Description: A Class IV spread to the NW can be seen on the 1 and 9 of the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: Two parallel die scratches run between the upper R and U of TRUST. A die scratch runs from the upper T to the upper R in TRUST. A die crack runs NW from the back of the lip through the face behind the eye. A die crack runs across the lower front of the bust. A die crack runs south down the back of the shoulder and arm through the D in V.D.B. and out to the rim. A die crack branches east from the die crack running south. Reverse: A die crack runs up the left side of the O of ONE north to the rim through the left side of the first U in PLURIBUS.
Description: A clockwise
spread from a pivot at about K-3 shows on LIBERTY and IN GOD while a spread
toward the center shows on all digits of the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die chip is present inside the
lower E in LIBERTY. A die scratch shows
southwest from Y through lower T in LIBERTY.
A die scratch from the eye SE across the nose. A die crack shows from the top of the head to
the rim through W in WE. A die crack
from the spot left of the tie south then forking southeast to the rim at about
K-5 and southwest to the rim at about K-7. Reverse:
Die crack shows from rim
above E in EPU southeast through the E and into the field left of the O in
ONE. Die crack shows from the upper E in
ONE northeast to the rim through N in UNUM.
Description: A Class V CW spread from a pivot at approximately 4:00 shows on LIBERTY and IN GOD. The eyelid is tripled with extra images to the north and northeast.
Die Markers: Obverse: A strong die crack runs from the base of the bust to the rim at 5:30. A short, vertical die gouge can be found between the upper T and R of TRUST. Reverse: The reverse of this variety is also a minor doubled die that is listed in the Wexler Files as 1943-D 1¢ WDDR-009. It shows a very close Class II spread towards the center on the upper left wheat ear, EPU, and the dots. A die scratch curves NNE from the bottom right tip of the C in CENT. A die scratch runs ENE from the upper right N in CENT.
Submitted By: G. J. Lawson
Cross References: CONECA: 8-O-II+V
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-010
Description: An extra eyelid can be found south of the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also an RPM that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-008 (D/D South). A long die gouge can be found below the L of LIBERTY. A circular die scratch pattern can be found above the back of Lincoln’s collar. Obverse Stage B: Same as Stage A. Obverse Stage C: Same as Stage B. Obverse Stage D: Small die chip is seen on the forehead near the edge of the field and above the brow. Reverse Stage A: Long NNW/SSE die scratch above the second S of STATES. Reverse Stage B: A die crack runs from the top left of the O in ONE to the bottom of the 1st U in PLURIBUS. A die crack runs south from the lower left of the O in ONE to the top right of the C in CENT. A die crack runs down the lower T in CENT with small die chips on the die crack. Reverse Stage C: Stronger chips on the T of CENT. Crack from the O of ONE to the C of CENT is stronger. Reverse stage D: New reverse die. A die crack runs from the top of the O in ONE to the bottom of the 1st U in PLURIBUS. A die scratch runs NE from the lower left wheat ear through the O in OF to the I in UNITED.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Doug Yost, Stage C & D: Lloyd Hanson
Cross References: None known
Comments: All photos, except for the photo of the RPM, were taken by Brian Ribar for the Wexler Doubled Die Files.
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-011 "Best Of" Variety
Description: A Class V CW spread from a pivot at approximately 3:00 shows on LIBERTY and very slightly on the 43 in the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: A die scratch runs parallel to the rim above IGWT. A die crack runs NW to SE across the upper arm to the rim passing to the right of the V.D.B. Reverse: A thin die crack runs from the upper left O of ONE to the lower right L of PLURIBUS.
Description: A Class V CW spread shows on both T’s in TRUST, the eyelid, the bowtie, the date, and the Y in LIBERTY.
Die Markers: Obverse: Three die scratches curve NW from the top left of the Y in LIBERTY. The obverse also has an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-015 (D/D South). Reverse: The reverse is a minor doubled die variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1943-D 1¢ WDDR-013. Light extra thickness shows on the top left wheat ear, the E PL of EPU, and the left dot. A die crack runs from the upper left O in ONE through the right side of the 1st U in PLURIBUS and out to the rim. Numerous die scratches run from SW to NE between the C and E in CENT. A die gouge can be found in the upper N of CENT.
Description: Class VI extra thickness shows on LIBERTY, the date, and IGWT.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short, strong die gouge curves north from the bottom left of the one in the date. Reverse: A die crack runs from the lower right wheat grains to the rim. A die crack runs from the upper right wheat grains to the rim. A die crack runs from the upper right O in ONE east through the upper N. A die crack runs north from the top left of the O in ONE to the 1st U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: CONECA:
7-O-V-CW+VI and 9-O-VI, Coppercoins: 1943D-1DO-006
Comments: The original plate coin for 1943-D 1¢ WDDO-027
was also found to be a copy of this die, and has been added to this listing.
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-023
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-024
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-025
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-026
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-027 Listing Needed
Comments: The original listing for WDDO-027 turned out to be a duplicate of WDDO-022. This listing will be replaced.
