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Memorial Cent Doubled Dies: 1999 1¢ WDDR-201 to END

1999 1¢ WDDR-201  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the B of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found above the E of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the S of PLURIBUS.  A die chip can be found at the left cornice.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-200 but with slightly thicker lower doubling.

1999 1¢ WDDR-202  

Description:  Bar extended from the middle of the knee to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the R of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found below the left side of Y of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the I of IN.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found on the lower left side of the O of ONE.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-203 but with doubling extending less far north.

1999 1¢ WDDR-203  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found above the second and last nine of the date.  Reverse:  Two small die gouges can be found above the F of FG.  A small die chip can be found on the left cornice at the level of the middle of the N of UNITED. 

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-202 but with doubling extending further north.

1999 1¢ WDDR-204  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found on the inside right side of the last nine of the date.  A small die gouge can be found inside the top of the second nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found above the B of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die scratch can be found extending from the rim through the T of CENT into the bottom of the memorial.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-205  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper foot to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found in the upper N of ONE.  A die chip can be found on the left cornice.  A die gouge can be found below the N of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found below the left memorial base tip.  An about horizontal die scratch can be found below the left memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-206  

Description:  Bar extended from the middle of the knee to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches run NNE/SSW behind and above Lincoln’s head.  A die scratch extends from the back of Lincoln's head to the top of the T of LIBERTY.  Multiple die scratches extend from the upper back of Lincoln's head toward the W of WE.  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the second nine of the date.  A light die scratch runs NNW/SSE above the first nine of the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found in the upper N of CENT touching the middle of the diagonal bar.  A die gouge can be found touching the middle-left side of the upright bar of T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found inside the upper left side of the N of UNITED.  A small die gouge can be found touching the lower right side of the last memorial column.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-207  

Description:  Bar extended from the middle of the knee to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper ear.  Reverse:  A die crack can be found extending northeast from the top of the fifth memorial column through the cornice.  A die gouge can be found within the upper R of AMERICA.  A die scratch extends toward the rim from the top right side of the first T of STATES.  A light die scratch runs from right of the M of UNUM to the NNE through the right side of the second U of PLURIBUS and up into the F of OF.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-208  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A large die chip can be found on the upper left side of the first memorial column.  A die break can be found on the upper left side of the second memorial column.  A die gouge can be found in the lower-middle of U of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found within the lower E of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found on the lower left side of the D of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found under the C of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the second A of AMERICA.  An abraded die clash can be found in lower memorial bay four.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-053.








1999 1¢ WDDR-209  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found on the upper right side of the last nine of the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found on the lower left upright of the N of UNITED and on the lower portion of the upright of the I of UNITED.  A die chip can be found below the third memorial column abutting the left buttress with tripod.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-210  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Small die gouges can be found well above the B and E of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found below and between the first two 9s of the date.  A small die gouge can be found touching the vest to the left of the bottom of the 1 in the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the lower right inside of the O of ONE.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-211  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the upper second T of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found well under the second T of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found between the middle of the first and second nine in the date.  A die gouge can be found on the beard halfway between the lower earlobe and the left side of the lips.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found just below the left leg of the M of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found between the lower I and C of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found in the middle left inside of the D of UNITED.  Die gouges can be found below the right memorial base.  Small die gouges can be found under the left side of the memorial base and to the right of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found right of the N of ONE.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-212  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.   

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found above the B of LIBERTY, slightly left of center.  A die gouge can be found well south of the Y of LIBERTY abutting the back of the upper bust.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the F of FG.  A die gouge can be found on the right memorial base centered above and between the second and third rightmost bushes.  A die gouge can be found above the corner of the right-side memorial roof.  A small die gouge can be found touching the left side of the roof.  A small die gouge can be found touching the top of the roof centered below the E of EPU.  Two light die scratches can be found in the lower last memorial bay.  A small die gouge can be found inside the C of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found under the right side of the horizontal bar of the T of CENT.  Two small die gouges can be found under the right memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-213  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the last 9 of the date.  A die gouge can be found between the U and S of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the second T of TRUST.  Reverse:  None noted.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar in character to the doubling of 1999 1¢ WDDR-183 but positioned further north.

