provided by Brian Ribar to show doubling on UM.