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-028
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-029
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-030
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-031
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-032
Description: Doubling shows at the bottom of the T and Y in LIBERTY and as an extra eyelid east of the normal eyelid. Light extra thickness shows on the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also an RPM which is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-051. It is a D/D East. Two short die gouges can be found below the 9 in the date. Reverse: A short die gouge runs NE from the lower right of the U in UNITED. Numerous light die scratches run E/W throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-033
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-034
Description: Partial extra
eyelids show north and south of the normal eyelid. A possible minor extra doubling south of Y in
LIBERTY is seen.
Die Markers: Obverse: A long die scratch extends NE from the front
of Lincoln’s eyebrow. A small die gouge
can be found to the left of the center of the O in GOD. A small die gouge can be found just above the
left side of the 9 in the date. A long
die crack extends across the bottom of the bust. A small die gouge can be found to the right
of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die gouge can be found between the E and S in
STATES. A die crack extends from the
upper left O of ONE north through the 1st U of PLURIBUS to the
rim. A small die gouge can be found just
under the S in PLURIBUS. A short die
scratch extends SW from the lower right side of the A in STATES. Two die cracks run from the lower left O in
ONE to the upper left E in CENT. A die
crack runs from the upper O to the upper N in ONE. A die scratch extends SW from the top left
side of the T in CENT. A large die chip
appears on the T in CENT.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: Coppercoins:
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-035
Description: An extra eyelid can be found below the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: The obverse is also an RPM that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-009, a D/D West. A wavy die gouge can be found between the O and D of GOD. A short die gouge extends from the lower right portion of the E of LIBERTY as well as a N/S die scratch inside the E of LIBERTY. Die pitting can be seen to the right of the N of IN. Obverse Stage B: Die crack from the rim at 7:30 running NE to the back of the shoulder and then running high over VDB. The die crack is intersected by another die crack that runs along the shoulder and then intersected by another die crack that runs through the shoulder and lapel and exits to the rim at 5:00. Obverse Stage C: Stronger die cracks on the jacket and lapel. New die crack NNE from the shoulder die crack toward the neck. Reverse Stage A: A die crack from the top of the O of ONE running north passing the right side of the U of PLURIBUS and onto the rim. A series of die scratches run from NW to SE above and through the UNIT of UNITED. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Long die scratch from below the E in AMERICA running SW almost to the left wheat stem. Two E/W die scratches in the field well below the M and E in AMERICA. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Eric Axtell, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
Comments: The photos of this variety were taken by Brian Ribar for the Wexler Doubled Die Files.
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-036
Description: An extra eyelid can be found below the normal eyelid. Doubling shows on the date.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also an RPM that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-026, a D/D Tilted (Rotated). Strong die gouges can be found to the right of the Y of LIBERTY. Horizontal die scratches run west to east through and below WE. NE/SW die scratch between the 4 in the date and the mint mark. Two light NE/SW die scratches below the 3 in the date. E/W die crack across base of bust. Reverse: A die crack SSW from bottom of the O of ONE. Die scratch NNE from top of O in OF. Die scratch ENE from lower I in UNITED.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
Comments: The photos of this variety were taken by Brian Ribar for the Wexler Doubled Die Files.
1943-D 1¢ WDDO-037
Description: An extra eyelid can be found below the normal eyelid.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also an RPM that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-017, a D/D East. Wavy die gouge below the R of TRUST. Die crack above VDB. Reverse: Die crack from the top of the O of ONE through the first U of PLURIBUS and onto the rim. Die crack starting at the furthest right wheat line of the right wheat stalk running south meandering onto the right kernels and splitting in two, one branch heads off to and ends at the rim the other branch continuing south ending nearly at the end of the stalk tail.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-001
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-002
Description: A spread toward
the center shows on the upper letters of ONE, both upper wheats, EPU, and the
dots with the strongest spread at K-10 to K-11.
Tripling can be seen on E and P.
Die Markers: Obverse: Numerous multidirectional die scratches
run through and around the date. Reverse:
A die gouge (dot) is present to the right of the lower R in
PLURIBUS. A die scratch is present
inside the lower R in PLURIBUS. Die
gouges show to the left of the upper portion, below the left leg, and right of
the middle of M in UNUM. A die scratch
shows southwest from the lower E in STATES.
A die scratch runs north to south between and above the upper U and N in
UNITED. A die scratch shows southwest
from the middle of the left side of C in CENT.
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: CONECA: 3-R-II-C+VI and 14-R-II-C,
Coppercoins: 1943D-1DR-005
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-003
Description: Extra thickness
and a close spread toward the center shows on the upper left wheat, EPU, both
dots, and the right wheat ear including the stem.