1999 1¢ WDDR-214  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Multiple die scratches can be found within and above the upper O of ONE.  Die scratches can be found within the lower last memorial bay.  Die scratches can be found below the memorial steps.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-226.

1999 1¢ WDDR-215  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die chip can be found in the center of the R of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found right of the mid-lower T of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper E of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found touching the right side of the leg of the R of AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-216  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the second 9 of the date.  A vertical die gouge can be found below the 1 of the date.  A die gouge can be found between the R and T of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the F of FG.  A minute die gouge can be found just above the left side of the F of FG.  A die scratch can be found near the rim below the right base of the memorial to the right of the lower T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found left of the second S of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found below the E of EPU at the level of the top of the dot left of UNUM.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  This die shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-217  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  Doubling from the doubled working hub WWHR-001 also shows on the statue’s left leg (viewer’s right).  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the R of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found well above the right side of the last nine in the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the first memorial column at the level of the top of the U of UNITED.  A small die gouge can be found within the lower C of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-218  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the I of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found above the left side of the E of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found below the second 9 of the date.  Reverse:  A small die chip can be found at the left cornice.  Die scratches run NNW/SSE in the central memorial bays.  A die clash can be found in the upper seventh memorial bay.

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-200.

1999 1¢ WDDR-219  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found below the leg of the R of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the U of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-220  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A large die gouge can be found within the upper half of the N of IN.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found within the lower right half of the M of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found within the upper half of the N of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-222.








1999 1¢ WDDR-221  

Description:  Bar extended from the middle of the knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the F of FG.  A die gouge can be found on the lower right side of the second memorial column.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the upper E of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found right of the lower E of CENT near the rim.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-222  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the first nine of the date.  A die scratch runs NNE from the 9 in the date through the previous gouge.  Multiple die scratches can be found to running WNW/ESE through WE.  A small die gouge can be found in the hair behind Lincoln's ear.  Reverse:  None noted.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young    

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-220.








1999 1¢ WDDR-223  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  An extra knee can be found below and between the statue's knees.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die crack extends from the left side of the N to the left side of the U of UNUM.  A die gouge can be found within the lower N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found at the end of the right side of the crossbar of the T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found left of the middle of the upright of the T of CENT.   

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-224  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die dents can be found below and left of the lower left bust.  A die scratch extends from the left side bottom of the N of IN to the back of Lincoln's head.  Reverse:  Die dents can be found above the D of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-225  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below and to the left of the I of IN.  A die gouge can be found above the left side of E of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found above the right side of the R of LIBERTY.  Two die gouges can be found southwest and south of the lapel buttonhole.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found left of the memorial base.  A die scratch can be found below the right upright of the N of UNITED.  A small die gouge can be found on the topmost step under the leftmost bush on the right memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die from overlay shows the doubling is essentially indistinguishable from 1999 1¢ WDDR-229, though markers show these are different dies.








1999 1¢ WDDR-226  

Description:  Bar extended from upper hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the bottom of the I of IN.  Reverse:  Two die gouges can be found to the right of the upper upright of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found above the right memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-214.








1999 1¢ WDDR-227  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found above the VDB.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the second T of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the center of the right upright of the N of ONE.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-228  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  Two extra knees can be found below and to the right of the knees.   

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found on the left side of the E of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found on the left memorial base.  A small die gouge can be found touching the inside of the right upright of the N of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found above and slightly left of the F of FG at the level of the top of the memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-229  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the I of IN.  A die gouge can be found well below and left of the I of IN.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower bust.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right leg of the first A of AMERICA.   

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die from overlay shows the doubling is essentially indistinguishable from 1999 1¢ WDDR-225, though markers show these are different dies.








1999 1¢ WDDR-230  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the lower leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the second nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found above the R of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found above the left roof of the memorial.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is nearly indistinguishable from 1999 1¢ WDDR-029, but markers show these are definitively different dies.  Additionally, there are differences in the strength of the doubled working hub.








