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1950-D 25¢ WRPM-001

Description:  D/D Southwest

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None recorded.  Reverse:  Horizontal die scratch through the bottom of the mint mark.  Heavy die scratch ESE from the rim to the right of the second A in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Bill Affanato

Cross References:  None known

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Weak die scratch below the left leg of the R in LIBERTY.  Light die crack at the top of the head toward the back.  Light die crack on the bust.  Reverse:  NE/SW die scratch above the leaf at the arrow tips and above the arrow tips.  Die scratch ESE from the leaf above the R of DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  Bill Affanato

Cross References:  None known

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  Strong E/W die scratch through the top of the M in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #7

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-004          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack across the bust that extends SW to the 1 in the date.  Reverse:  Die crack near the contour of the right wing along UNITED.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #6

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-005

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Die scratches in multiple directions at the L in LIBERTY.  Short NW die scratch at the upper left of the 5 in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  Die scratches at the L in LIBERTY abraded away.  Scratch at the 5 still present.  Die crack across the bust.  Reverse Stage A: No prominent die markers.  Reverse Stage B: Weaker secondary mint mark.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Eric Axtell

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #4

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Numerous SW/NE die scratches to left of nose and forehead.  Die crack along base of bust.  E/W die crack through upper hair. Reverse:  Die gouge to the left of the top of the A in DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-007          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches SE from the G of GOD to the R in TRUST.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  Scott Klynstra

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1950D-502

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-008          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Light die crack along the contour of the bust.  Very weak E/W die crack in the hair.  Obverse Stage B: Stronger die crack on the bust.  Stronger die crack on the hair extending into the head.  Reverse Stage A: No prominent die markers.  Reverse Stage B: Die crack on the contour of the right wing below UNITED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: William P. Waring, Stage B: John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #5

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-009

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  Short N/S die scratch centered between the first R and T of QUARTER.

Submitted By:   David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-010          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D/D Northeast & South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack across the contour of the bust.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

Comments:  On some specimens of this variety mechanical doubling obliterates the D/D South.

1950-D 25¢ WRPM-011

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack along the contour of the bust.  N/S die scratch right of the 0 in the date.  Reverse:  Very weak die crack on the contour of the right wing below the TE of UNITED.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light E/W die crack in the top of the head.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1950S-501

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  NE/SW die scratches to the left and below the L in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die gouge inside the upper E of UNITED.  WNW/ESE die scratch through lower RIB of PLURIBUS.  Die cracks run down the outside of both upper wings.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two light die scratches S by W from the right center underside horizontal bar to the lower horizontal bar.  Typical die crack in the hair from stress that runs lightly E/W and is intersected by a die crack running WSW.  Reverse:  Starting at the right of the bow where the two branches join a die crack runs to the west and then turns WNW into the field.  A die crack on the path of the left branch positioned above the OL of DOLLAR.  N/S die crack centered between the upper area of QUARTER DOLLAR.  Typical die crack from stress along the left side of the right wing and turns inward at the bottom.  Typical die crack from stress along the upper right side of the left wing.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge from right center of the 5 in the date running ESE through the 0 in the date.  Typical die crack in the hair from stress that runs lightly E/W.  Reverse:  N/S die scratches in the field left of the mint mark.  N/S die scratches above the bow where the two branches join.  Typical die crack from stress along the left side of the right wing under UNITED.  Light N/S die scratches along the outside contour of both wings.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-005

Description:  S/S South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die scratch at the bottom of the upper opening of the R in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  ENE/WSW die scratch near left center of the U in UNITED.  E/W die scratches connecting the UNI of UNITED.  Die scratch NE from right center of the O in OF running through the upper left side of the F in OF.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-007

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches SSE from the R and U of TRUST.  Reverse:  Die crack at the upper contour of the right wing.  Die scratch to the right of the die crack on the right wing.  Die scratches NNW from the top of the A in QUARTER.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-008

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  SSW/NNE die scratches in front of the profile.  Reverse:  Die gouge on the left wing below the E in AMERICA.  Die scratch NNW from the upper area of the right wing, closer to the breast.

