Description: Strong extra thickness can be found on the date, LIBERTY, and the lower hair and beard details. Lesser extra thickness shows on IGWT.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs from WSW to ENE through the hair on the upper back of the head. A die chip can be found on this die crack south of the OD in GOD. A die crack runs through the hair on the upper front of the head. Reverse: A die crack runs from north to south through the left side of the C in CENT and out to the rim.
Description: A partial extra earlobe can be found SSE of the bottom of the ear.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found just to the left of the upper D in UNITED. A small die gouge can be found to the left of the top of the 2nd A in AMERICA. A die crack runs NNE from the rim through the lower left E in CENT.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
This overlay courtesy of Billy G. Crawford shows the doubling and the part of the ear that it came from.
2007 1¢ WDDO-003 "Best Of" Variety
Description: Strong extra thickness shows on the date, the hair details, the beard details, and slightly on the letters of LIBERTY. Light notching can be seen on the upper left RTY in LIBERTY.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: A light die scratch runs from WSW to ENE above the TY in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: An extremely strong die crack runs from south to north from the hair to the right of the ear and out to the rim through the W in WE. A die crack branches off from this die crack near the top of the head and runs SW through the hair on the upper back of the head. Reverse Stage A: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the 1st S in STATES. Reverse Stage B: A strong die crack runs from the rim at about 7:00 through the left side of the E in ONE and ends before reaching the Memorial steps.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Allen, Stage B: Marvin Young
Description: Moderate extra thickness shows on LIBERTY, the date, and the lower hair and beard details.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A small die chip can be found on the top left side of the 1st Memorial column.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: Coppercoins: 2007P-1DO-003
2007 1¢ WDDR-001
Description: Doublings shows on the central right side of the 6th column to the left of the center of the statue.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die gouge can be found north of the 7 in the date. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found below the ES in STATES. Die gouges can be found NE of the designer’s initials. A short die scratch runs NNW from the top of the left side of the left cornice. A die crack runs down the first column.
Submitted By: David Serbonich
Cross References: CONECA: 2-R-VIII
2007 1¢ WDDR-002
Description: Doublings shows on the central left side of the 7th column to the right of the center of the statue.
Die Markers:Obverse: A short die gouge runs from WSW to ENE through the center of the back of the ear. A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the upper back of the head. A die crack runs NNW from the eyebrow through the forehead. Reverse: A die clash protrudes from the lower right side of the 4tht column. A large die chip can be found inside the lower C in AMERICA. A die crack runs across the top of the E in ONE. A die crack runs down the left side of the C in CENT.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
2007 1¢ WDDR-003
Description: Doublings shows on the central left side of the 7th column to the right of the center of the statue.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the upper I in AMERICA. Short die scratches run from SW to NE above the ATE in STATES. A die scratch runs from NW to SE to the left of the upper T in CENT.
Submitted By: David Serbonich
Cross References: Coppercoins: 2007P-1DR-001
2007 1¢ WDDR-004
Description: Doublings shows on the left side of the 7th column to the right of the statue’s left arm. An extra knee can be found between the tops of the statue’s knees.
Die Markers:Obverse: None noted. Reverse: The reverse is also a light “wavy steps” variety. A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the N in CENT. Light die scratches run ENE from the top of the 1st T in STATES.
Submitted By: David Serbonich
Cross References: Coppercoins: 2007P-1DR-003
2007 1¢ WDDR-005
Description: Doublings shows on the left side of the 7th column to the right of the statue’s left knee.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die chip can be found on the top of the 2nd zero in the date. A die crack runs from WNW to ESE through the hair on the upper back of the head. Reverse: A pre-die break depression can be found on the center of the E in ONE. A light die crack runs down the left side of the C in CENT.
Submitted By: David Serbonich
Cross References: None known
2007 1¢ WDDR-006 Listing Needed
Comments: The original listing was a “wavy steps” variety and these are no longer believed to be doubled dies.
2007 1¢ WDDR-007
Description: Doublings shows on the lower right side of the 6th column to the left of the statue’s legs.
Die Markers:Obverse: EDS. None significant. Reverse: EDS. None significant.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
2007 1¢ WDDR-008
Description: Doubling shows on the left side of the 7th Memorial column to the right of the statue’s legs.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower I of IN. A small die gouge can be found south of the US in TRUST. A small die gouge can be found above the 2nd zero in the date. Reverse: A small die gouge touches the bottom of the E in STATES. A small die gouge can be found on the right base of the Memorial to the left of the F in FG. A die crack runs down the lower half of the E in CENT and out to the rim.
Description: Doubling shows on the central left side of the 7th Memorial column. A partial extra knee can be found just above the statue’s left knee.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found above and between the T and Y of LIBERTY. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found inside the lower E of CENT. A die scratch runs from SW to NE in the lower 1st Memorial bay.