1999 1¢ WDDR-231  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches can be found running from the top of Lincoln's chin to the underside on the nose.  The area to the right of Lincoln's shoulder has strong die abrasion with roughly vertical die scratches present.  Reverse:  A die clash can be found in the lower ninth memorial bay.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die on the seventh column is nearly indistinguishable from 1999 1¢ WDDR-223 but the current die shows no doubled knee.

1999 1¢ WDDR-232  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found well above the B of VDB.  Two die scratches can be found to the right of the lower U of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found below and between the R and U of TRUST.  A die crack can be found running north on the side of Lincoln's nose.  Reverse:  None noted.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-233  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Two about horizontal die scratches can be found in lower fifth memorial bay.  Several large die gouges can be found in the middle of the seventh memorial bay.  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the E of E PLURIBUS.  Heavy die scratches run through ONE CENT.  Heavy die scratches can be found within the E of ONE.  Three parallel die scratches can be found below the right memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-234  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die chip can be found on the right side of the one of the date.  A die gouge can be found below and between the S and T of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the lower right side of the second A of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-235  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two small die gouges can be found to the right of the S of TRUST, one near the bottom and one near the middle.  A die gouge can be found below the second nine of the date.  Reverse:  Vertical die scratches can be found in the last memorial bay.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the first memorial column.  A die gouge can be found right of the lower second A of AMERICA.  A horizontal die gouge can be found at the rim to the left of the left memorial base tip.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-236  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  Two extra knees can be found left of the statue's legs.   

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Die chips can be found on the left side of the second and fourth memorial columns.  A large die chip can be found on the left side of the buttress with tripod under the third memorial column.  Die gouges can be found within the center of the O of ONE.  Die gouges can be found inside the lower portion of the N of ONE.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found just left of the lower-mid T of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-237  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  Doubling from the doubled working hub WWHR-001 also shows on the statue’s left leg (viewer’s right). 

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch can be found extending from the bottom of the one of the date to below the tail of the second nine of the date.  Two die gouges can be found near the rim to the right of the lower last nine of the date.  Reverse:  A die scratch can be found extending from the upper E to the lower D of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-238  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Finger feeder damage can be found in the middle of the fifth memorial bay.  A die dent can be found below the right upright of the N of ONE at the rim.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the lower right side of the N of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found right of the lower N of CENT.  Feeder finger damage can be found below the memorial steps extending toward the N of CENT.   

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-239  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the upper first T of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found in the upper hair under the left side of the first T of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found in the middle of the first memorial bay.  A die gouge can be found on the upper second memorial column.  A die gouge can be found between the upper N and I of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is essentially identical to 1999 1¢ WDDR-244 but markers show this is definitively a different die.

1999 1¢ WDDR-240  

Description:  Bar extended from the bottom of the hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found within the lower O of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found left of the upper O of ONE just under the left memorial base.  Several die gouges can be found around the middle and lower portion of the upright of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the memorial base tip.  A die gouge can be found left of the upper F of FG.   

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-241  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die chip can be found below the lower I and B of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found within the upper N of IN.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the lower E of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower R of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-242  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper knee to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die chip can be found just in front of the lower point of the second 9 of the date.  Parallel die scratches extend to the northeast from Lincoln's nose.  Two parallel die scratches extend to the northeast from the bowtie.  A minute die gouge can be found below the right side of the upright of the first T of TRUST about two thirds of the way toward the hair.  A small die gouge can be found below the left side of the left upright of R of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found left of the upper L of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die scratch can be found below the right side of the O of ONE.  A die gouge can be found just above and right of the middle horizontal bar of the E of ONE.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper last memorial column at the level of the left leg of the second A of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-243  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Innumerable heavy die scratches run mostly WNW/ESE throughout the fields on the obverse.  Reverse:  A heavily abraded die clash is present in the lower fourth memorial bay.  Innumerable die scratches run mostly about horizontally throughout the memorial bays and below the memorial and through ONE CENT.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-244  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Innumerable heavy die scratches can be found running NNE/SSW throughout the obverse.  Multiple die scratches can be found above LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A heavily abraded die clash can be found in the fourth memorial bay.  Innumerable heavy die scratches can be found running WNW/ESE throughout the reverse.  A heavy die scratch can be found running through the top of the O of ONE.  A horizontal die scratch can be found above the EN of CENT.  A die gouge can be found above the left side of the N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found inside the upper U of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found between the upper N and I of UNITED.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is essentially identical to 1999 1¢ WDDR-239 but markers show this is definitively a different die.