Submitted By:  Brett Parish

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #3

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-009

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No prominent die markers.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-010

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  SE die searches from the vertical bar of the R in LIBERTY at the inside.  Short N/S die scratch in the field position right of the queue.  Reverse:  N/S die scratch between QUARTER and DOLLAR.  N/S die scratch above the D of DOLLAR.  Die scratches north from the left branch stem.  Die scratch north from the top center of the mint mark.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-011

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  SSW/NNE die scratch left of the lower half of the B in LIBERTY.  Die crack along the bust running into the queue.  Reverse:  Die scratches north from the TE of QUARTER and the D of DOLLAR.  Die crack along the contour of the right wing under NITED of UNITED.  Second die crack beginning at the H of UNITED running along the contour of the right wing then curving inward to the leaf.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-012

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  N/S die scratch left of center of the E in LIBERTY.  N/S die scratches at the upper opening of the 5 in the date.  Reverse:  Die gouges above the mint mark.  Die gouge on the innermost left leaf.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  None known

1950-S 25¢ WRPM-013

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  N/S die scratch connecting the nose and chin.  Three die gouges (dots) on the bust above the 0 of the date.  Reverse: Elongated die chip on the left of the right wing above the wing tip.  N/S die scratches from the upper left of the D in DOLLAR.  NNE die scratch from the upper left of the O in DOLLAR.  NNE die scratch from the upper right of the first L in DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  Ire Simons

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack in the head and hair extending into the field on the left side.  Die crack on the bust extending into the field on the left side.  Reverse:  E/W die scratches through T of QUARTER.  Die gouge on the left wing.

Submitted By:  Kenneth L. Schneider

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #4, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1951D-501

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: ESE/WSW die scratches at the opening of the R in LIBERTY near the top.  Die crack across the bust.  Obverse Stage B:  Die scratches are weaker.  Die crack on bust extends into queue.  Reverse Stage A: Die gouges on STATES, QUARTER and DOLLAR.  Reverse Stage B: Die gouges are weak and abraded away on some of the letters.  Die crack near the contour of the right wing along UNITED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Eric Axtell

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Short N/S die scratch between the head and the left leg of the R in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Short N/S die gouge centered above the AR of DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light E/W die crack at the top of the head.  Die gouge (dot) on the lower back of the hair.  Reverse:  Very small N/S scratches touching the left tail feather of the eagle and the arrow shafts.  Short die scratch north from the lower right side of the E in QUARTER.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges near the rim between the E and R of LIBERTY.  Die gouges between the T and Y of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die scratch WNW from the left side of the left branch to the leaf.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #6

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Reverse:  None visible.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-007

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die scratches between the ER of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die gouge northeast of the mint mark near the branch.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-008

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die crack runs across the base of the bust.  Reverse:  The reverse is a doubled die variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1951-D 25c WDDR-001.  A spread towards the center shows on QUARTER DOLLAR, AMERICA, both of the branch ends, and the lower left leaves.  A die crack runs down the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  Whaden Curtis

Cross References:  None known

1951-D 25¢ WRPM-009

Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse is a DDO variety that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1951-D 25¢ WDDO-003. A close spread towards the center shows on LIBERTY. Slight Class VI extra thickness on IGWT, date, the designer's initials, and the ribbon. Die crack across the base of the bust. E/W die crack in the hair. Strong NW/SE die scratches throughout the lower obverse. Strong N/S die scratches throughout the upper obverse. E/W die scratches through the R in LIBERTY. A few N/S die scratches below IGWT. Reverse: Die crack along the eagle's right wing. Strong die scratch on the rim from the first S in STATES to the last A in AMERICA. NE/SW die scratches through EPU. Thin E/W die scratches through QUARTER DOLLAR including two notable ones above the Q in QUARTER.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: None known

1951-S 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description: S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  NNW/SSE die scratches on the head below the R in LIBERTY.  NNW/SSE die scratches running through the E of WE.  Reverse:  Die scratch north from the right upper side of the mint mark.  Long arching die scratch on the right wing located below the ED of UNITED.  E/W die scratch connecting the bottom of the ED in UNITED.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  This is the variety listed as RPM #1 in the original The RPM Book published in 1983, but it is not the variety that CONECA now shows as RPM #1.

1951-S 25¢ WRPM-002

Description: S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No prominent die markers.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

1951-S 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches in different directions on the forehead and hair positioned behind the eye.  Die scratches SW from the left side of the L in LIBERTY.  Die scratches southwest below the L in LIBERTY.  Die scratch north from the upper right side of the 9 in the date.  Reverse:  Long, heavy die scratch along the contour of the right wing that curves inward at the bottom of the wing.  Die crack beginning at the S in PLURIBUS then running along the contour of the left wing below the AMER of AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1951-S 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Short die scratch south from right center (underside) of the N of IN.  NNW/SSE die scratches at the 19 of the date.  N/S die scratches at the 51 of the date.  Obverse Stage B: All die scratches abraded away except at the N of IN.  Reverse Stage A:  No prominent die markers.  Reverse Stage B:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Tony Russo, Stage B: Thomas Kalantzis

Cross References:  None known

1951-S 25¢ WRPM-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description: S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  N/S die scratches between the B in LIBERTY and the head.  Die scratches south from the throat.  Reverse:  E/W die scratches at the union of the branches.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

Comments:  This is not the variety listed as RPM #1 in the original The RPM Book published in 1983, but it is the variety that CONECA now shows as RPM #1.