Die Markers: Obverse: Strong vertical die scratch right of the
lower E in WE. Two strong nearly
horizontal die gouges between the upper IN and GOD. Two die cracks are present on the base of the
bust. Reverse: A strong die gouge
is present right of the lower middle crossbar of E in ONE. A die crack runs from upper left O in ONE
through the left side of the first U in PLURIBUS to the rim. A short diagonal die scratch is present
between upper C and E in CENT. A short
vertical die gouge is present to the right of the lower N in CENT.
Description: A spread towards the center shows on both
wheat ears, both wheat stems, and slightly on EPU.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse also has an RPM variety that is
listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-048 (D/D Tilted). E/W die scratches run through the date and
mint mark. Die gouge in the field below
the chin. Die chip on the head in-line
and between the eye and the ear. Die
scratches and multiple die chips above the Y of LIBERTY. Reverse: N/S
die scratch right of I of PLURIBUS. Die
chip below the upper arm of the E of ONE.
Die scratch runs N/S inside the E of ONE. Large die chip between the lower E and N of
CENT. Die chip above the R of AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-005
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-006
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-007
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-008 "Best Of" Variety
Description: A very strong Class II spread towards the center along with strong Class VI extra thickness shows on the upper left wheat ear and the lower right wheat stem where there is evidence of tripling. Other doubling shows on the C and T of CENT, the E PL of E PLURIBUS, the UM of UNUM, ATES of STATES and the RICA of AMERICA.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is also an RPM that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1943-D 1¢ WRPM-043. A die crack runs from the top of the O in GOD to the rim. Numerous die scratches run SSW to NNE on the neck. A die scratch runs SSW to NNE to the right of the top of the bowtie. Reverse: A short die gouge runs SSW from the lower right R of AMERICA. A die scratch runs from the C in AMERICA SSW to the tip of the right wheat stem. Two parallel die scratches run NNW from NNW from the top right of the N in UNITED to the lower left of the C in CENT. A die crack runs north from the top of the O in ONE through the 1st U in PLURIBUS to the rim.
Description: A very close
Class II spread towards the center on the upper left wheat ear, EPU, and the
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse of this variety is a doubled die
that is listed in the Wexler Files as 1943-D 1¢ WDDO-009. A strong die crack runs from the base of the
bust to the rim at 5:30. A short,
vertical die gouge can be found between the upper T and R of TRUST. Reverse: A die scratch curves NNE from the bottom
right tip of the C in CENT. A die
scratch runs ENE from the upper right N in CENT.
Submitted By: G. J. Lawson
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-010
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-011
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-012
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-013
Description: Light extra thickness shows on the top left wheat ear, the E PL of EPU, and the left dot.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is a doubled die variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1943-D 1¢ WDDO-019. A Class V CW spread shows on both T’s in TRUST, the eyelid, the bowtie, the date, and the Y in LIBERTY. Three die scratches curve NW from the top left of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die crack runs from the upper left O in ONE through the right side of the 1st U in PLURIBUS and out to the rim. Numerous die scratches run from SW to NE between the C and E in CENT. A die gouge can be found in the upper N of CENT.
Submitted By: Paul Funaiole
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-014
Description: A close spread
toward the center shows on both upper wheats, EPU, the dots, and upper ONE.
Die Markers: Obverse: A short, strong die scratch runs north from
the upper B in LIBERTY. A number of die
scratches are present between and below the letters of GOD. Reverse:
Two die scratches run between L and U in
PLURIBUS. Die scratch from lower right E
in CENT northeast through N to T.
Submitted By: John A. Conway
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-015
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-016
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-017
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-018
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-019
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-020
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-021
Description: Doubling shows
on EPU, both dots, and both wheat ears and stems.
Die Markers: Obverse: A long die scratch runs southwest from the
mint mark and through the lower vest. A
die scratch runs northwest from the top of the hair to the rim, just right of
the E in WE. A die scratch runs NNW
across the front of Lincoln’s forehead. Reverse: A die chip is present on the right wheat
tip. A die scratch runs NNW from the
left side of E in UNITED between C and E in CENT. A die scratch runs northeast from the left
horizontal bar of the first T in STATES toward the bottom of T in CENT. A die chip is present on the bottom of T in
Submitted By: Frank Baumann
Cross References: None known
Comments: The photographed coin might show some
planchet issues, and some die scratches are not 100% certain.
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-022
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-023
Description: A very close Class II spread towards the center shows on the right wheat ear and stem.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die gouge touches the top left of the 9 in the date. Reverse: A short die gouge can be found to the right of the lower E in ONE. A short die gouge can be found to the right of the lower T in CENT. Die gouges can be found between the upper 1st T and A in STATES. Numerous die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1943-D 1¢ WDDR-024
Description: A spread towards the center shows on EPU, the dots, and both wheat ears and stems.
Die Markers: Obverse: Several SSW/NNE die scratches can be found to the right of the eye. A NW/SE die crack runs through the shoulder. A die crack runs NE from near the midpoint of the first die crack. Reverse: A die scratch runs through the top of the LURIBUS in PLURIBUS. Short SSW/NNE die scratches can be found above the bottom horizontal bar of the E in CENT.