1999 1¢ WDDR-245  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches can be found extending from the lower E of WE to the lower first T of TRUST.  A minute die gouge can be found left of the upper upright of the first T of TRUST.  A short vertical die scratch can be found below the B of VDB at the rim.  Reverse:  Two die scratches can be found extending from the top of the first S of STATES to the rim.  A short vertical die scratch can be found below the E of ONE and the C of CENT.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-040.

1999 1¢ WDDR-246  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the E of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found between the lower I and N of IN.  Two small die gouges can be found well above and between the last two nines of the date at the level of the lower and upper chin.  Reverse:  A die chip can be found at the left cornice.  Innumerable heavy die scratches run ENE/WSW throughout the right side memorial bays, lower left side memorial bays, under the memorial, and through ONE CENT.  A die clash can be found in the lower fourth memorial bay.  A small die gouge can be found left of the O of ONE.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  This die shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-247  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found within the lower U of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found right of the lower S of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found below the upright of the second T of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found well right of the lower second T of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found well above the B of VDB.  Reverse:  A die scratch can be found above the T of CENT.  Several small die gouges can be found right of the middle and lower T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found below the left memorial base.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  This die shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-248  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found in front of the front hair curl.  A small die gouge can be found just behind the head at the level of the lower ear and well above the right side of the Y of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Numerous multi-directional die scratches can be found in the memorial bays.  A die chip can be found on the middle-left side of the second column.  A die gouge can be found above the left side of the F of FG.  A die gouge can be found right of the upper F of FG near the rim.  A die gouge can be found touching the upper right side of the P of PLURIBUS.  A small die gouge can be found left of the lower P of PLURIBUS.  A gently curving die scratch runs from the upper left side of the first U of UNUM through the lower E of E PLURIBUS and up to the middle underside of the first S of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found inside the left side of the U of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found between the lower R and I of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found between the lower I and C of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found under the right side of the upper horizontal bar of the E of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found northwest of the left memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-249  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the middle of the leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found between and well above the B and E of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found below and between the D of GOD and W of WE a bit left of center.  A die gouge can be found to the left of Lincoln's bowtie.  Multiple die gouges can be found above and below the buttonhole on the lapel.  Reverse:  A die clash can be found in the lower fourth memorial bay.  Horizontal die scratches can be found through the memorial bays.  Horizontal die scratches can be found through PLUR of PLURIBUS.  A small die gouge can be found right of the middle of the L of PLURIBUS.  A die gouge can be found on the left side of the upright of the T of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-250  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A large die chip can be found in the lower first memorial bay.  A die gouge can be found touching the top of the bottom crossbar of the E of ONE.  A die gouge can be found between the upper A and M of AMERICA.   

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-251  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the N of IN.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below and between the D of UNITED and the first S of STATES.  A die gouge can be found below the right memorial base.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-252  