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Short NE/SW die scratch in the field from right center of the 9 in the date.  Reverse:  Die gouges between the lower area of the D in UNITED and the first S in STATES.  Very weak die crack inside the contour of the right wing along ITE of UNITED.  Short die crack from the N of UNITED along the contour of the right wing along the U in UNITED.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die crack E/W at the front of the hair below the B and E of LIBERTY.  Lower E/W die crack in the hair below the E and R of LIBERTY.   Reverse:  Die crack along the contour of the right wing below UNITED.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld (Upgraded coin Tony Russo)

Cross References:  None known

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratch SSE from the E in WE.  Reverse:  Die crack down outside of eagle’s right wing.  Die crack through IBUS of PLURIBUS to the eagle’s upper left wing.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found just below thee left side of the mint mark.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-005

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated).  What looks like doubling to the east is actually mechanical doubling.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Fine abrasion lines show throughout the obverse. Reverse:  Abrasion lines show throughout the reverse.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the R in QUARTER.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Numerous SW/NE die scratches to left of the profile. Reverse:  Parallel die scratches connect the lower I and T in UNITED.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1952-D 25¢ WRPM-007

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above and between the D of GOD and the W in WE.  A die crack runs along the base of the bust above the 9 and 5 in the date.  Reverse:  A die crack runs WNW to ESE through the lower left branch.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Small die gouge on the top of the head below the left of the E in WE.  Obverse Stage B:  Stage A die marker still present.  Reverse Stage A:  Light die scratch NW/SE through the mint mark.  Reverse Stage B: Stage A die scratch abraded away.  Die crack on the contour of the right wing under UNITE of UNITED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Joe Feld (upgraded coin John Bordner), Stage B: William P. Waring

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1952S-502

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S/S North and Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge at the lower inside left of the E in LIBERTY.  Light E/W die crack in the head and hair.  Reverse:  N/S die scratch in the mint mark area of the field.  Die crack on the contour of the right wing that curves inward after UNITED.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1952S-501

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  NNW/SSE die scratches through IGWT.  Obverse Stage B:  Die chip on Washington’s upper lip.  Reverse Stage A:  Die scratch NNW from lower outside of eagle’s right wing.  Horizontal die scratch through bottom of ED in UNITED.  WNW/ESE die scratches through AMER in AMERICA.  Strong die scratches down outside of eagle’s lower left wing.  Reverse Stage B:  Stage A markers are weaker.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jeff Longeuay, Stage B: John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Vertical die scratch in the lower E of LIBERTY.  NNW/SSE die scratches through the 9 in the date.  Obverse Stage B: Die scratch outside the 9 in the date is abraded away.  Die scratches inside the 9 in the date are weak.  Die scratch at the E of LIBERTY is weak.  Reverse Stage A: NNW/SSE die scratches to right of lower mint mark.  Die scratches NNW from 1st U and I in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage B: Die scratches at the mint mark abraded away.  Die scratches at PLURIBUS still present.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Paul Funaiole, Stage B: David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-005

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge to the right of the Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die crack runs down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  NE/SW die scratch through the lower right of the L in LIBERTY.  Die scratch south by east from the bottom center of the G in GOD that runs through the R in TRUST.  Reverse:  Die scratches on most of the wing areas.  Long die scratch south from the inside of the left wing that runs through the arrows tips then turns SSE and runs through the left branches to the E of QUARTER.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-007

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Weak E/W die crack through the head (near the forehead) and hair.  Reverse:  Die crack along the contour of the eagle’s right wing under the UN of UNITED.  Second die crack along the contour of the eagle’s right wing under the ITE of UNITED.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1952-S 25¢ WRPM-008

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die crack through the head and hair.  Reverse:  No prominent die markers.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/Horizontal D

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  None noted.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1, Cherrypickers: FS-25-1953D-501

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  SSE die scratches from the bottom of the ribbon.  Reverse:  Die gouge (dot) slightly above center between the E and R in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  D/D/D Tilted (Rotated) & Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge below the R in TRUST.  Short die gouge WSW from lower 3 in the date.  Reverse:  Die pitting above the DO in DOLLAR.  Die pitting in US of PLURIBUS.  Die crack down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Vertical die scratch north of the I of IN.  Die scratch NE from center bar of E in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die gouge west of the arrowheads.  Die pitting above the mint mark.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-005

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die crack through the upper hair.  Reverse:  Die gouge to left of upper Q in QUARTER.  Strong WSW/ENE die gouge between lower E and R in AMERICA.  Die crack down the outside of the eagle’s right wing.