Description:  Bar extended from the top of the hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found far north of the right side of the last 9 of the date.  A die gouge can be found northeast of the last 9 of the date.  A die gouge can be found inside the lower U of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found under the U of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found below and between the S and T of TRUST.  A die crack runs northwest from the eyebrow along the forehead.  A die gouge can be found on the central jacket.  Reverse:  Several small die gouges can be found left of and inside the upper O of ONE.  A die gouge can be found between the lower N and T of CENT.  Feeder finger damage can be found within the upper last memorial bay.  Feeder finger damage can be found below the left memorial base extending to the top left side of the O of ONE.  Feeder finger damage can be found under the memorial base at the level of the sixth memorial column.  Feeder finger damage can be found under the right memorial base extending to the top of the T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found below the central N of UNITED.  A small die chip can be found on the left lower edge of the cornice with an associated die crack running north, ending in a small die chip just left of the upper cornice.  A die gouge can be found between the M and E of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  This die shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-253  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the Y of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found between the upper U and N of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found touching the bottom of the right memorial base.  Two die gouges show on the right memorial base, one just left of the middle bush and one on the left side of the middle bush.  A die scratch runs from the top of the O of ONE northeast to the memorial base.  A worn die gouge shows under the S of STATES.  A worn die gouge can be found right of the lower-mid N of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known





1999 1¢ WDDR-254  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the left of Lincoln's shoulder.  Reverse:  Several die gouges can be found below the right memorial base.  A die gouge can be found below and between the T and E of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-255 but markers show these are two different dies.

1999 1¢ WDDR-255  

Description:  Bar extended from the top of the hand to the upper leg to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found under the left side of the second nine of the date.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower left memorial base.  A small die gouge can be found touching the upper left side of the E of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found left of the lower E of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found right of the lower T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found touching the upper right side of the M of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found touching the middle of the underside of the second S of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the F of FG.  A small die gouge can be found left of the F of FG near the memorial base.  A small die gouge can be found above the right memorial base.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-254 but markers show these are different dies.  This die also shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-256  

Description:  Bar extended from below the shoulder to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found in the field to the left of Lincoln's shoulder.  A small die gouge can be found near the rim to the right of the upper R of TRUST.  A group of small die gouges can be found inside the lower last nine of the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the top of the right upright of the M of UNUM.  A die gouge can be found left of the lower-mid first column.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known


1999 1¢ WDDR-257  

Description:  Bar extended from the lower hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  Doubling from the doubled working hub WWHR-001 also shows on the statue’s left leg (viewer’s right).  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of bottom of the second nine of the date.  Several small die gouges can be found below IN.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found in memorial bay seven at the level of the statue’s head.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the lower right upright of the N of ONE.  A die gouge can be touching the left inside of the O of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found right of the lower N of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-258  

Description:  Bar extended from upper hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Multiple die gouges can be found around LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found between the upper E of WE and the first T of TRUST.  Reverse:  Multiple die gouges can be found around the T of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-259  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found well above the left and right side of the B of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found below the R of LIBERTY.  Several small die gouges can be found far below the right side of the R of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found well below and well left of the I of IN.  A small die gouge can be found above the second T of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die clash can be found in the lower fourth memorial bay.  A die clash can be found in the lower ninth memorial bay.  A die gouge can be found below the left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found touching the left side of the inside of the M of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found inside the lower left M of AMERICA.  A light die scratch runs directly south from the middle of the M of AMERICA.  A die crack extends north from the top left side E of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found well left of the memorial roof.  Several small die gouges can be found under the left dot and UN of UNUM.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-260  

Description:  Bar extended from the hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found between and below the U and S of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die crack can be found at the left cornice in the field.  A die gouge can be found within the upper A of STATES.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-261  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below and between the G and O of GOD.  An about vertical die scratch runs just to the east of Lincoln's nose.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the left upright of the N of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-262  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two small die gouges can be found above the left and right side of the E of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found on the jacket shoulder to the west of the lapel buttonhole.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found below the left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found left of the middle of the left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found below and between the D of UNITED and the S of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the lower R of AMERICA.  A minute die gouge can be found just right of the middle of the right cornice.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-263  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above and to the right of the last nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found far north of the last nine of the date at the level of the top of the chin.  Several small die gouges can be found in the field near the tip of the nose.  A die crack runs from the eyebrow northwest into the forehead and just into the hair.  A die gouge is present behind the hair at the lower head and upper neck.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found within the lower N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found below and to the right of the bottom of the E of CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper last memorial column.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-264  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the upper knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two die gouge can be found within the upper and lower last nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the Lincoln's lower ear.  Several die gouges can be found above and right of the Y of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found at the junction of the hair and forehead.  A die gouge can be found in front of the chin centered far above the 1 and 9 of the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the right side of the left upright of the N of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found under the right memorial base to the northwest of the T of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found above the right memorial base.  Several die gouges can be found right of the upper last memorial column.  A die gouge can be found between the middle of the M and E of AMERICA.  A small die gouge is found between and just below the E and last S of STATES.  A small die gouge is present above the left side of the right upright of the N of UNUM.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known







1999 1¢ WDDR-265  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found between the upper first and second nines of the date.  A die gouge can be found below the B of LIBERTY.  Several small die gouges can be found above the R of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found well above and to the left of the V of VDB.  Several die gouges are present left of the bowtie.  A small die gouge can be found under Lincoln’s ear.  A small die gouge can be found under the right side of the left upright of the N of IN.  Two small die gouges can be found well below and left of the I of IN.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found inside the lower N of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-266  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the D of GOD.  A die gouge can be found just above the left side of W of WE.  A die gouge can be found touching the left underside of the B of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found below the left side of the N of IN.  Multiple die gouges can be found northwest of the VDB.  Multiple die gouges can be found well below LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found well above the I of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A vertical die gouge can be found left of the first S of STATES near the rim.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-267 but markers show these are definitively different dies.  This die also shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 








1999 1¢ WDDR-267  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch can be found above the first T of TRUST extending toward the rim.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the left side of the second S of STATES.  A die gouge can be found below the right upright of the M of AMERICA.  A vertical die gouge can be found inside the upper M of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-266 but markers show these are definitively different dies.   The doubling on this die is also similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-275 but is positioned slightly further south.








1999 1¢ WDDR-268  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper hand to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found between the R and T of LIBERTY.  A die crack can be found running NNW from the eyebrow into the hairline.  A small die gouge can be found between the lower first and second nines of the date.  A small die gouge can be found below the second nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found in the field well right of Lincoln’s nose.  A die gouge can be found below the left side of the upright of the second T of TRUST.  A die crack runs on the left bust edge north to the first jacket fold.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below and between the I and T of UNITED.  A die chip can be found on the left cornice.  A die gouge can be found on the left upright of N of UNITED.  Several small die chips can be found right of the lower last memorial column.  A die gouge can be found above the right roof tip.  A die gouge can be found inside the lower left side of the M of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found left of the upper N of ONE.  A die gouge can be found below and right of the E of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found southwest of the P of PLURIBUS above and slightly left of the dot.  A small die gouge can be found directly southwest of the previous gouge well south of the left edge of the E of E PLURIBUS.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known






1999 1¢ WDDR-269  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found within the left side of the O of ONE.  Die gouges can be found to the left of the left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found between the U and N of UNUM.

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-270  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below and to the right of the second A of AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found just below the crossbar of the N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found on the right side of the second S of STATES.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-271  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Stage A: None noted.  Stage B:  A die gouge can be found within the center of the second nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the top of the last nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found under the I of LIBERTY.  A heavy die scratch runs from the right side of the B of VDB to the rim.  Reverse:  Stage A:  Small die gouges are present inside the O of ONE.  A large die gouge can be found at the rim under the upright of the E of ONE.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upright of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the lower left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found above the left memorial base at the level of the stylobate.  A die gouge can be found between the upper E and R of AMERICA.  Stage B:  The Stage A markers are still present.  The die gouge under E of ONE is more worn.  A small die dent is present at the rim left of the U of UNITED.  