Submitted By:  John Bordner

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  What looks like strong RPM doubling to the east is mechanical doubling.

1953-D 25¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches SW from the upper left of the 3 in the date.  Reverse:  Very strong chipped die crack on the far left leaf running in a NW/SE direction.  Very strong die crack with chips running down the outer edge of the eagle’s right wing and turning slightly inward at the bottom.  A second curving NNW/SSE die crack appears near the eagle’s right wing tip.  Light die gouge at the upper left side of the O in OF.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1953-S 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S South

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Light NNE/SSW die scratches on the nose.  Obverse Stage B: Only remnants show for the Stage A die scratches.  Reverse Stage A: Two N/S die scratches above the end of the arrow feathers.  Reverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches abraded away.  Weaker secondary mint mark.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John A. Wexler, Stage B: John Bordner

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1953-S 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No die markers visible.  Reverse:  NE/SW die scratch through the lower opening of the first S in STATES.

Submitted By:  Anthony Dalton

Cross References:  None known

1953-S 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No prominent die markers visible.  Reverse:  Heavily chipped die crack on the contour of the eagle’s right wing below the NIT of UNITED.  Die gouge (dot) right of the right wing tip.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1953-S 25¢ WRPM-004 
Description: S/S Tilted (Rotated) and possible West

Die Markers:  Obverse: Numerous heavy die gouges throughout most of the obverse, with prominent gouges in the date. Numerous die scratches running mostly north to south throughout the fields on the obverse. Two parallel north to south die scratches run north to south in the field behind Washington’s head.  Reverse: Die chip in lower E in QUARTER. Die chip on right side of upper second L in DOLLAR. Die scratches running mostly parallel to the rim throughout STATES, E PLURIBUS, QUARTER, and DOLLAR.

Submitted by:  Larry Taylor
Cross References:  None known

1954-D 25¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D Southwest

Die Markers:  Obverse:  No prominent die markers.  Reverse:  Die crack at the inside of the contour of the eagle’s right wing running along UNITED.  Second die crack one the contour of the eagle’s right wing below UNITED that curves inward at the wing tip.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1954-D 25¢ WRPM-002 
Description:  D/D Titled (Rotated)
Die Markers:  Obverse: Die scratches run mostly NE to SW throughout the fields. Strong die scratch from E to R in LIBERTY.  Reverse: Die gouges right of R and E in QUARTER. Die scratches through lower CA in AMERICA. Die scratch from top right side of D in UNITED.
Submitted by:  Matthew Whitt
Cross References:  None known

1954-S 25¢ WRPM-001

Description:  Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  NW/SE die scratch inside lower U in TRUST.  Reverse:  WNW/ESE die scratches through lower UN in UNITED.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  None known

1954-S 25¢ WRPM-002

Description:  Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Small die gouge (dot) at the left upper inside of the N of IN.  Reverse:  Die gouge at the right lower area of the rightt branch where it extends into the left side.  Die crack along the top of the left branch where it separates from the two branches.  Die crack along the outside of the eagle’s right wing.  Die crack running through the center of the last S in STATES, OF and the AM of AMERICA.  Die crack from the S in PLURIBUS into the right outer part of the wing.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1954-S 25¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Small die gouge to right of lower Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Strong die scratch from bottom of eagle’s right wing to Q in QUARTER.  Die gouge to right of R in DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  Jeff Longeuay

Cross References:  None known

1954-S 25¢ WRPM-004

Description:  S/S Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge below the B in LIBERTY.  Very light E/W die crack at the upper area of the head.  Reverse:  U-shaped die gouge at the top of the O in DOLLAR.  Die crack at the outside contour of the eagle’s right wing that extends into the wing near the upper leaves.  Die crack above the right wing tip.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1954-S 25¢ WRPM-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light die gouges at the rim left of the L in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die gouge at the upper right of the second L in DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  William P. Waring

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

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Washington 25¢ RPMs 1955 to 1959