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

Stage A:







Stage B:








1999 1¢ WDDR-272  

Description:  Bar extended from the upper arm to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the G of GOD.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found near the rim between the E of ONE and the C of CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper upright of the T of CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the T of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-273  

Description:  Bar extended from below the shoulder to the lower knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Several linear die gouges can be found below and inside the C of AMERICA.  Trail dies can be found on E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A die gouge is present to the right of the L of PLURIBUS.  Trail dies can be found on the T of CENT.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known







1999 1¢ WDDR-274  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the upper knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found well above the sixth memorial column on the lower roof.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the left memorial base.  A die gouge can be found below the left side of the E of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-275  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found below the B of LIBERTY.  Grouped die gouges can be found far above the Y of LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs NNE from the right side of the T of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found well above the R of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found on the right edge of Lincoln's nose.  Vertical die scratches can be found in the field in front of Lincoln’s face.  A die gouge can be found above and to the left and above the V of VDB.  A die gouge can be found well below the second nine of the date.  A small die gouge can be found between the bottom of the S and second T of TRUST.  Reverse:  Two die gouges can be found left of the bottom of U of UNITED.  A small die gouge touches the top of the F of FG.  A small die gouge can be found left of the F of FG.  A small die gouge can be found left of the upper O of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found inside the lower E of ONE.  A small die chip can be found on the lower upright of the F of OF.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  The doubling on this die is is similar to 1999 1¢ WDDR-267 but is positioned slightly further north.  This die also shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  A small die dot shows above the left side of N in UNUM.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-276  

Description:  Bar extended from the elbow to the middle of the knee to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Two die gouges can be found above and between the E and R of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found well below the left side of the R of LIBERTY.  Two die gouges can be found well above the right side of R of LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found between the U and S of TRUST.  Reverse:  A die crack extends from the rim through the right memorial base.  A die crack can be found on the left cornice.  A die gouge can be found under the left side of the upright of T of UNITED.  A die clash can be seen in the lower ninth memorial bay.  Heavy die scratches can be found running ENE/WSW through the lower ninth, tenth, and eleventh memorial bays and below the memorial base including through ONE CENT.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-277  

Description:  Bar extended from below the shoulder to the upper hand to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die crack extends NNW from Lincoln's eyebrow.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the crossbar of the N of CENT.  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the C of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-278  

Description:  Bar extended from shoulder to the lower hand to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower bust well below the second nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the first nine of the date.  Three die gouges can be found in the field far to the right of the lips, two above the second nine of the date and the third above the third nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found well left of and below the I of IN.  A small die gouge can be found above the right side of the T of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found touching the lower left side of the E of ONE.  A die gouge can be found below the R of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found on the memorial base below the second memorial column.  A die gouge can be found at the rim south of the right memorial base tip.   

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known  

Comments:  This die shows the 1998 1¢ reverse hub markers.  Though a significant portion of the dies in 1998 had these present, only a few dies in 1999 used this reverse.  Two parallel diagonal die scratches are present at the top of memorial bay 8.  Diagonal die scratches are present on the lower left side of the roof. 

1999 1¢ WDDR-279  

Description:  Bar extended from below the shoulder to the hand to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower bust far below the second nine of the date.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower N of ONE.  A die gouge can be found below and between the D of UNITED and the first S of STATES.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known

1999 1¢ WDDR-280  

Description:  Bar extended from lower head to the upper hand to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge shows well south of the left side of the second nine in the date.  A die gouge shows left of the bottom of the first T in TRUST.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the U of UNITED.  A linear die gouge can be found to the right of the upper A of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found below the left side of the upright of the second T of STATES.  A die gouge can be found touching the inside of the left upright of the M of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Steve Young  

Cross References:  None known


1999 1¢ WDDR-281  

Description:  Bar extended from the top of the head to the elbow to the right of the statue on the seventh column.  

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found below the first nine of the date.  A die gouge can be found left of the lower S of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found left of the lower second T of TRUST.  A die gouge can be found below and between the L and I of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found above the right memorial base.  A die gouge can be found within the lower U of UNITED.  A die gouge can be found to the left of the upper R of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the I of AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found left of the lower C of AMERICA.  

Submitted By:  Daniel Griffin  

Cross References:  None known








1999 1¢ WDDR-001 to WDDR-100

1999 1¢ WDDR-101 to WDDR-200